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This personal waterfall shows you all of Themadgadfly's arguments, looking across every debate.

arming them with guns

No one wants kids to get shot, and no one is arming depressed 15-year-olds while knowing what they'd do with the weapons.


No, not if you're saying that repealing the 2nd Amendment would result in fewer gun murders. Gangs will always be able to obtain firearms one way or another, so those numbers wouldn't fluctuate just by repealing the 2nd Amendment.

from all the guns

Who's going to take the gun from the maniac shooting up his school? A security guard with pepper spray and a walkie-talkie?

In Britain

Yes, your gun laws are extremely strict. I understand. Now, would you like to comment on the rampant knife crime and acid attacks?

school children

I never said you should give guns to kids. You said that. Please don't put words in my mouth.

automatic weapons

You're not able to legally own an automatic weapon without a gun license that is very* difficult to obtain.

little old ladies and pre-pubescent school children

I never said any of that. Where did you get this?

taking the gun away

And how would you take away a gun from a "gun-wielding maniac"?

which isn't selling guns

Legality would only harm the ability of good Samaritans to protect themselves from gang members and other criminals who own guns illegally.

bad guys don't have guns

Unless they buy guns illegally. That's a bit of a spanner in the works.

fucking retarded

Good word choice in a debate in which I'm attempting to be civil.

fallacious NRA bullshit

I don't believe I've read anything from the NRA in my life.

if indeed you even do

Good to know that when you've run out of arguments, you resort to insulting your opponent.

stop kids gettings shot

If a kid really wants to kill his classmates, he's going to do it regardless of restrictions. And, when that kid obtains a gun, legally or otherwise, and shoots up his school, who's going to take him down if no citizen can legally own a gun? I hope you see what I'm getting at.

makes you a hypocrite

I didn't belive I needed to make that clear, as I assumed both people knew that already. So, no, I'm not a hypocrite.

yes they did

Not without the help of German scientists. And the Americans also didn't get into space all by themselves. I said that.

beat you into space

But America won the Space Race, for one, and also, I never tried to assert that they didn't. I simply pointed out that communism made no contributions.

comprehension issue

He used the fact that Russians made it to space first as a point for why communism works.

mean anything

Not better at, better than. Words can be used in different contexts. America is the best country compared to other countries for the most part. There are some things that other countries do better, but it's never a large list.

global standard of living index

First off, the article you linked goes by the level of social progress made by each country. That doesn't make it invalid, but I wouldn't say that social progress means a good standard of living. I feel like that would be more associated with quality of living, but I'm not an expert in the field. Second, Finland and Denmark are also countries that have some of the highest personal income tax rates in the world.

Finland - 51.60

Denmark - 55.80

For context, Denmark's average personal income is $28,950 and Finland's is $29,374. So, as an average citizen of either of those countries, you're giving the government half of what you're earning for publically-funded healthcare among other things. I wouldn't say those two countries are better places to live than the United States, personally.

got to the Moon.

I'm not suggesting that the Americans got into space all by themselves, either. I was pointing out that the Russians didn't get into space first all by themselves as the other guy said.

questions whether capitalism has been responsible for any of America's achievements

I doubt very seriously that capitalism has helped America achieve anything that it has. I'm not saying that America got to the Moon first because of capitalism. I'm disproving the other guy's claim that communism helped the Russians get the first man into space.

judging other nations for faults which your own is equally, if not more guilty of

Yes, I judge other nations for their shortcomings just as I judge my own country of its shortcomings. If you can show me one country better than the United States, go ahead. I doubt you'll find one.

like Kennedy and Johnson

Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon among others wanted to end the war in Vietnam, not continue it. They wanted to stop fighting communism by extent. Also, of course they hated commies. Everyone did, and a lot of people still do.

liberal capitalist party

The Democratic party is a political party with views on the left side of the political spectrum. Communism and socialism are both ideals on the left side of the political spectrum. The Democratic party is, for the most part, what is pushing for universal healthcare. Also, if you look at the 2016 presidential election, you'll find that Bernie Sanders (noted Democratic Socialist) moved to the Democratic party with all of his Bernie bros because he knew that running as an independent wouldn't do him any favors.

further right than Hitler

Wouldn't Hitler be considered alt-Right? Also, Hitler was a part of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Socialism is a less extreme version of communism, which is a leftist ideology.

As did the US in 2007

The United States has never collapsed in its history. We've had economic depressions, but we've pulled through every time. Unless of course, you want to count restructuring the country by taking out the Articles of Confederation and replacing it with the Constitution. That, I can get behind.

worked for 70 years

It worked exactly how it was supposed to work if how it was meant to work was to make everyone poor and create massive food shortages.

invented satellite technology

With the help of German scientists. Also, communism is not the reason for the USSR getting the first man into space.


I'd rather you answer my question than you be a smartass, but do whatever works for you I suppose.


I couldn't care less about semantics.

neo-Nazi bullshit

By Democrats, he's referencing leftist "democratic" socialists. Not all Democrats are commies, but there are many.

you didn't defeat Communism

You're right, the U.S. didn't defeat communism. The USSR collapsed in on itself because of terrible leadership. That doesn't mean that communism works, if that's what you're saying.

by your own system

What system are you referencing here?

Saying "we should add a EULA to gun purchases" is like saying "we should outlaw crime".


Intent doesn't matter when one is much more deadly than the other.

There's no point in implementing pointless policies. The agreement wouldn't matter in the first place.

When you provide statistics, it's your job to source those claims. It isn't my job to search around to source your claims.

themadgadfly(889) Clarified
1 point

No one that you think hates Jews actually hates Jews. They just hate the fact that you keep on bringing up the fact that you're a self-proclaimed Jewish warrior.


I don't hate Jews, I just said it would be a good idea to take a couple of other tests to solidify your Jew-ness. If you don't, you're just proving their point to them.

Weapons in general are murder weapons. Forks can kill, but they're legal. Why is that?

Right, so when America's military starts fighting who it's supposed to protect, civilians won't even have to defend themselves.

liberal definition

I have no clue what the liberal definition is. Please elaborate.

Agreements are worthless when people will disobey them regardless. You act like everyone wants to kill someone and we need to put into place laws preventing them from doing so. Fact of the matter is that normal, everyday people don't want to murder their wife and kids.

Where did you get any of these numbers? You haven't sourced anything.

The term neo-Nazism can also refer to the ideology of these movements, which may borrow elements from Nazi doctrine, including ultranationalism, anti-communism, racism, ableism, xenophobia, homophobia, anti-Romanyism, antisemitism, up to initiating the Fourth Reich.

See that? Borrowing elements from Nazi doctrine. Neo-Nazism seeks to revive aspects of Nazi Germany, not everything about it.


By what? I suggest that excon gets two more DNA tests to completely prove he's Jewish, if he is.

themadgadfly(889) Clarified
1 point

I don't think it's fake. I don't see why a testing lab would fake a DNA test at all, honestly.

themadgadfly(889) Clarified
1 point

I worded myself wrong. I mean that by being against the 2nd Amendment, you are against the human right to self-preservation granted by the Second Amendment.

about it

Sorry, I forgot that you want to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

Good point

The mere fact that you want to repeal the 2nd Amendment is enough evidence for myself to prove that you are anti-Constitution and anti-America.

science denied and Jew hater

Are you a religious Jew or an ethnic Jew? Either way, him disagreeing with you doesn't mean that he denies science or hates Jews. Also, how is he a science denier?

I'd very much like to see your DNA test.

I'm a Jewish warrior

No, you're a regular person if not a tiny bit insane. I wouldn't be surprised if you went to jail for 13 assault charges. You have a right to your opinion, and so do neo-Nazis.

It literally says "neo-Nazi" in the link.


not Trump voters

Nazi regalia

Nazis died out in the 1940s, and the people who were formerly Nazis are in their 90s and don't hold the same ideals they did back then. You're looking for the term "neo-Nazi".


And how would you prevent those thirty thousand gun deaths? By the way, most of those are suicides by people who were able to legally obtain the firearm they used.

You haven't kicked any "right wing ass" on this website, and I doubt you have the balls to assault someone wearing a MAGA hat in public.

But I thought you were talking about lowering the murder rate?


It seems, Joe, that you're living in a fantasy world. Guns aren't the only thing used in murders, for one, so I doubt that it would drop as significantly as you think. If it dropped at all, that is. Second, how are license agreement violation charges going to dissuade people from killing each other?

Truth is objective, and there's one type: verified truth.

Being verifiable has nothing to do with it. There are truths, which are verified. That's it.

What's your point? Free will exists, doesn't it?


Yes, but not 36,000 points made over a sports career. 36,000 points on a low-traffic debate website. Again, I wouldn't openly brag about it.

TO do that, you'd need something of substance to actually brag about. Here, it seems, you have nothing.

I'm afraid that'll be quite a while because internet service isn't free in America, so I'll need to leave my nuclear fallout bunker.

Considering you joined ten goddamn years ago, I don't think you have many bragging rights.

Okay, so why is a small ball of cells different from a larger ball of cells? They're the same if you go down to the cell level.

It doesn't move except by instinct? So you mean, it moves?

Yes, it is an individual. The fetus may be connected physically, but it's a different being entirely.

Where did you get that from? The ear is a part of the fetus, not meant to separate. The fetus, on the other hand, is supposed to separate and therefore receives nutrients directly, as opposed to all the different appendages receiving nutrients and combining into a Power Ranger Megazord-esque organism.

is an INDIVIDUAL, in-dividual.

Is a fetus not an individual?

but that it is not YET a stage of human life.

I disagree. Before being a full on human, you have to start from scratch, just like a bug.

I can even argue that it is not immoral to kill a fetus because it has no feelings.

Fetuses begin to develop pain receptors 8 weeks into a pregnancy. 20+ weeks and you've got a fetus that can feel. As for being immoral, I disagree there as well. Killing is immoral, no?

It doesn't move, the fluids move a fetus.

What's your point?

it becomes a human life?

No. Women are different than men, obviously. Food can't evolve into a life, much less a human one.

I'm not upset at all, I'm just waiting for you to start an intelligent discussion.

"lazy sod"? It's the weekend, Luigi. Unlike you and your Italian buddies, our unemployment rate isn't almost 11 percent and I don't need to work on the weekend to survive.

Any luck on the job front buddy ?

Yeah, and it's pretty easy. All I have to do is debunk this Italian guy on a debate website.

If you approve of abortion I have some excellent advice for you ...... get one

How would I get an abortion?.............................

I'm going to argue my point right here based on the question.

A fetus is just a phase of a human's life, just as old age is.

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