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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:24
Total Votes:24
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 Yes (11)
 No (13)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Is it irrational to be afraid of cereal killers?

Do people even read the description?


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 13
1 point

Yes, cereal is no big deal... it's the oatmeal that you gotta watch out for.

Side: yes
1 point

You can take my spoon - but you will never take my coco puffs.................................................................................

Side: yes

Only when they eat Fruit Loops...never trust a kid who eats those, they grow up to be serial killers.

Side: yes
1 point

Yes, I kill cereal every day. Lucky is next...he's magically delicious.

Side: yes
1 point

Die, honey nut cheerios, die! This is the stupidest debate I have ever seen. Period. I don't know how much stupider this could get. On the other hand...

Side: yes
1 point

This is the kind of stupid debate topic that is only used to garner more points on create debate.

But getting back to the question, it depends if you use milk. And if you use milk, what kind of milk; whole, 5%, 2%, skim milk? And what about chocolate milk? What kind of chocolate milk? Store brand, Hersheys? And I've even seen strawberry milk before. What about milk for the lactose intolerant. What about milk substitutes, like soy milk. What about powdered milk? What about baby formula milk? So I think I just milked that one for all its worth.

Side: yes

No, not yet. You forgot one. What about breast milk? OK, we're done ;)

Side: yes
nagtroll(275) Disputed
1 point

I didn't forget, its not an all inclusive list, i chose not to include it because its not commonly available for sale in most grocery stores. If you want to purchase breast milk, it will not be as easy.

Side: No

No. This is a real fear. My teen age children can kill a box of cereal in two days! I'm afraid that they will eat me out of house and home ;)

Side: No
1 point

Please! My family used to buy a few boxes at a time and one would be gone in a day! But now that I don't eat it, it takes a day and a half. ;)

Side: No
1 point

What would the world do without cereal?!??!?! I'd be fine because I either have a bagel with cream cheese or oatmeal for breakfast. I never have cereal, but what about all of the poor kids who won't be able to say "Frosted Flakes! They're Grrrrrrrrreat!" or "Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!"

Side: No
1 point

I went as a cereal killer for Halloween one year. A plain t-shirt, with mini-cereal boxes stapled to it, stabbed with plastic spoons and spattered in blood stains.

I was extremely scary. Therefore, it is rational to fear cereal killers.

Side: No
1 point

Absolutely not, I'm a cereal killer, 3, 4 at a time. I ravage them, nothing left, and look at my pic, all the neighbors say "kind of quiet, but he seemed nice enough."


Side: No
1 point

I don't want some freak slashing at my Rice Bubbles, holding my Weetbix for ransom!

Side: No

clearly it is not irrational. it is a genuine thing which could happen.

it is of course highly improbable and unlikely beyond most fears. while i do not have figures i would imagine there are far more probable ways of dying (many of which i imagine are quite amusing, i once heard you are more likely to be killed by a donkey than an airoplane) but this does not make it irrational

it is rational because there is a genuine reason to fear it, that though it is improbable it is possible that it would happen to you and kill you

Side: No