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Uspwns101's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Uspwns101's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Using it in modern language? What is that supposed to mean? You are reading far too much into a single word of the entire quote and making assumptions about his original quote, which is pretty clear and straightforward. It doesn't take much to understand what his point truly is, it takes a lot more to disprove his quote by over thinking it.

2 points

So what justifies the professor wasting over 15 minutes of students time that they paid for in order to prove a point and when he was proven wrong he acts insulted? The people who should really be insulted are the people who had to sit in that class and listen to a complete prick rant about how many of them are wrong in their faith? Maybe it proves that atheists like him are truly something that is wrong with the world.

1 point

How does your story even make sense? You can do it too? As in you can babble on for line after line about nothing and claim it is the same thing? Great argument right there

1 point

Which God do you believe in? Because if it is the Christian God or the Muslim Allah then no they cannot go to heaven.

4 points

The real question is where did the apes come from? and before them the bacteria? and before them the proper amino acids and intelligence to combine them to create cells?

1 point

These people murdered three thousand American citizens on 9/11 and you're worried were hurting their feelings oh no.....(Freaking Liberals)

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