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marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

Joe C,

It would be nicer to know what percentage of the advantage stay advantaged and what percentage of the disadvantaged stay disadvantaged. ;)

Percentage of individuals, or families?

Percentage of people who waste money, or live thriftily?

Percentage of people who are industrious, or just diddle about?

Percentage of people who take advantage of the system of laws, cultural norms, and societal requirements, or people who disregard preexisting requirements.

I am not so sure that statistics are particularly useful, particularly because we are looking at people who are relatively rare. The presupposition of statistics is that individual differences (and combinations of personal behaviors) are not the key. To get at those we are dependent on anecdotes.

Again, my point was that in the US people can, do, and always have been able to move into the top 1% of income.

Consider that the threshold for the top 1% is only an income of about a quarter to a third of a million dollars per year (depending on region, year, and whether the criterion is gross or net income.) My plumber in San Diego (who was his own business--just him and a part-time helper) made that in the early 2000s. He charged $1000 to replace and replumb a bath tub. It took him less than 4 hours, and he was the cheapest I could find. I paid him at a higher hourly rate than my lawyer!

True, there is a difference between top 1% of income and top 1% of assets, but the categories overlap. Read The Millionaire Next Door by by T. Stanley & W. Danko. In large part, it addresses how working class people, primarily small business owners move into the top 1% of income, and then into the top 1% of assets. It is the work of a lifetime, but it happens more than many people think. The key is a lifetime of hard work, thrift, and savings. Cheap living (small house, used car) and savings/reinvestment are how wealth is built from nothing over the course of decades.

Sometimes, as in the case of the Rockefellers, Carnegies, Hiltons, and Trumps, the kids and grandkids do not dissipate the wealth built by their working class parents and grandparents, but build on it to increase fortune and power.

The evidence demonstrates that advantage of family wealth is not a guarantee of personal success, nor is the lack of family wealth and its advantages an insurmountable barrier to joining the top 1% of income or assets.

As in all things, the usefulness of the advantage depends entirely on application of personal abilities, and whether or not one behaves in accordance with preset/preexisting societal norms and cultural requirements.

The same is true of the bottom 1% of income/assets. In order to keep from being permanently poor in the US, one must graduate high school, get a job (any job), and marry BEFORE becoming a parent. 98% of those who do these three things become middle class by the end of their lives. Those who refuse to get in line with these three simple requirements are MUCH more likely to remain poor.

Personal outcomes of wealth and power are not so much a function of where one starts, but whether one behaves in accordance with the cultural rules and system of laws and requirements that are part of the landscape that limit everybody.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

Yet the Rockefeller family has defied all of that. Now entering its seventh generation with as many as 170 heirs, the Rockefeller family has maintained substantial wealth — they had an $11 billion fortune in 2016, according to Forbes.

I apologize for being unclear.

I meant only the John D. Rockefeller (born 1837) who founded Standard Oil, and the Andrew Carnegie (born 1835) who founded US Steel.

Family wealth IS success. If your family is wealthy then you are "successful" without even doing anything, aka Paris Hilton.

Again, The Millionaire Next Door addresses how this works in practice. Thrift, savings, and working class values made it possible for one generation to amass substantial wealth, but the subsequent two generations usually divide and dissipate the assets, and do not live as thriftily as the working class generation that amassed the assets.

The kids & grandkids become professionals, often with incomes that put them in the top 1% of income, but are not as parsimonious as is required to be in the top 1% of assets. By assets, they are often in the top 10% or 25%. This demonstrates the mobility going both ways.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

Do you believe in rich privilege? ;)

Not in privilege, but definitely advantage.

People lose that advantage all the time. Family wealth is hardly a guarantee of success, and is useless in the face of laziness and unwillingness to work within societal norms.

The top 1% is a statistical point on a distribution, not a single group of people whose progeny all stay at the same point in the distribution.

Consider that the richest people in the US did not start out that way. Rockefeller and Carnegie both grew up poor, and each took a turn as among the richest men in the world.

Bezos, Gates, and Zuckerburg are self-made.

There is tremendous class mobility in the US, going both from rich downward, and from poor upward.

The Vanderbilt fortune is gone, and at one point, Cornelius Vanderbilt was the richest man in the US.

Ben Carson is a multimillionaire ($30), and he started out very poor. He worked hard, learned and applied considerable skills, and made lots of money. Significantly, he learned to speak and write correct English, dress professionally, and comport himself in accordance with the norms required for professional success.

My folks started off poor, and ended up middle class. My dad started off with the disadvantage of not even speaking English when he started kindergarten, and he had to learn and adopt the behaviors and manners required for acceptance and success in American society.

1 point

The problem with this argument is that it does not account for the fact that most people who own property or wealth in the US, or have positions of any sort of power are not descended from the people who established the original laws, or initially settled the land.

People in those positions got there by getting with the program.

We are ALL born into an environment governed by laws and customs we did not make. Success of any kind is dependent on how well one adapts to the society we are in.

We ALL have to swallow the same crap if we want to succeed, and it does not taste any better to white people than it does to black or brown people.

I am not a fan of the societal or corporate cultures that dictate we project a particular image in order to get and keep a job. It rankles that I have to behave a particular way to get and keep what I have.

HOWEVER, I jumped through the necessary hoops, took the necessary steps, and continue to make the sacrifices and do the work require to succeed. The manners I display, and the behaviors I engage in do not come naturally or easily to me or anybody else, but I suck it up.

Anybody who does the same gets the same results.

Only a racist would think that it is easier or happier or more comfortable for white people to pretend to fit with cultural norms and societal mandates than it is for anybody else.

Only a racist would think that white people alive now have any more responsibility than anybody else of any race in creating the set of rules we all inherited, and to which we all are subject if we want to be successful.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

School admin didn’t believe me and I got detention.

Don't kid yourself, it probably was irrelevant whether they believed you.

It is okay to be biased against heterosexuals, men, whites, Christians, conservatives, and successful people for being in those categories, but not acceptable for being in any other category. This is because the basic assumption is that if you are not in one of these unprotected categories, you must be completely incapable of adult reactions to your own feelings, and therefore need to be protected.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

Did my smiley did not convey sarcasm? ;)

I thought the smiley was in reference to the joke.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point


ok, since you are blonde and you didn't get the joke, I will try to explain (maybe even prove by example) why he couldn't just explain it once. Ready?

Are you blonde?

My post was a blond joke, which is why I, a supposed blond, suggested such a convoluted way for the blind guy to help the blondes get his joke.

Go dye your hair, then come back and read my post again. You will understand it once you are a brunette.


So, this redhead is working at the returns counter at a drug store when a brunette comes to the counter asking to return a package of brown hair dye.

The woman at the counter said, "I cannot give you a refund because the box is empty."

The brunette replied, "I know, that is why I want the refund. The hair dye is defective."

The clerk compared the picture of the model's hair on the package with the hair on the customer. "It looks like your hair is the color on the box."

"I know, but it didn't work!"

"Your hair is brown," said the clerk. "What color was it before?"


"Then of course the hair dye worked. You are a brunette, now."

"I know," said the customer, but I am still dumb!"

"...Oh," said the clerk, unsure of how to proceed . "Let me call my manager."

When the brown haired manager got to the returns desk, the clerk explained the situation.

"Give the lady a refund," said the manager. "I bought the same stuff last month. It did not work for me, either.


marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

You've tasted them ;)

Just because it was a metaphor does not mean the answer is no.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point


A blind man was going to tell a blonde joke at this bar but three blonde, butch, women walked up to him and told him that they were blonde and capable of kicking his ass. They then asked him if he still wanted to proceed and tell his joke and he said, "Not if I'll have to explain it 3 times." ;)

1) I am blond. (Well, I used to be.)

2) I don't think that joke is funny.

3) I don't understand why he had to explain it three times.

Couldn't he have explained it to one of them, had her explain it to the second one, and then had the second blonde explain it to the third one? ;)

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

U, my friend,

I am worried about you. I want you to have a happy life.

1) The first, and possibly most necessary such step to a happy life is to accept that there is nothing we can do to change the fact that some people are unkind, sometimes intentionally, and sometimes not. The world is full of assholes of various types and flavors.

Unfortunately this does not change after high school, despite the fact that we hope people grow, and learn empathy, and come to understand the staggering power of smiles and small kindnesses.

2) The second step is to realize that only the listeners (you, in this case) have power over whether unkind or thoughtless words are able to hurt them. Offense is not given; it is taken.

What people say about you and to you indicate nothing about you, but a lot about them. How you think about what they say is what gives it the power to hurt you or not.

When my students would come to me and say, "So-and-so called me a ," my response was always, "Is it true?" That is the important question.

Consider, "if somebody said, "2+2=3" you would not get angry, you would simply brush it off as he or she is a dumbass, or possibly trying to piss you off. It is no different if they say something stupid or untrue about you.

This is where a sense of irony, and even better, a sense of humor are so important to YOUR mental and emotional health. (My earlier posts on this should model how to do this.) You wrote, I k ow somethings are just jokes, but they are bad jokes to tell. Just like blond jokes.

To misquote Oscar Wilde, "There is no such thing as a moral joke or an immoral joke. Jokes are funny or not. That is all." A joke that is funny justifies itself. A joke that is not funny embarrasses the teller, just like saying, "2+2=3."

The minute you laugh at a funny joke at your expense, or dismiss an unfunny one as the product of an idiot, and then ignore it, you nullify the joke's power to hurt you.

3) The third step is to identify what your problem really is.

- Ginger jokes are NOT your problem.

- People saying unkind things is NOT your problem.

- Your problem is that you are lonely, and want to be liked by these people.

The things you said you do in response to all of the name-calling will only continue to make your problem worse.

Hurting people who say things you don't like does not demonstrate that other people are horrible, only that you have an underdeveloped sense of humor, and may be a horrible person yourself. This makes it unlikely any of these people will like you or be kind to you.

Hurting others also makes you a preferred target for unkindness.

You wrote, I am feared in my class because of my violent actions, but also the most bullies.* (I assume you mean "bullied") I guarantee that the others in your class would identify you as the main bully, and would probably say they crack jokes at your expense in retaliation to your violence.

It is hard to say which of those will isolate you more, but both lead to a very lonely and unhappy life.

I do not believe that there is any such thing as a soul. However, if the soul does exist, you have to be kind and forgiving if you want people to see it in you.

Take care of yourself, and laugh more, especially at your own expense.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point


I do feel sad for you, but that is largely because you seem to aim at taking offense rather than developing a sense of humor that could protect you from feeling offended.

Soul-The spiritual or immaterial part of a human.

You realize, I hope, that this does not actually provide enough information to tell me anything about what you think it is.

For somebody who is obviously truly hurt by being joked with about not having a soul, you seem to have difficulty providing details about the thing.

Put aside your knee-jerk emotions, and just think about what the "soulless ginger" and "Satan's Spawn" silliness really mean. These are jokes based on fiction and unexamined superstition.

Regarding calling you ugly, that is blatantly and needlessly unkind. That likely has nothing to do with how people generally feel about gingers in my experience. Lots of us find redheads extraordinarily attractive, exotic, etc.. (My wife swears that red hair is even sexier than playing hockey or playing bass guitar. Even so, she makes ginger jokes sometimes.)

Imagine that everyone thought you were a which or the devil. Imagine that no one trusted you because you are a ginger.

Regarding calling you a witch or the devil, they don't exist.

Regarding calling you evil, or not trusting you, you may want to look to your own actions and responses. You previously mentioned that you twist people's arms for saying things you dislike. That indicates that what you are dealing with is at least partly based in your own actions and responses.

Based on the content of your previous posts, I gather that you are still in high school/secondary school. (If I am incorrect, please forgive me.) Don't confuse how things are in high school with how things are in the real world.

In addition to being an ex-teenager, I am also an ex-teacher. Trust me, EVERYBODY is teased and tortured in high school. It is just that they are all picked on for different reasons. So they tease you for being a ginger, whereas others are teased for being smart or stupid or tall or short or...etc., ad infinitum.

All I am saying is that just because I am a ginger doesn't mean anything. I am like the rest of you all. Just with something unique about myself. I am like everyone else. I am just the same. I can do every thing you all can. I have a soul.

I agree with all of this statement but the last sentence, because I see no reason to believe the soul exists.

Relax, and ignore the BS, or laugh.

It is unfair for gingers to be judged like that.

Do you really think anybody actually believes that gingers are different?

NOBODY actually cares. They are just jokes. The fact that you choose to take them personally and react violently are likely to have a lot to do with people continuing the joke.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point


There is no reason for you to feel bad about any of this. Judging by the fact that you say you react violently to some of this, I think I am actually more on your side than you are.

First, I would assume one has such knowledge to know that I too have a soul. It's is offensive towards me to be called soulless because I also want to be treated like everyone else that doesn't have red hair.

What do you mean by a soul? Can you articulate it clearly? (Most people are even less able to articulate the definition and qualities of soul than those of god.)

I mean seriously, what empirical evidence do you have that there is any such thing? I know of no such evidence.


Because the soul is a figment of the cultural imagination. It is at best a metaphor for self-aware identity, and a sign of our fear of death and our yearning for immortality of some sort.

It is pretty obvious to me that the "soulless ginger" jokes are (marginally) funny because they boil down to saying gingers don't show evidence of having something that nobody else shows evidence of having, yet people pretend exists.

The joke is less about gingers than about souls and the ridiculousness of believing in them.

Second, do you have a brain? Weird question is it not? Would you not assume that I would think you have a brain, as I thought one would be smart enough to think I have a soul.

There is empirical evidence for the existence of brains, mine and yours included, but

none for the existence of souls, even in people who are not gingers.

Third, I do not care about my incorrect grammar. Do not have a care in the world. One, indeed, can be offended. While on can be offensive.

My comments were not about grammar, but about usage and diction, and more to the point, about the fact that an individual's feelings do not imbue anything, including a statement, with any intrinsic quality, especially not any obligation on the part of others.

That point was the core of my post.

There are hordes of people who use the term offensive to misrepresent their feelings about some term or statement as being universal or morally authoritative. They use offensive in an attempt to hide the reality that people feel differently about things, and nobody's feelings count more than anybody else's.

Some people like certain words, statements, or jokes , and think they are apt or funny.

Other people dislike the same words, statements, or jokes, and feel offended by them.

By characterizing the jokes as offensive, people who feel offended are attempting to discount the feelings and views of people with whom they disagree, and far too often to justify banning statements they dislike.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

Don't insult the jews by comparing them to those gingerbread bastards.

Yeah. Nobody has any plans to put them into ovens!, uhh...


At least nobody is planning on making a museum of an extinct cookie.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

Unless the house and the man were made from the same gingerbread batch ;)

Would that be siblings, or clones?

2 points

Of course gingerbread men should not be forced to live in houses made of their flesh.

If you think about it for half a moment, you will see how ridiculous the suggestion is.

Gingerbread men should live in houses made of the flesh of other gingerbread men.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point


That's kinda offensive.

1 - What you mean to say is that you FEEL offended.

No statement is ever intrinsically offensive. If that were the case EVERYONE would feel offended by such statements.

Actions and attitudes/postures can be offensive as opposed to defensive, but this is in the context of conflict where one is either attacking/advancing or defending.

The point here is perfectly illustrated in your statement, "So the name-calling died down. A few ppl still do it and I just take their arm and turn it as much as I can without breaking it."

People say things that offend you, and you respond by taking offensive action.

2 - You indicate that you are offended by the characterization of gingers as soulless" but you neither assert that you have a soul, nor that you have a clear position as to why you are offended by being called soulless.

Do you have a soul?

1 point

The appeal process is long.. Cosby won't outlive it.

Especially considering the stress he has been under, and the fact that it just skyrocketed.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

The uberhumor link got me to a PAGE NOT FOUND message.


marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

I don't see anything in your posts to indicate any concern for anybody, so prove me wrong. Again, (other than taxes, if you like) how much do YOU give away. What is the percentage?

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

He only has so much by not giving it away.

He is already giving a ton of it away.

Remember, In the US, the top 10% of earners pay 70% of all Federal income taxes.

The top 1% pay 37% of all Federal income taxes.

The bottom 40% pay no income tax, and about half of the bottom 50% receives a larger refund than they paid in. (They pay negative taxes.)

This will change some for 2018 taxes. The early estimates are that the Top 25% of earners will pay less tax in dollars, but a larger percentage of all taxes paid. We will see. (I don't trust the estimates.)

How much of what you have do you give away?

1 point

I would like to see what he has to say to his fellow inmates.

Hell, the season opener should be an apology to all the women he drugged and raped, and for that matter, an apology to his wife.

This is just another example of what a mixed bag people are.

Cosby, who turns out to be a @#%! rapist, made the world a better place for a lot of years. His comedy was brilliant, his message was positive, and he was possibly as effective in fighting racism as Dr. King was.

I grew up watching his various TV shows (including Fat Albert) and listening to his albums, and I understood that this Black guy from Philly had a childhood remarkably similar to mine, and that the basic ingredients of his life and his outlook were the same as mine. The basic text of his artistic and cultural contributions was that race is irrelevant, and we all are funny and amazing and worth knowing.

When he was hired to be on I Spy in 1965, his stipulation was that his character was to be just a guy, not a black guy. There were to be no jokes or references to race because he recognized that it is irrelevant and incidental.

There is a whole generation of us who, because of Bill Cosby grew up with the awareness (and assumption) that racism, including racial stereotypes and categorizing people by race, is stupid because we are all just people.

I support the outrage at his criminal actions, and I am disgusted by the fact that so many people allowed it to continue for so long. Absolutely prison is where he belongs.

That does not mean we should throw away the good that he did, or the positive contributions he made.

I don't know if he is a good man who did horrible and selfish things, or if he is a horrible man who gave wonderful and valuable things to the world.

I am not even sure there is a difference. As I said, people are a mixed bag.

1 point

That seems like it could be a problem.

It would only be a problem if the art is face-down.

1 point

Of Course the Etch-A-Sketch-Art museum could be in an earthquake prone area. They could put it next to the Jell-O sculpture gallery.

marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

(He's one of the 1% ;)

How is his income connected to his concern for others?

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