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This personal waterfall shows you all of Outlaw60's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point


1 point

ROAD ISLAND JOE does your OLD LADY dress you in LITTLE GURL PANTIES ??????

1 point

Must say the LGBTQ crowd are lactose intolerant because their daddy could not breast feed them!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

I do believe the Excon will struggle with this thread because it cannot figure out if it is a JEW or an ATHEIST !!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

Hillary was a LOSER and from this day forward when LEFTIST lose their bid for the WHITE HOUSE well the winner will be a NAZI or a RACIST !!!!!!!!! AL i must say that is not a campaign issue any longer it is just boring bullshit .

1 point

You speak of Chicago much ????????? Has the DNC Media made you aware of the murders in that city ????????? Tell me how OBAMA helped the people of Chicago !!!!!!!!!

1 point

LIMEY are you good with the influx of Mooslimes into the UK ?????????? Have they been a symptom of knife violence that is on the rise ????????

2 points

Do you have facts to backup your claim ?????? Please present some facts if those facts are available !

1 point

SUPER STUPID are you saying ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is not a VIOLATION OF LAW ! What is the purpose of your LOVED GOVERNMENT then DUMMY ??????????

1 point

RUSSIANS still invade the WEAK MIND of ROAD ISLAND AL and his world will never be complete until GOVERNMENT controls all of HUMANITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

When will you LEFTIST clean up the NIRVANA you created on the LEFT COAST ????????

1 point

BUSINESS MAN you do not like the AMERICAN DREAM ?????? So SUPER STUPID you retired at 42 but claim to be 74 ?????? Damn BOY you LIE much !!!!!!!!!! LMMFAO !!!!!!

1 point

But ROAD ISLAND AL you worked for 3 CORPORATIONS and that is a PROBLEM ?????????

1 point

You into that POST OP thing ? Well no one should be surprised that a LEFTIST is GENDER CONFUSED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

You are aware that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is dumping PRODUCED SALTWATER from oil and gas production back into the ocean ??????? And by the way that OVERBOARD water is being treated with PETROLEUM products !!!!!!!!! BOY you have no clue what happens in REAL LIFE because you live in a BUBBLE of STUPIDITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

Have you done water test in the ocean to backup your antibiotic and antibacterial claims that you have made ?????? Speak up there ocean engineer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

The antibiotics in the ocean are contributing to the gay animals like sharks and that is the reason the female sharks are dying in massive numbers. You are aware of that ??????

1 point

Nothing can go wrong there ! All you need to do is pay your part of the 10 trillion dollars that the Septic Tank in DC needs and the entire Global Climate will be fixed by politicians!


1 point

It could be concrete but try not to confuse the American Left !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

SUPER STUPID must be a WHITE MAN has caused the VIOLENCE in CHICAGO !!!!!!!!

1 point

The PARTY PAWN being the LOYAL LEFTIST IDIOT it is just FAILED to reference CHICAGO !

Now that is not a SURPRISE at ALL for the PUKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

GASLIGHT AL can you tell us how big your TINFOIL HAT is ???????????

1 point

GASLIGHT AL what happen to GASLIGHT GORE's prediction we were all going to be DEAD by 2016 ? How did all that work out ????????

1 point

GASLIGHT AL we are all going to be DEAD in 12 years and now you are concerned about the Special Olympics ?????????

1 point

GASLIGHT AL have you not paid attention to AOC we are all going to be dead in 12 years !

Did your DUMB ASS miss that ?????????????

1 point

Why is it you Pro Abortion crowd are so concerned with the children ??????????

1 point

AL how is it you LEFTIST are going to transport the Wind Mills you need for Wind Power ?

Do you have a FUCKIN CLUE ??????????

1 point

Has AOC started the Wind and Solar infrastructure you need in Road Island there AL????

1 point

AL thinks that all that voted against his Gal Hillary are PUTIN GUYS now DOCTOR AL that is a ticket any DEMORAT could run on and possibly be a WINNING TICKET for your PARTY

1 point

Road Island AL are you looking forward to losing your natural gas under the Green New Deal ?????????

1 point

When will your POLITICIANS make your world right there JEWISH PRINCE ?????????

1 point

Burrito now says it cares about the children ????? Explain that !!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

Amy you are agreeing with a Communist ? Does that tell us something about you ?????

1 point

Burrito you should not make the attempt of being completely wrong when you are !!!!!!!!!

2 points

ROTFFLMMFAO !!!! SUPER STUPID you did not do well with a PLAYBOY BUNNY !!!!!!!

1 point

DOCTOR AL did your Muslim friends that oppose PORK upset you that NOT enough of them voted for HILLARY ???????????

1 point

DOCTOR AL you still complaining about the Right to Vote ??????????????????

1 point

DOCTOR AL what is going to be the tax on humans that expel CO2 ??? Can you inform us on this and what legislation has been written ??????????????

1 point

Does DOCTOR AL like AOC'S New Green Deal to cut the natural resource off to Road Island ????????? What you got to say DUMMY ??????

1 point

DUDE the climate does change but being you have no facts you cannot tell us how your GOVERNMENT will control the CLIMATE and the methods they will use to reach the goal that you believe in !!!!!!!!

1 point

SUPER STUPID how you IDIOTS going to get your salad if CO2 is killing the earth ?????

1 point

Hillary would have set the world right and China would not be the world's largest polluter!

1 point

DOCTOR AL i thought we were all dying from high CO2 levels so how could it be that there is lettuce available to the American people ???????

1 point

I thought you knew that all vegetation was dying from CO2 and we are running out oxygen !!!!!!!!

1 point

Does DOCTOR AL expect it's Muslim Brother's to eat a BBQ sandwich ????????????

1 point

CNN International and the Foreign Desk are not available to you ?????????????

1 point

You now avoid American Media ? What a revelation that is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

GRANDPAW has gone into PROGRESSIVE spin mode ! Then the rest of the NONSENSE the IDIOT types is trying to get out of what it said !

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