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Yes Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:64
Total Votes:67
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 Yes (26)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (16)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Should men be forced to put the toilet seat down?


Side Score: 43

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 21
1 point

Absolutely YES!! That is, unless they'd rather suffer the consequences of my wrath... But that choice would be totally nuts LOL

Side: Yes

You know..., you could meet us half way. We'll put the seat up before we pee and you gals put the seat down before you pee. Why do women get the say in everything? ;)

Side: Yes
2 points

Why do women get the say in everything?

I think it might have something to do with the fact that we speak softly and carry a big stick :)

Side: Yes
1 point

Toilets offer a convenient and easily accessible solution for managing human waste. Instead of having to travel long distances or rely on makeshift facilities, individuals can use a toilet whenever needed.

Side: Yes
1 point

I think that both men and women should be required to put the toilet seat down. Its fair for both sexes and it doesn't cause problems. If the toilet seat stays down and a man needs to pee then he lifts it up, pees, then puts it back down. If a woman needs to pee then she lifts up that one half, pees, and puts the other half down. Sounds good to me!

Side: Yes
1 point

Being a woman myself I would have to say yes.

When we come into the bathroom and your pee is all over the toilet seat and sometimes even the ground, instead of making you pick it up, we clean it up. Girls have NO problem not getting any pee any where else and yet guys can't do the same thing? It is not our problem to clean up your urine all over the floor and on the toilet seat. So why can't you just put the seat down? Is it so hard to take 5 seconds out of your lives? All you have to do is reach your hand out, and close it. Hard? I think not... So we have a few choices to look

-Pee straight

-Clean it up if you miss

-Put the toilet seat down when your done

Side: Yes
zanlok Disputed
2 points

You are saying you don't think it's too hard for a man to put down. In response, I accept your stance, and say that if the seat is left up, it isn't hard for a woman to put down. Hard for her to do? I think not.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

I'll support cleaning it up if you'll support putting it down ;)

Side: Yes

If men can lift the toilet seat, women can put it down. They are not that weak people ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

I've been saying this for years. Hell, they have gravity working with them, while we have to fight against it every time.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
giverupper(247) Disputed
2 points

don't you realise how gross it is ?

to touch the seat that you've been peeing on?

Girls, we pee straight, because we sit down while doing it. There isn't any pee going on the floor, seat or anywhere else except in the toilet

(I am aware of, that there are messy women out there.. but in general there is only pee in the toilet when we pee)

When a guy puts the toilet seat up, he has no contact with the women's pee.

Guys stand up, and the pee just goes everywhere, including on the seat.

So when a girl comes in, and puts the seat down, she has contact with the guy's pee .. that is disgusting.

So you have three choices.

1. you can either sit down while peeing

2. you can also just put the damn seat down

3. or you can clean the seat after peeing.

Also, when a guest comes into your house, and the toilet seat is up, it is not very cool.

Side: Yes

#1. The reason for lifting the seat is so that no pee gets on it. If the seat is up..., how does pee get on it?

#2. Pee is sterile. You can drink pee without any I'll effects. What's so gross about it?

#3. Women put penises in their mouth. How come that's not gross?

#4. Women are genetically build to do gross stuff like, clean a baby's butt. Baby poo is truly gross. You can get sick from ingesting baby poo. But you don't hear women complaining about that.

#5. Women clean the toilet anyway. No matter how you look at it, you are going to have to deal with the pee.

What's the big deal ;)

Side: Yes
ChuckHades(3197) Disputed
1 point

You forgot option 4.

4. Piss on your face like Pingu pisses on the floor

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
riahlize(1573) Disputed
1 point

Guys stand up, and the pee just goes everywhere, including on the seat.

What guys do you live with?... Because my husband does not seem to have this urinating on the toilet issue. Aren't boys trained to hit their target in the toilet bowl?

Maybe I'm just not realizing that this is common and my husband may be an exception?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

There isn't any pee going on the floor, seat or anywhere else except in the toilet

Bullshit. I've lived with numerous women, and their pee just ends up on different parts of the toilet, like right under the front of the seat. You know, where you have to grab it to lift the seat up to take a piss, if you're a guy. So no, your whole point doesn't work.

Also, unless something is seriously wrong with him, a guy never gets blood on the toilet. Girls do this all the time. And between the two, I'd rather have a toilet covered in piss than blood. Piss is a lot cleaner.

And why is it such a huge deal for women to exert less energy moving the toilet seat every time they want to go to the bathroom than men do?

My opinion? They're jealous they can't pee standing up.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

True, what goes up it must come down. What is all the whining about from women?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

By default (from what people are arguing) it shouldn't be expected that the male conforms to that of the female's preferences on toilets. Each household should come to their own agreement on this issue. Though I'd argue that the default position of the toilet is with the seat down, so perhaps that sways it a bit?

We have the toilet seat and lid down whenever it's not in use because our two cats will jump up and fall in.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

No, evolution was kind enough to women to give them eyes whether or not they use it is up to them.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!