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There is a thing called common sense. I'm sure plenty of people probably don't know what that is. It has become nearly obsolete. If you teach children the right thing to do, and scold them when they do something wrong, then there is no purpose for a Bill of Wrongs. When I say scold I don't mean to put them in a corner for 5 minutes, give them a whooping. I know people consider that child abuse, but I was whooped, as were many generations before me, and I consider myself to be very well behaved.

I completely agree with you.

How would your bill of wrongs look?

3 words. Long as hell. It's impossible to tell everyone everything that is wrong, on a piece of paper.

There is a doctor that is suing a restaurant because they didn't tell him how to eat an artichoke. What has this world come to???

2 points

Haha!! Like that episode of Family Guy............................................

Family Guy
2 points

I never said that it wasn't. I think that minimum wage is related to cost of living.

2 points

Sure, with the set salaries, they are protected by unions from competition.

I agree with that statement to a point. Unions do help with job security and salaries, but they don't completely control the teacher pay. If all teachers got paid for the amount of work they did in and out of the classroom, then the county wouldn't be able to afford the hourly rates, so they set up a yearly salary to avoid budget problems.

2 points

If a teacher has a masters degree, true they get paid more than someone that only has a bachelors, but each teacher has a set salary that is same for each year. Teachers don't negotiate their salaries.

2 points

Wages are not based on cost of living. Government wants you to think that. Wages are based on skills and talents.

If that's the case, then why do teachers that live in certain areas get paid different salaries? The median salary for an elementary school teacher in Los Angeles, California is about $57,000 a year, while a teacher in Riverside, California (about 50 miles away) gets paid about $55,000 a year.

Being liberal has nothing to do with loving the government...I don't know if you realize or not, but about 2 years ago and the 8 years before that we had a republican president.

2 points

If we didn't have minimum wage there would be more jobs to go around and he probably wouldn't have lost his job.

So living off a dollar a day is better? The people are still going to be on some type of welfare program...ultimately more people, any job that's in the private sector. The reason why we have a minimum wage is because the cost of living is so high.

I have no problem with legal aliens, but illegal. As long as the people that come over follow our laws, pay taxes, and are legal, then I don't care.

...and it's usually the people that have family or ties to illegal aliens.

3 points

We would inherent their crime and poverty stricken areas.

If that's the case, then why are people born in America still considered "African American"? Wouldn't they just be "American".

"an American of African and especially of black African descent"

According to Webster's Dictionary, the person has to be black in order to qualify for that label. I believe that it is mostly because blacks are the indigenous peoples to Africa. The whites that are there where not actually from there, most immigrated from a European country.

Everything that you gave as an example is something that parents have to buy. If our parents are buying us all of this stuff, then what do you expect? We are the way we are in spite of our parents and the society around us. I had to sit through the long "I used to walk through rain, snow, sleet, hail and hurricanes and 20 miles to school." Parents can grump around all they want, but it's not going to work if they continue to buy us stuff. The world has advances, that's normal. Why should we be forced to live in the past while we have all of this technology?

The older people are running the CPS. Technically, you made us the way we are.

If olive oil is made by crushing olives, what is baby oil made from?

She wasn't complying with the cops so she should have discipline. Sure she's pregnant, but she got out of the car and continued to talk bad to the cop and wouldn't sign the ticket. The only pain was temporary and in that location. Also, she was tasered 3 times, why didn't she just follow the rules before the third time? If she was worried about hurting the baby, why did she continue to exhibit such bad conduct?

2 points

Some people use it as a form of advertisement, as I said in my post. It's not always done without permission.

I don't like when people do it for gangs, but graffiti can be used for advertising. I consider it art because it's not always vandalism. Some people use it for bad ways, but many, also, use it to show off their products.

I feel that I can take care of myself, but I still want the government. Sure, anybody can look after themselves, but when they go to work they expect that the police will protect their homes, cars, belongings, etc. Everyone can't take on every position the government provides. If my house catches on fire, I have a normal garden hose, that's not really going to work. I count on the fire department to come and help.

Did the girl actually go through with it? If so, she's not pro-life.

I'd be mad if someone gave my daughter an abortion without my knowledge, but if she did go through with the abortion, then she apparently wanted it. The daughter could have easily said "no."

Yeah. I'm sorry. I was just trying to prove a point. The article depicts white males as the face of America, but look at America. It's one of the most diverse nations on Earth and is not simply summed up by the population of white males.

Um...I don't think being white has anything to do with how you vote. If you consider real men white just look at what America is now. Until now, every president has been white, look at the deep sh*t we're in now: failing schools, failing health care, crazed kids growing to fill the places of crazed parents, etc.

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