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Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point
Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point
Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

That was the most eloquently worded series of bullshit that I've read in a long time.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

I know you meant Viagra but fans of the Matrix will be impressed with your unintentional implication.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

Aside from the fact this term 'baby shoe' extends to toddler and to babies that are able to crawl, the feet are highly sensitive to cold and the entire baby's body can become blue and shivering solely from foot exposure if the country is cold enough.

1 point

You have a point if the meaning of life is truly to mindlessly enjoy it and ignore all other's needs and wants or intellectual pursuits at the sake of immediate enjoyment.

Many, many people out there agree with you on that being the ultimate meaning of life. John Lennon is a prominent figure who promoted this as a philosophy; being happy is the ultimate thing to aim for at any cost.

This idea is something that most devout online debaters do indeed disagree with. We prefer a balance between how much we enjoy life and how much we care about the world, universe and even humans and non-human animals as a whole.

You may then say 'why talk,you're not really changing anything' but if we don't talk about it not only will we not increase awareness, the most important thing is we won't know if we have the correct ideology or not.

0 points

You, joecavalry, are part of the problem. You are basically third place in the scale of the most shallow poster of the website; in First Place is Outlaw and in Second Place is Brontoraptor. The place is not based on who literally is the most shallow but who is OFTEN AND CONSISTENTLY shallow in posting, blatantly wanting to get a giggle, a site-point and a rise out of the opponent rather than a possible motive relating to debating and/or understanding ideas.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

You just did suggest that, no need to ask if you might.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

Without shepherds, do you need to kill the sheep?

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

Not all of them, just the dangerous ones. The rest must deconvert.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

End of the line, kid. You are a Jew-hating sheep of the 'anti-Illuminati' propaganda set up by the Real Illuminati. Israel is not the enemy, that is why the media is against them.

Yes, somewhat this is also true for Trump. I admit that but it's less true and he has a lot more media supporting him, when compared to Israel.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

State it and the reasoning behind it.

1 point

Absolutely fucking agree on this one matter. Islam must be eradicated, brutally until they understand not to fuck with us. I am not joking, I know real Sharia Law and am not an idiot who thinks all Muslims are terrorists. I know the real fucking Qur'an, the solid real-deal Hadith, I know true Islam don't fucking tell me I am a judgemental hypocrite, I AM NOT!

I know Islam and it makes me sick to my stomach to think it could take over the world some day.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

Big girl panties are gay, and you are acting like an unhinged, over dramatic little smurf. Put on your white beanie on.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

Shut up you utter joke of a user. You think you are so funny but no, you are NOT!

Blue is the superior regime and you don't even know what you are speaking.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
0 points

I agree with you on many here but do I qualify as this?

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
2 points

Have some upvotes, my Minti Mamoola. <3

4 points

Nom, you are the site's biggest implementer of ad hominem there is, has been or will be. I have never seen another user use insults as the actual strengthening or punchline part of the argument as often as you do it.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
2 points

you do it to me a lot.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

One was a 14 year old but the rest, all men.

The most famous one that was published when it all got blown up was the 14 year old though.

Also it was more than just groping but that's the point I'm trying to make, sexual harassment is disgusting when you have power over the other career-wise.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

How is that a dispute to my question?

1 point

Do you know of the Kevin Spacey scandals?

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

And so he then is?

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

I will ask you why you think that not why you know it. You know a lie.

1 point

this is incorrect, you do not inherently need to upset all trolls. I side with you and bronto against Nom and FM quite often, that's called strategy.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

If I was I would have told Andy. I am not the person I used to be. I said 2 and it was clear I meant 2 and then you said 'no you meant 10'.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

I am pretty sure 2 = 2.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

I do know your alt accounts but you seemed to think that I was saying you had less points than me overall. I was comparing you to Nom/FM.

There is honor among trolls, and that honor is to not fuck with other trolls if you don't want backlash.

I don't identify myself as a troll I identify myself as an apex predator of trolls. None can troll me and all trolls can't help but get mad while trying to make me mad.

I was the only banned user to actively fight trolls in what I did. The reason I got banned was at first point farming but later on was an anti-troll thing I did. I won't say what.

I was never one to stand for the putrid stuff the trolls of this site post and am entirely against it.

1 point

but I said 2 different types.

1 point

Yes to the first 3.

He seems to only care about the communist trolls.

2 points

There are 10 types of people on this planet.

Those that know binary and those that will ask about the other 1000 types.

1 point

What's funny is Atrag calls him Prodigee in this thread. I was literally so efficient, nvm I can't show off. Don't dare to call such an inefficient, non-sneaky point farmer Prodigee. That's dirt compared to the way I did it.

I admire his work ethic though. I reported it to Andy and Andy said it was fine according to him.

1 point

Some Alex Jones support of what Fox News said. ;)

1 point

Some fake News ;)

1 point

I suck up to Andy and you suck up to Nomenclature.

In fact according to you being friendly towards someone you like is 'sucking up' so I basically suck up to every user who is not on my enemies list. Do I need to agree with someone's entire outlook on politics to befriend them? You're a maniac who thinks friendship has to revolve around total agreement.

1 point

You're here to trespass on private internet property and post vile shit more putrid and less good in quality than that which Andy wipes off of his ass.

1 point

I will not be eating my own dick no matter what you think you're ordering me to do (you don't have the authority to order anything, not even a burger form McDonald's you broke communist trashbag in human form).

Watch your mouth little boy in a man's body. xD

1 point

I do not care what label you give me, furthermore I do not care what you say I actually do want either.

To me it's like a little kid saying 'you wrong daddy' and fucking up every time he doesn't follow my advice and realising that as long as he sticks to his current outlook and temperament he will remain a penniless idiot banned from every site, fired from every workplace, preaching that it's ok to be broke and pathetic on the Internet on the daily as he fantasises he's in an RBE.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
0 points

You have belief in your thought process and faith in your memories and brain chemistry emotionally to maintain itself optimally.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

Do you know Objectivism is the name of the most right-wing philosophy in the entire political spectrum? xD Learn your terms and come back to me.

Your version of 'objectivism' is impossible to achieve.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

Your list is based on a faulty brain's outlook on the matter.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
0 points

I would like to see people who are rude beaten into politeness unless the rudeness is due to depression or some other underlying issue than sadism and toxicity. I don't personally want to kill those who disagree with me in itself at all.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
0 points

What the fuck is an objectivist? You can't escape your subjective outlook xD

Also that's a lie about my rap taste. You're a moron. Snow tha product is the most beautiful rapper but minaj can slay her any day.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

Just because we are similar doesn't meant you're remotely on my level you worthless joke of a banned user. You're scum beneath the worst of the worst of this site's historic list of notorious users. I'm on top of the food chain both on that list and list of genuine users if we consider quality and intellect.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
-1 points

I'll let you know when your opinion matters to me.

Most of the time I feel you're either lying or stupid and it's getting tiring to see you play nice with me like right now and next minute telling me a ton of insults and how you want to kill me.

1 point

I am yes, and you're that guy that spammed 10 irrelevant videos to the debate without a single positive contribution to it to deserve the ban. ;)

1 point

If that works as well for you as sex with another human, you're a lonely individual indeed.

1 point

On one account alone, yes it's you.

1 point

Kanye should spend a month in the life of a Syrian citizen back when chemical weapons were being used and police brutality was normal. :)

2 points

It was the Amazon AI that had the 'zero zero zero...' response.

Cortana is a brilliantly designed Microsoft AI, inferior only to Google Assistant in accuracy of comprehending idioms and strange accents.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

I just saw the video, LOL

1 point

Google is superior in this, Alexa has some bias in her replies.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

I never claimed to have proof that I'm concerned about black people.

1 point

The Confederate States were extremely conservative in their ideology. The fact their enemy was named Republican doesn't prove that either side was Democrats.

1 point

The Confederate States were extremely conservative in their ideology. The fact their enemy was named Republican doesn't prove that either side was Democrats.

1 point

If it's obligated, that's not showing concern.

1 point

If it's obligated, that's not showing concern.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

He only has so much by not giving it away.

0 points

The Confederate States were not Democrats. Try again, troll.

2 points

Of course, of course, The Democrats don't own them, Trump and his KKK-descendant gang of racist bigoted 1%ers are what should own their vote instead. :)

1 point

It is completely hypocritical to enjoy rape happening to a rapist. You can think it's justice but don't laugh and enjoy it.

1 point

Bust a ni## head and then I lay low,

These ni##as' ass-water, get the Drano.

Like I don't owe nobody... I guess I don't!
1 point

I'm a very calm and aggressive individual. I time my aggression extremely well and feel much calmer than my opponent when doing it because I've thought through what they will do in return and how I will then react to that.

To anger me, you need to not only shock me consistently (which never happens to me anymore) but you need to be better at predicting me than I am you and I am one hard person to predict.

You can do what you want, you can prod as you like, I am not the old me and never will be again. I am a calm, disciplined ninja warrior who can take on the best at emotional warfare but I was not always this way I admit that.

1 point

You are most likely referring to alertness which is linked to mild anxiety. Anxiety is good in moderation as it is found in all high achievers that their brains are higher in natural anxiety than the average human but not by so much that it cripples their ability to sleep well and function.

1 point

Women in close quarters hormonally sync cycles with one another, being almost identical after 3 months together.

The way it happens is the later ones have it earlier and earlier as when women near them have periods, their sweat gives off an odd smell (not body odour, a more subtle smell that is similar in nature to pheromones but not sexual). The later period-haver has it earlier and earlier and by the third month will sync cycles with the one who had it earliest out of the group of women. The more women in a group, the longer it takes because at first different women will sync to different earlier women's cycles.

1 point

You are lying.

1 point

In which country is this?

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
2 points

Case in point. ;)

1 point

It's more like the one who stays angry the longest and lets it boil over into pure rage loses. I know because I lost to Hellno and his crew in the past by lashing out with my powers, powers that terrified even the admin of the site as I did what he thought impossible.

I regret my actions, I regret my anger. I am a calm guy now, still aggressive but in a calm and collected way. Try to anger me and you're the one walking away raging.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

How does that disprove what I said?

1 point

If marriage wasn't legally binding and helped with tax and will arrangements upon death, there'd be nothing making it more valid than a non-marriage relationship and weddings would be rendered moot.

1 point

No, the sequel wouldn't be a phase in that movie's existence.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
2 points

The end if a movie is the end of all phases in the movie's storyline.

1 point

Biden would have good relations with the ref and judge panel.

Trump would be disqualified the moment he opened his anus shaped mouth.

1 point

A dead fetus is no longer a phase.

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