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This personal waterfall shows you all of KatieMarie's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

That's not very christian like. I am christian, and i do not like the idea of the mosque being built, but i wouldn't torch it. Using the christian point of view, you should respect others religions even if you dont like them.

1 point

People either love to hate you or love to love you. Either way they love you

1 point

Haha tookie was there when i had nevaeh. He stood there holding my hand the whole time until it was time to push. He looked and seen the baby's head crown then he passed out.

1 point

I do it on the comp and when im texting. instead of saying 'i like eggs' sometimes it comes out 'I likE EGGS' i hate when i do that

1 point

They like to look and make comments. Most girls dont hear them, but you learn how to listen for them. You can also read a guy by how they look at you. You can tell if they want to take you to meet their mom or if they want a one nighter. Men are not going to stop looking. And i hope they don't.....

2 points

I am still young and I like to have fun. But i had to grow up quick. When you have to take care of your younger siblings because your mom wont, you tend to grow up.

1 point

haha. when i read this i laughed and tasted vomit at the same time

2 points

Thats really nifty. make a kool aid powder in one were all you have to do is add water. make sure its extra sweet tho. n i wudd buy one

2 points

I've been following his, or at least i think its a he, for several months now. I love 'his' work. I really wish we knew who the person was, not who they think he is. But then again he would be arrested for art terrorism if we knew who he was. Art terrorism? Hmmm..... that's a weird reason for a warrant. lolz

1 point

To tell the truth, i have never read a comic book in my life. Never seen a "real" comic book either

1 point

I can cook almost anything in a microwave. My favorite is tortillas and cheese with some hot sauce

1 point

very true hun. i never thought of it like that (fill up space)

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