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This personal waterfall shows you all of MKIced's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

So we have a law that says that conservatives cannot have an abortion and another law that says that liberals can have all the abortions they want.

Newsflash!! No one is forcing anyone to have an abortion! I know it's very difficult to believe, but it's true- if you don't want one because you're morally opposed to them, you don't have to have one!


2 points

They're undocumented immigrants, not "illegal aliens"; they're still human beings and deserve a modicum of respect, especially since they're the ones who do all the jobs we're too good for, like housekeeping and landscaping. How about instead of rounding them up like animals, we make it easy for them to naturalize?

1 point

I don't think that'll be a problem since I'm never going to have a wife but sure ok. :p

MKIced(2511) Clarified
2 points

When they move out ;)

In all seriousness, I'd say birth because a parasite is by definition "an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense." I would never support such a late term abortion, however, because at a certain point the fetus can feel pain and can sense the world.

MKIced(2511) Clarified
1 point

it is its own entity.

I just want to point out that under that reasoning, a parasite is also its own entity. And so is a tumor.

MKIced(2511) Clarified
2 points

I'm not saying the foster care system is perfect nor is it a disaster. I'm just saying there are children still awaiting adoption and it's irresponsible to just dump more and more kids into that system.

1 point

There are already too many children waiting to be adopted. They grow up in foster care going from home to home and never have a true childhood like the rest of us because a lot of them never feel the true love of a parent.

And you want to add to that?

I'm not sure why you so adamantly want to defend something with no brain activity and no beating heart. Sure it has the potential to become a baby, but an apple seed has the potential to become an apple tree and cutting down a tree is much different that destroying a seed.

2 points

Disagreement between scientists is one of the best parts about the scientific community. We challenge each other on the knowledge we don't yet know so that we can find the answers and advance scientific knowledge. If I hypothesize something and everyone agrees with me without proof, am I really going to go out of my way to prove it? Maybe, maybe not.

1 point

There are some good Christians, but there are also some bad ones. I mean, the Westboro Baptist Church is really evil and so is the KKK. Honestly, I'm not sure how to tell the difference between these groups and the "good" Christians, so maybe we should just shoot them all and let God decide.

And before you say anything about my argument above... Yes, this is exactly how you sound, so I hope you're just being sarcastic.

2 points

There are a lot of poor people who work exceptionally hard. And generations ago, it was much easier (financially) to get an education and advance your career. Today, students need to rack up 6 figures in student loans with high interest rates just to get a bachelors degree. And if we don't go to college, we're looked at as lazy.

It's really frustrating for our generation, in fact. Older generations tell us we will never amount to anything if we don't go to college, so we enroll and work hard for 4 years (or more if you go to grad school). We accrue huge loans that continue to increase each year and become burdened with repaying them after we graduate. And when we seek employment, the very generation that basically guilts us into school pays us the bare minimum!

2 points

Proof against intelligent design in humans:

We breath through the same passage that we swallow water and food leading to a very obvious choking hazard with only the epiglottis separating air from food.

Male nipples.

The human appendix has almost no use.

As do the tonsils.

Wisdom teeth.

And this is just off the top of my head.

1 point

Of course! I only just turned 21. Why wouldn't I still celebrate? :)

1 point

I disagree. ;)


1 point

I'd be more than happy to take 1000 points off your hands. ;)

5 points

I agree with comedian Steve Byrne's idea... Mexicans want to come to America because we tempt them by putting a state right on the border called New Mexico. So what we have to do is annex Canada and rename it Newer Mexico. They'll go right through our county in search of the newest and most exciting version of their country. ;)

2 points

Well I agree that a human life has a certain value to it that can be represented in money. However, I don't think it's humanly possible to put a price on a life. There's just so many factors, like dependents, purchases, value of the body, etc that would make it almost impossible to do this.

1 point

I'm having a really tough time finding a summer job. I went to this one local restaurant today because my mom said she saw a Help Wanted sign, but they already filled the position. I'm sure if a lot of illegal immigrants are deported, it would allow legal citizens, who pay taxes, to find jobs

1 point

I guess we'd be playing God, but I bet we can do it.

All we need is for some form of archeabacteria to begin to thrive on the planet. I'm sure they'd just need a water source and some basic nutrients and then they'd be off. The only problem is that there's no reason for doing this. The Martian atmosphere is much different than ours. Their high amounts of CO2 would be great for early life, which would most likely use it to photosynthesize. However, they have a thin atmosphere and I''m not entirely sure life would thrive because of this. Also, there's not reason for us to spend money on this. If we were able to successfully put life on Mars, then the planet would still not be livable or useful for billions of years. It would take that long for enough oxygen to accumulate to support aerobic organisms.

1 point

I consider an African American to be someone in America that is of recent African descent. This means that a person immigrated to America after being a citizen of any African nation. A black person who has been living in America for quite some time, however, is not African American anymore, just black. I don't consider myself German American or European American because my ancestors have all been in the states since the early 1900's/late 1800's. Therefore, I am only American with German descent.

There's no sense in calling someone African American if he or she has no significant ties with Africa, especially if he or she is only called African American based on skin color.

1 point

I look at examples. I know that sharing stories of specific examples doesn't encompass everyone, but this is interesting.

My mom works (for the moment) in a poor, Hispanic town in the school district. She is a social worker/crisis counselor and is currently working in the high school, where she has to try and keep 18-year-old freshmen (in high school) from dropping out and where she deals with a lot of what goes on in special ed. One thing she's noticed is the family situation in that town. Many of the parents aren't there for their children and that's why they end up insane and my mom has to take care of them. They are in a hole, living in poor neighborhoods and living below the poverty line, but they don't try to get jobs (not all of them). Many of the parents just accept government assistance in a town without taxes even! And the students try to drop out because they'd rather have an easy life in a gang than think logically in school. But this demographic isn't the only one that uses the government.

My brother has a friend in my town. My town is not a poor town; there are some poorer sections of town, but on the whole, it's a nice town. His friend lives in a moderately sized home with his parents. But he's my brother's age, right around 26. I could understand if he had graduated from an expensive college and couldn't find a job, but that's not the case. He went to community college and isn't actively searching for a job. But he doesn't need to! That's because his mother and father receive assistance from the government. Nobody in the family works, but they have enough money to buy a nice home and stock it with an entire wall of DVDs, a basement of memorabilia, and video games! People who need the government should be buying these things. And the funny thing is, his next door neighbors are also all on disability and don't work. I bet the parents in the other family could go back to work in an office or something, but for some reason (laziness of immaturity, I'm sure), they don't.

1 point

Well it's not hard to deliver these three promises. Hope is figurative and many Americans are hopeful for various reasons at any time. Change is almost inevitable; I wouldn't expect a liberal democrat to keep everything the same after 8 years with a conservative republican. And Americans are pretty unified regardless. We have very strong pride for our nation, as a whole.

1 point

Lots of giftcards! haha. I like the cash..... and....

CONGRATS!!! :D My sister got engaged just before the Christmas season back in 2007.

1 point

Sure you can have a worthless device! haha. The main reason I got a new one was that the old one had a battery of about 2 songs. I would literally listen to not even 2 full songs and the battery would already be dead.

1 point

I got the ONLY thing I wanted: An iPod touch. :D My old iPod was a nano from 2004 or 2005. I forget exactly which year because it's been so long!

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