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Yeah, that's pretty much it Wait...., What? No!
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:15
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 Yeah, that's pretty much it (2)
 Wait...., What? No! (6)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Is this a typical liberal solution: Find someone who can afford it and make him

Not only is it a typical liberal solution to problems but here are a few justifications as well:

1.  It's for the children

2.  It's for the greater good

3.  It benefits all of society

4.  It's the right/humane thing to do

5.  It wouldn't be fair otherwise

6.  The greedy, evil bastards only care about themselves

7.  They made their money by enslaving those we are trying to help

Yeah, that's pretty much it

Side Score: 3

Wait...., What? No!

Side Score: 10
1 point

Well sure liberals use those but don't conservatives use some of the same ones? It's not about the justifications it's about what you're trying to do.

As for the solution, yes. And there is no good justification for that.

Side: Yeah, that's pretty much it
3 points

Liberal Solutions:

Limited government (classical liberals (i.e. anti-statists, anti-monarchists, constitutionalists))

Human rights (classical liberals (Hobbes, Hume etc.))

Capitalism (Classical liberals (Smith) )

Slavery abolition (Modern liberals)

Suffrage (feminist liberals)

legal miscegenation (liberals)

Civil Rights (liberals)

The typical liberal solution = America. The history of America is itself the constant victory of liberalism over conservatism.

Side: Wait...., What? No!
2 points

Wow those liberals are a bunch of selfish jerks. Clearly they only care about taking money from rich people.

Side: Wait...., What? No!
ThePyg(6738) Disputed
1 point

You are thinking about Classical Libertarian views. Liberal and Conservative are merely labels.

What we know now as an American Modern Liberal would be a Left Wing Democrat, which do not support Capitalism and Limited Government.

You're confusing Liberal/Conservative with Authoritarian/Libertarian.

In Liberal/Conservative, the Liberal should technically be the one who is for an alteration of the current form. Back in the day, the Patriots would be called Liberals for they were for eliminating the current government in order to create a new one. But, today's Conservatives want a Revolution more than the Liberals, so wouldn't they then be Liberals in your eyes?

Classical Liberalism and Modern Liberalism is not the same because, as I said, it depends on the times and country.

A Conservative in America today is MUCH different from a Conservative in Cuba today.

The history of America, ideologically, is a victory of Libertarianism over Authoritarianism.

Side: Yeah, that's pretty much it
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
1 point

You are thinking about Classical Libertarian views.

Nope. I'm talking about classical liberalism.

What we know now as an American Modern Liberal would be a Left Wing Democrat, which do not support Capitalism and Limited Government.

The first part is patently absurd and you should re-read my post.

You're confusing Liberal/Conservative with Authoritarian/Libertarian.

Not confused at all.

In Liberal/Conservative, the Liberal should technically be the one who is for an alteration of the current form.

Back in the day, the Patriots would be called Liberals for they were for eliminating the current government in order to create a new one.

Limited government (classical liberals (i.e. anti-statists, anti-monarchists, constitutionalists))

But, today's Conservatives want a Revolution more than the Liberals, so wouldn't they then be Liberals in your eyes?

Wanting a revolution is not the same as wanting to change the system. Conservatives want a revolution to stifle liberal change--to maintain the current system, not enact liberal change. So, no.

Classical Liberalism and Modern Liberalism is not the same because, as I said, it depends on the times and country.

I never once proposed that they were.

A Conservative in America today is MUCH different from a Conservative in Cuba today.

Style over substance.

The history of America, ideologically, is a victory of Libertarianism over Authoritarianism.

Convenient, but ahistorical.

Side: Wait...., What? No!
1 point

While "justifications" 1-7 all seem like valid reasons to change something to me (assuming they are true when being used), i don't know why you post this garbage other than if you just want to keep your name on the top of the weekly leader board.

edit:maybe not six, but when six is the case, usually one of the others are at play as well.

Side: Wait...., What? No!

Yeah, these all seem like very valid reasons to pass legislation or to take action. And if there are people who can afford to pay for the action that's needed, well, that's even better!

Side: Wait...., What? No!

Hmmm...., Well..., maybe I should go on hiatus from political debates or all debates in general. But for how long? Until Alstars is the weekly leader? Or someone else? I don't know.

Maybe I can retire all together after I reach 666 debates ;)

Side: Yeah, that's pretty much it