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Soraya's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Soraya's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes, equallity for all. But i belive it is really bad for instance, Your child goes into a bathroom by them selves a guy dresses up as a woman, goes into the bathroom, abducts,rape,kidnaps your child. What they are saying is not to ban transgeender people it is to take away the bad people from haveing a chance same for little boys. The same thing can happen to them too, like a crazy woman dress ups as a guy and does bad things to your little boy. If you are a trans person go befor you go out and if you have to go out again and pee/poop go to the single used bathrooms. Just know your un-band thing is just another way for predators to kill/kidnap/rape other people! Bad things haooen all the time.

Soraya(23) Clarified
1 point

NO not at all it was made for a reason. FOR RELIGION I'm a Mormon and i read both but, if you don't like it just ignore it and dint say all religions should just die!

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