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NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Why will you be on the side against God, making yourself part of the negativity? You probably think you are one of the good guys and not one of the evil people you are blaming God for allowing to exist, yet you stand against God which is the essence of evil as your stance holds you in chains of death, the evil is going against you. God can and will set you free if you will stop opposing Him which is only going against your own life.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

To love is a choice, love and freedom are two sides of the same coin, God loves you and gives you freedom to choose your own way over His way. You can walk away from Him or you can draw near to Him. To say you can't choose to love God is only saying you won't love God.....and how can you experience His love if you are trying to blame Him for giving you the choice of going your own way?

I would be afraid of dying if I did not know I had found God's peace. I don't like pain and have plenty of it, but I have joy knowing what is ahead for me when the sufferings are over. In the middle of pains, sufferings, sorrows I still have joy that makes me jump and shout thanksgiving and praise to God who loved me before I knew Him when I scoffed at His law and spit in His face.

Real Christians may seem as you say, stupid, but they are forgiven and know God's love while in thankfulness they do what they can to honor him with their lives. You can know God's love if you will....and there's that thing about "will", free will, again.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Well, I guess you want to see God as being bad, that is your to you He will always seem bad. You're wrong, He is right, but you don't have to see it that way. God loves you.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Uriney, you're a foul mouth punk and you must be stupid if you think I"m going to read your filth.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

In reality there is not enough of them. Take a way a few million fake votes and there is even less. The protesters are the most mindless and least productive segment of society, they are being told that what they are doing is important and they believe it....they sure have nothing better to do, bunch of sponging losers.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Atrag says he lives in Spain or some place like that.....funny how people like him think they know something about America. The same lame brain media which turns libs into mindless robots here is successful in doing the same thing all around the globe.....always pushing for a one world government which will be ruled by the Anti Christ.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

I doubt that they are paying taxes now, don't see why they would pay them if they leave the country. Most of those people a sponging off the govt. and have no clue about what is going on in the country or in the world.

1 point

Who cares? They are free to leave the country. .

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

I think Trump will do a good enough job of showing his accomplishments and changes in our nation affected by his leadership so the goofy mindless protesters will become a smaller and smaller fringe group and eventually their chaotic expressions will shrink into oblivion of cease completely in embarasment in light of the positive easily shown effects of Trumps leadership.

Last time I looked at the news, Trump was winning the praise of union and auto union leaders. That's a huge slice of the democratic obstruction. Trump is going to bring back jobs, a lot of those jobs will be union jobs and the democrats are silently sobbing in their closets seeing how they are losing control.

I really don't care much for politics and don't talk about it much for reasons I have stated, I do not have real trust and confidence in any politician who does not take a Biblical stand against sin and bear the heat of those who hate God....and I know of not one politician today that I can respect for taking a Biblical stand and approach in polity.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

I have to say I agree with most of what WBC teaches and preaches, it's simply that at times they seem to fail in respecting the laws regarding peaceful assembly and I think they have gotten away with skirting those laws a little. I see nothing wrong with shouting at a person who is obviously on their way to Hell to tell them they are on their way to Hell. They need to wake up and see where they are going. We do have laws which limit how close you can stand to a person as you shout at them and things like that....but still, the activities of WBC are nothing compared to the methods, tactics, and actions of groups who try to tell us that burning a US flag is freedom of's treason and anybody who does it on US soil should spend a year or five in prison. WBC is simply a poster child of people who are far worse in their tactics than WBC, they try to paint anybody who is a Bible Believing Christian as what they claim is a stereotype fruitcake....and those people at WBC are not fruitcakes, they are not evil, they are not harming society and they are not hurting anybody or causing any damage to property. The double standard is unrealistic and ridiculous when people try to paint WBC as being the same as the modern day anarchist perverts who want to shove their fifth down everybody's throats.

When I see Donald Trump turn into a Bible believing child of God like myself unafraid to stand up and say Jesus is the Savior and the Bible is the unfailing word of God, then maybe I will think he can really be something special...for now, I sure am glad he is in there and not Hillary. A lot of people like myself believe God raised up Trump to secure a little more time of leadership for the USA in the world as we are the only hindrance to total pandemonium breaking out as the Muslims, Chi-coms, and Ruskies vie for world domination. I'll always vote Republican as the lesser of two evils. Democrats want to destroy America, Republicans appreciate the blessings that come with fighting to be free....but beyond all that there is still a plan actively seeking a one world government which will be ruled by the Anti Christ when Christians are taken out of the world. Only two things hold back evil from destroying the world...politically it is conservatives who love freedom, and spiritually it is the people of God in whom His Spirit dwells....and when God's people are taken up out of this world, then great tribulation as never seen on Earth is going to break out.

The message will be repetitious as it is the message for the age we are in, the gospel of God in Jesus Christ who conquered death so all who will trust in Him can be saved from it. You can say it does not seem to be an effective message if you do not feel affected....I know hundreds, maybe a thousand, personally whose lives have been wonderfully and beautifully changed in ways so amazing that unbelievers cannot deny but have to invent their own false stories to explain the change. I am one of those so affected and I know it's good for me and good for anybody who will hear and believe. Why people don't want the good news is really not mysterious, but it is sad.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

I was a football fan up until around 1994 I guess. I watched the super bowls mostly for the commercials when my favorite team was not in the game. I no longer indulge in entertainments which support or endorse sinful behaviors. Football in itself is just a game, morally neutral or even good for what it is like a gun. It becomes evil when it is idolized and vast sums of money lead to vast amounts of corruption.

A buddy of mine who seems to be of similar build as yours took the martial arts training with me. That was almost thirty years ago and they guy now sports a lot of flab...yet he loves to water ski and surprised a bunch of people who watched him as he bumped into a short stump when he was walking and talking and not paying attention and he gracefully jumped into the air and came down with dive a shoulder roll back onto his feet with a smile and a gleam in his eye....just enough training so that in emergencies the training kicks in automatically. I say God put war in my bones because he had a plan for my life when some street punks wanted to play desiring to kill or maim me. I made a bit of a legend of myself but I was blacked out and it took a long time before I remembered what happened. It really doesn't take a lot of training to come in useful in emergencies....the Army packs it in to two weeks of boot camp...

My posts may be long at times, but I think they are read by the people I intend them to be read by and often by others. I enjoy writing and it bothers me that so few people like myself who know God Himself took their place in death and are forgiven by Him as He conquered death and lives offering forgiveness to all who repent and believe on bothers me that so few of those people are able to put up a competent discussion against the lies and rhetorical training inspired by religions including atheism/naturalism. It often becomes me against everybody else and I know Jesus is with me so I'm not alone. In His day, they tried to get him to tone down his message, they tried to get him to conform to the religious rulers, and they hated Him and crucified Him in fear of losing the control they had over society. He said that if I follow Him they will hate me the same as they hated Him, I should expect it and not be surprised or dismayed. Your suggestion that I "find a more compelling presentation other than proclaiming my beliefs are true" falls right in line with the people who persecuted and eventually murdered Jesus Christ. They felt like killing Him proved He was ineffective...and it worked...for three days.

NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Sir, I'm giving you all the respect I can. I do not respect your beliefs as they are based on lies and I am trying, for your own good, to get you to see that your beliefs are irrational.

How can I hold back from trying to tell people they can be saved from Hell when I know they have one foot in the grave and one foot on thin ice melting over the fire of Hell after the Savior saved me who deserves to be in the fire they are falling into? How can I hold back? That would be like standing at the scene of an overturned vehicle with four people inside hanging upside down from their seat belts and watching as fire spread and killed them instead of diving in through a broken side window to release their seat belts and get them out while there is still time. People who hold beliefs like yours push those beliefs as combatant against the truth, because they are desperate to convince themselves that their lives are justified and dying is okay. Some people actually want to be sure that the fire will not burn them and I want to see them get out of the vehicle they are in before it bursts into flames.

I do not mean to make you feel berated for your beliefs but your beliefs are irrational. I would much rather have you feel that I actually care about you but you are too busy fighting against reality hoping to be exonerated in death so you feel I'm trying to put you down by saying you cannot justify your life. I cannot justify my life, I am a sinner who deserves to die and burn in Hell, I know the evil things I have done and how I am prone to do evil when I know better and how I fail to do right when I know I should do it. I'm simply being honest.

Until you are saved from Hell, there really is only one subject for you. If you don't want to hear it, you'll probably spare yourself discomfort by not reading my stuff.

My political views are Biblical. My world and life view is Biblical. Sadly I do not believe we will have righteousness in any government short of the time when Jesus Christ returns bodily in person and overturns the governments of this world and sits as the King of the Earth ruling the world in righteousness from Mt. Zion....yet I still uphold and live by the laws of the land as long as those laws do not prevent me from doing what God says I should do or not doing what God says I should not do. The law of the land permits abortion, I am firmly against any violence against abortion clinics or their employees, the law permits peaceable assembly and free speech in which I strongly support vocal and active attempts to speak against abortion. I believe from what little I know that the actions of groups like Westborogh Baptist Church fail to respect laws against disorderly conduct but I'm not sure about that. As far as I know they have not been prosecuted successfully and whatever line of decorum they may be crossing, those lines are crossed much worse with impunity by leftist radical individuals and mobs... It's pretty obvious that the world is near the end and time is short. Jesus is coming back. I am for all laws which uphold Biblical morality, I am against all laws that allow for anything less than Biblical morality. I'll always vote Republican as the lesser of two evils though I have little confidence in them to win the favor of God that He should spare America from falling under judgement for her sins.

I don't care who wins the Superbowl. I do not pay money to watch people play games. I like to play competitive games and sports myself, I've had some martial arts training, I respect and appreciate our police for putting their lives on the line to suppress evil forces and I am a soldier at heart who would have proudly fought on the front line of Afghanistan hunting Bin Laden if they had not told me I was too old at 42. I feel a strong kinship with military people who stand to protect my freedom and the freedom of my people. I personally know several decorated military heroes of various ranks. Greater love than this has no man, that a man would lay down his life for his friends....but God proved His love for us in that while we were His enemies He died for us. I believe there is all kinds of corruption and secret deals going on which bring wars, with some elites who actually want the wars as pawn moves in which they are trying to establish a one world government which ultimately will be the seat of the Anti-Christ exactly as told by the Bible thousands of years ago. The world stage is being set and falling in line so precisely as foretold by the Bible thousands of years ago that it amazes me that people can somehow manage to not see reality, not believe the Bible, not believe Jesus is God the Savior who is coming back and will reclaim and restore the world to the glory He created it for when Heaven and Earth will be one.

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