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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Hell yeah, less work No, make 'em work 4 it
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 Hell yeah, less work (2)
 No, make 'em work 4 it (4)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Do you prefer easy access bras [that unhook in the front]?

I'm too tired to put something in here.  Come up with a debate description and I'll add it in. 

Hell yeah, less work

Side Score: 4

No, make 'em work 4 it

Side Score: 4

It's kinda like Christmas... you unhook it and peel it back and there are the goodies ;)

Side: Hell yeah, less work
1 point

You are completely right, less work.

Go easy access bras!


Side: Hell yeah, less work
1 point

As a wearer, they're wierd and uncomfortable. I've never been a fan.

As a lover, it's a minute difference, but I think it takes away from the shape of the bra, and that bit of lace that usually goes in the cleavage is my favorite.

Side: No, make 'em work 4 it

I agree with all of that. Regular bras are much prettier, much more comfortable, and give a much better shape.

Side: No, make 'em work 4 it
1 point


you're telling me I spent all this time perfecting the one hand reach around technique (wow, that sounds funny)

only to have them now come up with some easy access bra?

Bu!!$it I say.

Side: No, make 'em work 4 it
0 points

Unless you're crippled, dumb and cross-eyed, and possibly retarded, I don't see how bras aren't easy access already.

Side: No, make 'em work 4 it