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This personal waterfall shows you all of Giverupper's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

if guys are gross..., why would you consider marrying one?

You are really wierd when you argument. How do you know I would marry one?

I would marry a guy because guys are funny and sweet, just because your gross doesn't mean you don't have good sides.

Would you touch another woman's pee?


Seriously..., pee is not that gross. ;)

yes it is.

1 point

And you still freak out over a little pee? My friend was changing her son's diaper and he peed on her face. What's the big deal?


Babies are cute and adorable. Guys are gross... seriously. Think for one second if you wanted to touch some guy's pee ?

Chose between changing a diaper, and touching guys pee.

Are you telling me that you are never going to put a man's penis in your mouth?

have I ever told you that?

That you are never going to clean your toilet if a man pees in it?

Have I ever told you that?

That you are not going to change your baby boy's diaper so that he never ends up peeing on you?

Have I ever told you that? ???

seriously where do you get this bullshit from?

I have never said that I wont put a man's penis in my mouth, all I said that it was gross.

I will clean my toilet the normal amount of times people clean it, I will not clean it every time a man visited my toilet because that is stupid.

I wil gladly change my son's diaper. I don't know how you got the impression that I wouldn't

1 point

Yeah thats about right.

I am 22 and single..........................

But I think I've lived with enough men to know what I'm talking about.

4 brothers and a father + the two children of my oldest brother lived with use when I was 13, they were boys too. I also lived with my exboyfriend for two years. I also went to boardingschool, with 40 girls and 50 boys. We had to share toilets.

1 point

I didn't mean all men. Just what I am generally used to.

Your husband probably is an exception, but I wouldn't say that those exceptions are rare.

1 point

#1. The reason for lifting the seat is so that no pee gets on it. If the seat is up..., how does pee get on it?

It gets pee on the back of the seat. The seat is still there you know? even though you put it up.

#2. Pee is sterile. You can drink pee without any I'll effects. What's so gross about it?

It's disgusting. Would you touch or drink my pee ? if you would, your disgusting and this debate just ended, if you woulnd't then my point is proven

#3. Women put penises in their mouth. How come that's not gross?

That IS gross.

#4. Women are genetically build to do gross stuff like, clean a baby's butt. Baby poo is truly gross. You can get sick from ingesting baby poo. But you don't hear women complaining about that.

Baby poo vs. Men's pee ????? Seriously you want us too chose ? Because I would rather wash a babies baby than touch your pee.

#5. Women clean the toilet anyway. No matter how you look at it, you are going to have to deal with the pee.

I don't clean the toilet everytime a man uses it. I think its stupid, because you should be mature enough to clean up your own mess.

2 points

don't you realise how gross it is ?

to touch the seat that you've been peeing on?

Girls, we pee straight, because we sit down while doing it. There isn't any pee going on the floor, seat or anywhere else except in the toilet

(I am aware of, that there are messy women out there.. but in general there is only pee in the toilet when we pee)

When a guy puts the toilet seat up, he has no contact with the women's pee.

Guys stand up, and the pee just goes everywhere, including on the seat.

So when a girl comes in, and puts the seat down, she has contact with the guy's pee .. that is disgusting.

So you have three choices.

1. you can either sit down while peeing

2. you can also just put the damn seat down

3. or you can clean the seat after peeing.

Also, when a guest comes into your house, and the toilet seat is up, it is not very cool.

1 point

I love their language.

It's so beautiful and fancy. I speak a little french, I would like to get better.

1 point

I know lots of people who've grown up with their parents divorced.

No one of them thinks they had a crappy childhood - they said exactly the opposite.

What problems are you talking about ? of course there are compromises you will have to make, but the problems will be there no matter if your parents are divorced or not.

A full family isn't pure happiness, neither is a separated family.

2 points

More than half of all my friends have divorced parents. And some of the other half, have parents that were only together for a little while, then split up.

They all seem totally normal to me, they all had great child memories and they also had bad child memories - just like the rest of us.

Of course they wish they had parents that were together - but when I was a kid I wished for my Dad to come home. He was working outside the country, and he wasn't home very often.

We don't all get everything, and I think that is okay.

And also, I am really against people being together for their 'children's sake'

If you wanna get a divorce, get a divorce - because if you don't want to be together, you're gonna drive each other crazy by being together. Which makes no sense for you OR the child.

1 point

I really don't wanna point out people.

But some I've debated with, and some I've just been reading their post.

And .. yeah well, from my point of view, I think they seem to have no sense of reality, logic or common sense.

I'm just talking about some people I've seen here, like I said, I've only been here for a week or so.

2 points

This is a really hard sentence to finish. I've only been here for about a week or less, and frankly I think many many people here are kind of stupid - no offence.

But of course some are really intelligent

1 point

Then we're on a totally different debate :)


1 point

To hold on to your kids is possible with any gender in any part of the world.

It's not like I tried it, but if you want to be with your kids, no one is stopping but you

(except if you and your wife are in a really big fight, and she won't let you see them - in that case, you can sue her for not letting you see your kids.

Also, for some reason you have lost the privilege to see your kids for some reason, might be alcohol or drugs or whatever - but let's not include that in this discussion)

My point is, that if you want to be with your kids, then be with your kids.

If everything else like job and the new girlfriend, is making it hard, then give it up if you want to spend time with your kids.

1 point

You can hold on to the kid even tho you don't hold on to the mother/father to the kid.

Leaving somebody doesn't mean you're leaving the kids too - in some cases it does tho.

But seriously, to cheat because you want to hold onto both, is a bad excuse, because you're not holding onto anyone by cheating. Your simply throwing everything away.

1 point

Hahaha :p

Yeah, we have our ups and downs too.

I currently live in Denmark tho

2 points

I don't hate America or americans.

I just don't like the way they are so self centered, as if they were the only people on earth.

1 point

4 years ago I had no job, now I have a job that I love, and I just started college.

I love my life as it is right now, so I have to say better.

1 point

When you're in a relationship, you've already committed yourself to you're wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend.

Why can't people just end the relationship first ? - I mean, if you don't want to be with a person, no one is forcing you.

Is it so hard, to end it with one person before you start with someone else?

You always finish your dinner before you eat your dessert, it is in rare occasions. that you blend the dinner and the dessert together.

2 points

Personally I would never cheat. I would never be in an intimate relationship with more than one person.

And seriously, this is not to offend anybody .. but I can't get how a person can do such a thing.

I had a boyfriend recently, and even though our relationship ended really badly, I would never go back in time, just to cheat on him.

I think that cheating is the most humiliating thing you can do to another person - because the person you're in a relationship with, is probably in love with you, madly in love with you even, and this person might have an enormous trust on you, that you owned on your own.

I don't get how people just want to throw such a thing away, just for a couple minutes of sex.

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