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This personal waterfall shows you all of MuckaMcCaw's arguments, looking across every debate.

I don't think you know what Liberals are. You are a Buddhist, you support pro-choice and gay rights...Over here that would make you a lefty.

Sounds like somebody has been watching Snowpiercer lately.

True. In DC cannon, only a handful of others are better fighters (Bronze Tiger, Lady Shiva, Richard Dragon, and a few enhanced fighters like Deathstroke).

That said, Superman has mastered a Kryptonian fighting style and has been trained by Batman himself, so he's not a poor fighter.

Iron Man has had some training from Captain America and Hawkeye, but is still primarily reliant on his armor.

See? Arguing to argue. Namecalling to make yourself feel better. Twice my age but half my maturity level. Do you even remember our initial point of contention here? You calling me out for not voting while at the same time calling voting useless? I don't claim to have an especial amount of wisdom. I simply claim to make more sense than you do. And where have I sided with what is popular. I'm an atheist in America. An American who doesn't believe in democracy. I'm rarely on the popular side of any standpoint. Try again you witless nit.

I never had any credibility with you because I never say what you want to hear.

No, its because you caught yourself in a linguistic trap and are too much the fool to realize it. I'm not even sure what your point is anymore, and I doubt you are either. Just arguing to argue at this point. And failing even at that low goal.

Imagine Jabba the Hutt's toilet. Or maybe there is just a giant hole cut out on his throne that leads down to the Rancor pit...

Go anywhere and everywhere until you find something you like. The more you practice, the easier it will be. I've been writing electronic music for years now, and most of my work is still rooted in a succession of happy accidents.

That would be a pretty shitty thing to do, man.

2 points

Not so shabby for just messing around. Sound quality needs serious cleaning up, but that little snippet made me curious where the song was gonna go.

2 points

Surely even you realize you just set yourself up to lose. If you vote, your being a hypocrite, if you don't, you are the same "whiney bitch" I am. You just killed any credibility in this argument. Not that you ever had any with me to begin with.

Also, you made a sexist statement along the way. Quite the winner we have here.

As usual, your statements are hyper-simplified and exaggerated. But as it turns out, no, I don't vote.

If a request is made of me, I expect good reasons for it.

If God makes a request, I'm sure he would have outstanding reasons, but I'd need to see them first.

Not to mention the whole "hey, could you prove to me you are God?" thing followed by the "if you are God, what the heck are you doing choosing a nobody like me" thing.

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