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I always knew that Gasp! Say it isn't so!
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:21
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 I always knew that (6)
 Gasp! Say it isn't so! (7)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Well...., I am not surprised. I always knew that global warming is a bunch of hog wash ;)

Side: I always knew that

Anyone who doesn't think global warming or now (climate change) is hog wash is a moron.

Side: I always knew that
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

"Anyone who doesn't think global warming or now (climate change) is hog wash is a moron."

Really, wow, i guess ive got it all wrong, i mean i was going to go like the sheep i am with the general concensus of the entire worlds scientific community, and the stacks of irrefutable evidence ive examined but hey if you say that makes me a Moron i better change my opinion.

Ive been absolutely amazed at how corporate power in the US have successfully twisted the reality of anthropogenic warming, and have used what little evidence exists to the contrary to completely cloud the american publics perception of which side is correct. Im not going to say Global warming is a scientific law, or even a theory but fucking hell its a lot more likely than the opposing view, and the sad reality is we can't risk continuing business as usual and having to find out the hard way that actually ya we are all just a bunch of ignorant assholes, and because of that lots, and lots of people are going to suffer, and die for our mistakes

Side: Gasp! Say it isn't so!

I've always believed that global warming IS happening, but I am adamant that humans are not responsible, it is just the natural cycle of the earth.

Side: I always knew that
garry77777(1775) Disputed
2 points

" but I am adamant that humans are not responsible, it is just the natural cycle of the earth."

And what exactly are you basing that opinion on?

Side: Gasp! Say it isn't so!
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

You should read into Gaia theory proposed by the scientist James Lovelock, it really does open your eyes to how pumping billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere can change how this planet regulates itself.

Side: Gasp! Say it isn't so!
1 point

I know that climate change is happening, but I also know that humans like to exaggerate things. Especially when they pushed as a fad.

Side: I always knew that
1 point

Wow. Did you guys even read the articles?

There are four things the IPCC screwed up on. And since Al Gore's facts were either corrected or disproven long ago, this proves to be sad reporting skills for an article published just days ago. NOWHERE in EITHER article is there skepticism to manmade climate change.

The second article has absolutely nothing to do with exaggerating climate change. It just says deep oceans can absorb some heat.

"This study suggests the missing energy has indeed been buried in the ocean," Trenberth says. "The heat has not disappeared, and so it cannot be ignored. It must have consequences."

The climate is hard to predict. Scientists are bound to fuck some of it up, but does four mistakes by the IPCC mean all climate change is exaggerated and humans aren't a source?

To be a denialist, as you are, requires an enormous capacity to be willfully ignorant to the mountains of evidence published by just Science and Nature alone every year. But shit... I guess if that helps you get up in the morning.

Side: Gasp! Say it isn't so!