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Rafael's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Rafael's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I agree with John. Phenomenon like these don't fail to amaze every one of us. It is fascinating to see all these marvelous colors gazing after the sky. Dust bunnies under the sofa bed sometimes looks marvelous what more if it is a dust bunnies up in heaven?

2 points

I also believe that abortion really means murder. Because you are planning to take the life of another human being. There are 115, 000 abortion cases everyday and this is a startling figure considering how we are well educated as how to properly use contraceptives and all other measures. There are cases that they really have to resort for that last measure in order to save a life but let us not try to practice this every time that whenever we forget to take our pill and we get pregnant we will just have that baby gone. Let us not take another human life just because of our irresponsibility.

1 point

Well, I am also a hyper-wiper and use to crumpled it like there's no tomorrow. There's an unlimited stock of TP on my house so I really don't give a s#!t if I can use the whole roll by a single going to the bathroom as long as I feel clean.

1 point

Nothings more disgusting than having a bird poop in your head. That's why when I'm strolling at the park I tend close my mouth and always wears a cap.

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