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This personal waterfall shows you all of Winklepicker's arguments, looking across every debate.

Very true. That sound advice of course includes human beings such as the hapless African Bongos, the equally hapless Haitians and the so called Muslim refugees who head towards Europe in endless droves reminiscent the great herds of wildebeest sweeping across the Serengeti planes as they migrate in search of the lush grazing pastures.

If gnus can look after themselves, how come Bongos and Muslims rely on Europe and white Americans?

But, what if you're caged with a randy homosexual gorilla with an insatiable sexual appetite?

Don't make the obvious reply.

They're too clever, too hard working and too self reliant.

Like China is doing now, they adopted the west's manufacturing and marketing techniques and beat us, temporarily, at our own game.

Fortunately we are more innovative and with people like Bill Gates around we can stay ahead of the posse'.

When things settle down and a level playing field is established, WE'LL BE BACK''.

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
3 points

Such irrational zealots have been brainwashed many years ago and regardless of what reasoned counter argument you present they will simply quote the fanciful notions of the well meaning academics of their day who tried in their state of ignorance to explain the mysteries of the universe in a 2000 year old book called the Bible, or the Koran, or whatever.

Let's take a close look at the Biblical account of the beginning of earth and mankind.

One day when God was zooming around the Cosmos he thought, I must build another world. I mean I only have a trillion zillion at the moment.

So wallop, bang, zap and behold the world exists.

Then he decides he would like a nice garden with pretty flowers and fragrant foliage. Kapow, the garden is there.

While twiddling his thumbs one wet afternoon he come up with the idea of making a man, maybe just out of boredom.

Yes, you're correct, along came Adam.

Adam appeared in the garden around 40 years of age.

He didn't wonder, what the hell am I doing here?

From where did I come?

No he just wandered happily and contentedly eating the lush fruit and enjoying the sunshine.

God noticed Adam's state of contentment and thought, emm, I'll soon put an end to this.

Yep, you got it again, he sneaked down one night under cover of darkness and stole one of Adam's ribs from which he made Eve, the first woman.

Like Adam, Eve didn't ask where she came from, nor did Adam seem slightly curious who the hell this strange person with two pointy things on their chest and no penis or testicles was.

God then visited Eve and told her she could eat from the fruit of any tree she wanted except for one, the apple tree which he, very foolishly pointed out to her.

When God sped off for a quick burn up around the universe a snake appeared and told Eve it was okay to eat the fruit from the apple tree.

As soon as she did she became ashamed of certain parts of her anatomy, very peculiar.

Now, I don't know about you but when I see a snake I back off, if it starts talking to me I crap myself whilst running a 100 M.P.H.

This is the book upon which people swear in a court of law to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.

I rest my case.

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
4 points

Opps, that was meant to be a clear response and not a dispute.

Hope I won't have to go to jail.

He didn't quite say that, he said he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the full illegality of her criminal negligence and willful destroying evidence of the crime.

I guess that's would be her going to jail, just the same as we all would had we been caught as she was.

Her treatment along with the absence of any prosecution epitomizes the old adage;- it's not what you know, it's who you know.

Well yes, and it also highlighted that there are no flies on Big Don.

Did you hear about the Irish fly that landed on Dolly Parton's arm?

Most of these children will grow up resenting all those involved in their brainwashing.

Such psychologically disturbing indoctrination of minors before they can make a reasoned and mature assessment of all the religious hocus pocus should be made a criminal offence.

Actually on a second viewing of the tape I'm quite sure ''the shadow'' is really the blurred image of a second person, probably the pillion passenger, ( a British term ) who is comforted by one of the uniformed men who puts his arm around his/her shoulder.

Boringly, there's always a scientific explanation for most cases of apparent paranormal phenomena.

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

My computer crashed, could you type that again please, thank you.

''Our acts our angels are,

for good or ill,

our fatal shadows that walk by us still''.

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

No, sorry, all I get is;-- Couldn't load plugin.................................

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