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This personal waterfall shows you all of Outlaw60's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point


1 point

ROAD ISLAND JOE does your OLD LADY dress you in LITTLE GURL PANTIES ??????

1 point

Must say the LGBTQ crowd are lactose intolerant because their daddy could not breast feed them!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

I do believe the Excon will struggle with this thread because it cannot figure out if it is a JEW or an ATHEIST !!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

Hillary was a LOSER and from this day forward when LEFTIST lose their bid for the WHITE HOUSE well the winner will be a NAZI or a RACIST !!!!!!!!! AL i must say that is not a campaign issue any longer it is just boring bullshit .

1 point

You speak of Chicago much ????????? Has the DNC Media made you aware of the murders in that city ????????? Tell me how OBAMA helped the people of Chicago !!!!!!!!!

1 point

LIMEY are you good with the influx of Mooslimes into the UK ?????????? Have they been a symptom of knife violence that is on the rise ????????

2 points

Do you have facts to backup your claim ?????? Please present some facts if those facts are available !

1 point

SUPER STUPID are you saying ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is not a VIOLATION OF LAW ! What is the purpose of your LOVED GOVERNMENT then DUMMY ??????????

1 point

RUSSIANS still invade the WEAK MIND of ROAD ISLAND AL and his world will never be complete until GOVERNMENT controls all of HUMANITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

When will you LEFTIST clean up the NIRVANA you created on the LEFT COAST ????????

1 point

BUSINESS MAN you do not like the AMERICAN DREAM ?????? So SUPER STUPID you retired at 42 but claim to be 74 ?????? Damn BOY you LIE much !!!!!!!!!! LMMFAO !!!!!!

1 point

But ROAD ISLAND AL you worked for 3 CORPORATIONS and that is a PROBLEM ?????????

1 point

You into that POST OP thing ? Well no one should be surprised that a LEFTIST is GENDER CONFUSED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

You are aware that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is dumping PRODUCED SALTWATER from oil and gas production back into the ocean ??????? And by the way that OVERBOARD water is being treated with PETROLEUM products !!!!!!!!! BOY you have no clue what happens in REAL LIFE because you live in a BUBBLE of STUPIDITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

Have you done water test in the ocean to backup your antibiotic and antibacterial claims that you have made ?????? Speak up there ocean engineer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

The antibiotics in the ocean are contributing to the gay animals like sharks and that is the reason the female sharks are dying in massive numbers. You are aware of that ??????

1 point

Nothing can go wrong there ! All you need to do is pay your part of the 10 trillion dollars that the Septic Tank in DC needs and the entire Global Climate will be fixed by politicians!


1 point

It could be concrete but try not to confuse the American Left !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

SUPER STUPID must be a WHITE MAN has caused the VIOLENCE in CHICAGO !!!!!!!!

1 point

The PARTY PAWN being the LOYAL LEFTIST IDIOT it is just FAILED to reference CHICAGO !

Now that is not a SURPRISE at ALL for the PUKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

GASLIGHT AL can you tell us how big your TINFOIL HAT is ???????????

1 point

GASLIGHT AL what happen to GASLIGHT GORE's prediction we were all going to be DEAD by 2016 ? How did all that work out ????????

1 point

GASLIGHT AL we are all going to be DEAD in 12 years and now you are concerned about the Special Olympics ?????????

1 point

GASLIGHT AL have you not paid attention to AOC we are all going to be dead in 12 years !

Did your DUMB ASS miss that ?????????????

1 point

Why is it you Pro Abortion crowd are so concerned with the children ??????????

1 point

AL how is it you LEFTIST are going to transport the Wind Mills you need for Wind Power ?

Do you have a FUCKIN CLUE ??????????

1 point

Has AOC started the Wind and Solar infrastructure you need in Road Island there AL????

1 point

AL thinks that all that voted against his Gal Hillary are PUTIN GUYS now DOCTOR AL that is a ticket any DEMORAT could run on and possibly be a WINNING TICKET for your PARTY

1 point

Road Island AL are you looking forward to losing your natural gas under the Green New Deal ?????????

1 point

When will your POLITICIANS make your world right there JEWISH PRINCE ?????????

1 point

Burrito now says it cares about the children ????? Explain that !!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

Amy you are agreeing with a Communist ? Does that tell us something about you ?????

1 point

Burrito you should not make the attempt of being completely wrong when you are !!!!!!!!!

2 points

ROTFFLMMFAO !!!! SUPER STUPID you did not do well with a PLAYBOY BUNNY !!!!!!!

1 point

DOCTOR AL did your Muslim friends that oppose PORK upset you that NOT enough of them voted for HILLARY ???????????

1 point

DOCTOR AL you still complaining about the Right to Vote ??????????????????

1 point

DOCTOR AL what is going to be the tax on humans that expel CO2 ??? Can you inform us on this and what legislation has been written ??????????????

1 point

Does DOCTOR AL like AOC'S New Green Deal to cut the natural resource off to Road Island ????????? What you got to say DUMMY ??????

1 point

DUDE the climate does change but being you have no facts you cannot tell us how your GOVERNMENT will control the CLIMATE and the methods they will use to reach the goal that you believe in !!!!!!!!

1 point

SUPER STUPID how you IDIOTS going to get your salad if CO2 is killing the earth ?????

1 point

Hillary would have set the world right and China would not be the world's largest polluter!

1 point

DOCTOR AL i thought we were all dying from high CO2 levels so how could it be that there is lettuce available to the American people ???????

1 point

I thought you knew that all vegetation was dying from CO2 and we are running out oxygen !!!!!!!!

1 point

Does DOCTOR AL expect it's Muslim Brother's to eat a BBQ sandwich ????????????

1 point

CNN International and the Foreign Desk are not available to you ?????????????

1 point

You now avoid American Media ? What a revelation that is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

GRANDPAW has gone into PROGRESSIVE spin mode ! Then the rest of the NONSENSE the IDIOT types is trying to get out of what it said !

2 points

SUPER STUPID does CNN and it's HATRED broaden your LEFTIST MIND ??????????

2 points

Venezuela is a dream for you ???? Forget the ANT talk about reality here stupid !!!!!!!

2 points

SUPER STUPID cannot discuss politics with it's LEFTIST BUDDIES in the State of Washington ?????????? And really who cares about what you do when it comes your personal life ! Do you wack off in front of your employees ???? Is that a turn on for you ??

2 points

Antarctica is nothing more than a brain dead idiot of it's college education ! The idiot demands a balance on life and non human animals ! Are the Polar Bears dying in Antarctica ? Go get your Baby Bottle you Brain Dead Idiot because your education has not done you very well !!!!!!!

1 point

Is Jerry Singer a Gender Confusion Leftist ?????????????????

1 point

What did your dumb ass type ????? We are not Gender Confused as you Commies are !

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Al ain't real bright because CNN confuses it on a daily basis !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

But the OLD MAN has not said it dislikes 1/3 of the population ???

AL you prove yourself to be a fool and i can have fun with how stupid you are !!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

The SnowFlake has found it a motive now and that is Shallow Posting!! We can forget about Points , Efficiency and Site Points now. Are you out of diapers yet you Little Baby ?

1 point

LMMFAO !!!!!!! The Little Demorat SnowFlake has it's self a problem !!!!! We have moved away from Points and Efficiency to Site Points now ! Dummy u obsess much ??????

1 point

Just look at the IDIOT AL and the DUMMY typed it in it's CONFUSED STATE !!!!!! LMAO !!

Hmmmmmmmmm, I like how you think, but, AOC isn't ready, yet, and if this "conservative" doesn't stop "spending like an "right wing PERCEIVED liberal"", WE could be Trumps 5TH bankruptcy! Then, China may take U.S. over, put KIM in Trumps place, AOC in the rice paddies and..and….. HORRORS! A REAL national emergency! (At least THEY would get rid of the "Trump problem", quickly!) ;-P

AND, guns WOULD be next.

1 point

You should look at AL now AL has been told by media that all that voted against Hillary are Russians. It's ignorance is a flaming torch of stupidity. So when it's ignorance shows it's head you can bet on this i will have some fun with it. Leftist are believers in their media and you might have noticed that they are all about elimination of the Electoral College and then they cry about Amendment 15. Who can figure out how stupid these Leftist are.

1 point

AL being a SOCIALIST is above all others because CNN and MSLSD has told him so. AL believes that it cannot be attacked but the DUMB ASS attacks all those that vote against his party and we need to try and understand where the IDIOT got the INSANE message it pukes up ?????????

1 point

ROTFFLMMFAO !!!!! The Dummy wrote this ? -That I am the most important person to me. Fuck all the haters, fuck all those who will convince themselves they are good for you but emotionally drain you with their issues. Fuck it all, selfishness is the only way in life but that doesn't mean you need to be unkind to those who are kind to you.

Your above response is in direct contradiction of what you wrote as a response !!!!!! LMMFAO

1 point

Now here is what SUPER STUPID said - There I was, at a private party at the Playboy Club in Denver. I was putting the moves on a particularly beautiful bunny.. To say the least, I was thrilled when she handed me a napkin with her phone number on it..

So, I called..

She was gushing, and was equally thrilled that I called her.. We made a date.. I couldn't wait. When she opened the door, you could SEE the disappointment on her face.. Clearly, she thought I was somebody else..

It was the worst - the WORST.

You met this babe and she did not know who you were ????????? LMMFAO !!!!

BOY you cannot do anything other than LIE !!!!!!!!!!

1 point

Yep STUPOR STUPID it is nothing more than a false story ! Because you are all about false stories LMMFAO !!!!!!!!!

1 point

SUPER STUPID comes up with INSANE STORY that does not have any EVIDENCE to backup the LIE the BUZZFEED BOY just told ! By the way folks the RESIDENT IDIOT does not know it spent time in the China Sea during it's false tour in Vietnam. SUPER STUPID and IRON EYES Phillips have one thing in common they are both LIARS !!!!!!!!!

1 point 2016/11/30/13631532/everything-mattered-2016-presidential-election

Let's show Jewel that Leftist are cry babies and attack those that vote against them !!!!

Hillary Clinton is going to win the popular vote by a sizable margin. As of this writing, she’s at 64.9 million, to Trump’s 62.5 million — a 2.4 million-vote lead. That puts her up by a margin of 1.8 percent. [UPDATE 12/1/16: Clinton is now at 65.2 million, Trump at 62.7, a 1.9 percent margin.]

There are still some outstanding votes to be counted. Ultimately, it looks like she’ll net around 65 million votes, maybe a little more. (David Wasserman, an editor at Cook Political Report, maintains an up-to-date spreadsheet of the popular vote tally if you want to follow along.)

Does the popular vote elect a president there Jewel ???????

0 points

Jewel you cannot pay attention!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me help out here !!!!!!!!

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

Clinton, in the interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, displayed her animus for fired FBI Director James Comey, reflected on her love for the people -- namely former President Bill Clinton -- who helped her get through the crushing loss and blasted the arcane election body that she believes helped Donald Trump win the presidency.

"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes." hillary-clinton-anderson-cooper-electoral-college-cnntv/index.html

So Jewel is saying her Peanut Butter loving Gal has an excuse for her being a Loser ?

Was no attack in the above linked was there Jewel ???????

0 points

Hey Joe have you noticed that the Left is all about Voter Suppression if you do not vote for Demorats ????????? Yes we should have all voted for Hillary and the Little Gurl Socialist would not be complaining about the Right to Vote !

Shall we look at Electoral College just for fun ??????????? hillary-clinton-anderson-cooper-electoral-college-cnntv/index.html

Clinton: It's time to abolish the Electoral College

New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

Clinton, in the interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, displayed her animus for fired FBI Director James Comey, reflected on her love for the people -- namely former President Bill Clinton -- who helped her get through the crushing loss and blasted the arcane election body that she believes helped Donald Trump win the presidency.

"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes."

Does the voice of the Left have a Communist leaning ?????????????

1 point

Grandpaw is it the Socialist that are dying in the streets of Chicago ?????????????

1 point

Hello marcus:

Let's do term limits while we're at it.


LMMFAO you SOCIALIST would shred more tears than you are now !!!!!!!!!!

1 point

The constitution says that all people have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

If you read the Constitution, you’ll find it says no such thing.

Amy oh my Amy you need a refund on your college education !!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

"Lying about people dying in the streets." You are about as young as I thought if you think that is a LIE! I, regretfully, AM old enough to remember and I try NOT to lie … unless jokingly, (that "regretfully" above was half-jokingly ;-)! The weekly death toll was likely not as complete as it would be with today's internet and "up to the minute news", but it was STILL almost weekly! It's YOU that is "making this stuff up"! The nerve of fools! The "hypocrisy" is YOUR "inhumanity while judging others"! (By the way, we DON'T say people died in the streets, usually it was an alley, a river, the woods, etc.) :-(

Grandpaw what does the above rant mean to you ????????????

1 point

Hello joe:

Are we gonna continue to hamstring the FBI by putting blinders on them?? You're NOT gonna find corroboration if you don't LOOK for corroboration..


SUPER STUPID can you remember who called for a week long FBI investigation ?

1 point

HEY! FromWithin! I AGREE with you, use birth control! Problem is, the religious right objects to that and they want to shut down the only place MANY of the poor, especially, could GET birth control! Planned Parenthood did MANY more things than "abortions" … which was a SMALL part of what they did … along with trying to talk some OUT OF aborting when it wasn't necessary! Gave pre and postnatal care that SAVED "viable" AND babies that had started a LIFE! Here's a novel idea! Save as many as we CAN, whether they are "born" or NOT!

Grandpaw i do believe all you SOCIALIST should have used birth control and that is not a NOVEL IDEA !!!!!!!!!

1 point

A "true, honest judge" … that LIED through his teeth UNDER OATH, will be reading the Constitution. You are correct AGAIN! "where it says, we ALL have a right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness"! THAT includes WOMEN not just "viable babies"! That includes the "Democrat party" AND the Republican Party, as extreme as it is! We ALL also have another "right"! The right to VOTE, WITHOUT it being gerrymandered to the advantage OF those "extreme" conservatives that have TAKEN OVER the Republican Party! THEY are truly "godless" (except when in public) AND leading U.S. toward a dictatorship, whatever political view you want to call it!

Does the nominee and now justice spark fear to your daily life Grandpaw ?

Grandpaw was Grandson just a "VIABLE BABY" ? The twisted confused thoughts of the mentally ill Left has been exposed and you Grandpaw run with that crowd !

0 points

Hello From:

Don't you worry. Roe v Wade is HISTORY.. Gay marriage is HISTORY. Immigration (except for white people) is HISTORY..

I mourn for my beloved country..


STUPOR STUPID lets go through this again okay ! Pay close attention to the key word if you can. Where is the "EVIDENCE" of your FEAR MONGERING ? You scared little gurl Socialist !

0 points

If you're a liberal, you should be scared. You should be very scared ;)

Hello joe:

It's true.. The table is set for the right wing to DESTROY 50 years of liberal thought.. Roe is toast.. Gay marriage is finished.. Caring for patients with pre-existing conditions is OVER... Universal health care isn't gonna happen.. People will DIE on the streets, and right wingers will say that's fine, because they're POOR and LAZY and not deserving of life.

But, we have hope.


STUPOR STUPID pay close attention here to a key word because words matter in your very small world. Where is your "EVIDENCE" ?

1 point

STUPOR STUPID did the Washington Compost pass on that fear mongering to your 1 BRAIN CELL ?

1 point

Grandpaw would you know if gay men are spitter's ? You seem to know what is best when it involves POLE SMOKERS !

1 point

Grandpaw gay men are either PITCHERS or CATCHERS right ???????????

1 point

Grandpaw do you want your grandson to be a POLE SMOKER ????????????

2 points

We must understand the Leftist oppose any truth because in their world propaganda is all they know.

1 point

Guns should come with a license agreement that it will not be used to commit murder.

Along comes STUPOR STUPID babbling on about it's DNA which has nothing to do with the heading of the post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

NOM why do Leftist call the police ?????????? They got guns ?????????????

1 point

My AR-15 and AK are very nice weapons for which i can legally purchase !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

NOM you ain't got nothing but an ignorant pie hole !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

NOM you want to speak up on the Chicago gun violence ????????? Come on Dummy nut up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

But, let me come upon a fellow wearing Nazi regalia, and I'll punch him till I can't punch him anymore..

Oh STUPOR STUPID shows the Leftist approve of violence !!!!!!!! Keep speaking DUMMY

1 point

NOM you puke up nothing but sheer nonsense !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

How does this work ? - Guns should come with a license agreement that it will not be used to commit murder.

When one inherits family guns should the guberment make me sign a license agreement?

2 points

I agree and you got it right. No disagreement here at all.

1 point

NOM fresh wild hog is a good set of pork ribs cooked on the grill.

1 point

NOM are you opposed to me hunting wild game ????????????

Fresh backstrap from a whitetail deer is excellent on the grill !!!!!!!!!

1 point

Dermot it is strange that i own guns and i have not killed one person with my weapons and the intent of me buying weapons was not to kill anyone but i can hunt and protect my property and my family. You are right a gun is not a tool but a weapon. Intent of committing murder is in the mind of a criminal not the average gun owner.

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
0 points

Dermot it is designed to kill and puts wild game in the freezer and food on the table for a family so you got it right. Damn good job and perfectly done.

1 point

NOM is upset because the TROLL does not know there is a sky !!!!!!!!!

But DUMMY are YOU not aware of Global Chaos ???????????

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