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Lego3072's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Lego3072's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Piggy-back rides anyone?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

1 point

Ummmmmmmmmm That is very weird. And no debate should be posted about some of us are in 8Th grade!

1 point

No. Because whenever the general public gets their hands on a new hacking technology the government will develop something more sophisticated that could disable the hacking software.

1 point

Al qaeda almost controls Pakistan right now. They can bride officials into office, we see it happening now. Pakistan is also considered Nuclear. And yes Pakistan does have a surplus of nuclear warheads. Over 80 nuclear warheads in their arsenal. Enough for France, UK, Israel, and America.

If Al qaeda get controls of Pakistan. Well...BOOM!

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