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Tugman's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Tugman's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

That was perfect. I can not think of a better way to put that.

1 point

America is diverse and that part of what the flag represents. Any one who is offended by some one having a flag of the country they live in is stupid and should leave.

2 points

NBC is owned by GE. GE stands to make a massive amount of money with the Obama Administrations policies so it will use its news stations to provide favor for the president so he'll in turn make policies that benefit GE.

1 point

"Seriously though, the U.S. once voted for a Catholic president (JFK)... once!"

One JFK was a very bad Catholic (the thing with Marylin Monroe). For some reason many people think that if a Catholic becomes President, the US will become a vassal of the Pope. Now if these people realized that the Pope is not the political figure he once was, they would understand that the Pope is a spiritual leader.

1 point

" It says nothing to the fact that as previously stated, blacks with higher degree of education are less likely to get hired than white high school drop outs."

Why would a higher educated person want work in job where a high school dropout would get the same job?

1 point

They are just covering their bases if they are wrong. Evidence is showng that their theory may be wrong so they are going to say the the earth is cooling because of CO2.

2 points

She claims to be an ardent Catholic and yet is strongly in favor of killing babies and letting gays marry, which is against Catholic teaching. She tried explaining the Church's view on abortion and she was accosted by every bishop in the nation. So the Pope should slap her.

1 point

Not only did do it I still do. But I think they have gotten used to it. I know my dad has.

2 points

He does!


2 points

I agree with the part about sending money to "help" the other countries. We need focus on the US not Europe or anyone else. Giving hundreds of millions of dollars away will only piss away the money that this country needs. Screw the other countries. The criticize the US for involving itself in the worlds problems except when it involves money. we need to focus on the home front ant then maybe try to help out the other F@#í up countries.

1 point

Can you support that or are you making it up? An example would work.

1 point

When was this case? There is no need for the fairness doctrine. Doesn't it infringe on free speech by making the media present the other side. We already have have that, the Liberals have the TV and the conservatives have the radio and Fox.

1 point

Tthere are different justices on thr Supreme Court that will most likely vote against it.

1 point

CNN needs to stop drooling over Obama and report news that people need to know. They should not be afraid to reveal things that may hurt the Democrats because they are journalists and reporters not politicians.

1 point

That is not answering my question. If the are doing what works for them than their ratings would be higher.

1 point

If liberal television is in demand how come Fox has higher ratings than all the other syndicates combined?

1 point

Same here. I can not stand it when the people in the media get so excited when talking about Obama taking a crap (just a litle exgaggeration). They need to grow up.

1 point

It is but only if you are a liberal (so it seems). Even if the fairness doctrine goes through Congress the Supreme Court should nock it down.

1 point

You are very right. The fairness doctrine will ruin conservative talk shows as well as peoples commutes.

1 point

I think conservatives listen to the radio because the liberals only let the conservatives on the radio. They have near total control of television and all the news channels and don't want conservatives on their channels. This has really hurt the ratings of the big NEWS syndicates. Fox is the least liberal and its ratings beat out the others combined.

1 point

Yes. Even if the registration forms were not counted Acorn should be investigated to see if it was Acorn people that encouraged the fraud so those people can be stopped.

1 point

But some journalists and most of the media leave out things that may hurt their man, Obama. NBC suppressed a story about Acorn and voter fraud, for example.

1 point

Mid term elections are in 2010 and congress' approval rating is in the bottom of the outhouse.

2 points

"Steven Chu has a Nobel Prize."

So did Yasser Arafat. The Nobel prize is a joke.

1 point

How do you know that? Did you talk to a majority of gay couples? Or did you just make this up?

2 points

"gay couples are just like straight couples"

Gay couple's cannot reproduce with each other unlike straight couples. I really think that straight couples would mind if their child was gay but they should not love them any less

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