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SpiritOfWank's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of SpiritOfWank's arguments, looking across every debate.


I would totally bang an alien. I'm actually serious about that. It would be cool to be the first man to have sex with an alien.

2 points

Both are Marxists.

Shut up you subhuman worthless piece of trash. Do you have some sort of deranged paraphilia for completely inverting the truth? The Rothschilds and Soros thrive on capitalism and take advantage of it in every way possible. You know what your problem is? Do you know why I can't take you seriously as a living organism and view you as a sub-sentient speck of filth upon the face of the earth? It's because you whole heartedly support the very system that keeps you under the thumb of people like Soros, yet you accuse him of being the very thing which was designed to remedy everything that gives people like him power and avoid it like the plague. I want to cut your fingers off, shove them up your ass, duct tape your face to your butt crack and feed you your own dick before I do it so that when it comes out the other end your mouth will be right there to intercept it again along with your fingers.

0 points

ignore the fool

Ok, I guess I'll ignore you then Mr fool.

0 points

The Government NEVER takes an innocent person's right to life.

You are a sad little retard. Ever hear of George Stinney? He is just one of many examples of the miscarriage of justice in the US, not to mention all the innocent children that die when you bomb third world countries. But they aren't fetuses so who cares, right?

The truth is that you are kind of right, but for a totally different reason. At the end of the day they are both capitalists, and that means what truly rules this country is money. The president and congress doesn't control the economy, the Jews like Rothschild and Soros control it.

What makes you think I would hesitate putting a bullet into the head of a fucking Nazi?

You didn't do it to sergeant dick face when you had the chance. If a neo-nazi was walking down the street and called you a fucking kyke, would you shoot them?


The Devil will win, and you will be forced to wade through a sea of mutilated fetuses to get to the grocery store.

Hail Satan and Marx.

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