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This personal waterfall shows you all of Ryuukyuzo's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I tried the last one, but after phasing out of reality, I realized I never learned how to phase back into reality.

Does anyone know?


1 point




The answer is nine.


1 point

From what I've seen, whites are by far the least racist people on the planet.

"But what about the American black slave trade?" you say? It was nothing compared to the Arab black slave trade. Oh, you never heard of the Arab black slave trade? Well I'm not surprised, seeing as they castrated all the black men and refused to let the black women get pregnant, ensuring there wasn't a "next generation" of blacks to remember the atrocities of the slave trade.

2 points

This line here -- "This society places a heavy stigma on homophobes causing them to hide in the closet, sort of speak, in shame and fear of being found out." -- while it's obviously a joke, there's some truth to it. People think it's "okay" to act with cruelty and direct hatred towards people so long as they're 'bigots'. That makes it justified, right?

This is an age-old game. Direct your hate towards the people society has deemed "okay" and even "righteous" to hate, and no one will oppose you on it. Hating homophobes is every bit as bigoted as hating homosexuals.

I hate to break it to you, but the reason you hate homophobes? - It's the same reason homophobes hate homosexuals.

1 point

Homophobia is a relatively new "phobia". Consider the ancient Greeks. Man on man sexual affairs were common, especially in the military. It wasn't looked upon as anything taboo because the idea that homosexuality was wrong didn't yet exist. This proves that homophobia is a learned fear, not something genetically ingrained in us.

1 point

"Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"

- Mark Twain

1 point

I've been on this site as long as Joe has and I haven't even broken 500 yet.

I'm a slacker.

1 point

Basically, the whole political spectrum has shifted to the left in the last passing decades. People now expect the state to solve all their problems and carry them through their whole life, and the state is all too willing to take control of your life.

The result? You punish the hard-working and goal oriented, and subsidize the stupid and lazy. It's a shame.

1 point

Any woman who would willingly pay another man to play with her fun-bags is clearly unsatisfied.

It's "cuckold" by the way.

1 point

That's not an argument. That's not even a cognitive statement.

1 point

Just because you disagree with something doesn't make it discrimination. You're using the word wrong. The BSA is discriminating against gays. I think they should have the right to do so, but it's still discrimination.

3 points

You wouldn't last two weeks without us =p


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