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True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 True. (4)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (3)

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jolie(9810) pic

It looks like Hillary is going to get the nomination. What should Bernie supporters do?


Side Score: 4

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 5
1 point

San Jose Police Chief Who Admits ALLOWING ATTACKS on Trump Supporters is Affiliated With La Raza - See more


A day after a melee erupted outside a Donald Trump rally, the San Jose police chief and mayor on Friday defended themselves from a national backlash over their handling of the dramatic and at times violent protest. On radio talk shows and across social media, some called for Mayor Sam Liccardo’s resignation because of his comments suggesting that Trump was to blame for igniting violence, while police were criticized for failing to protect Trump supporters from angry protesters throwing punches, water bottles and traffic cones. Some videos showed those attacks and suggested they were unprovoked, but others showed Trump supporters taunting protesters, ripping their Dump Trump signs and throwing the first punches. - See more at: affiliated-with-la-raza.html/#sthash.HkZD2Urm.dpuf

Side: True.

If youre not in a swing state then vote for literally whoever you want. Vote for Bernie still or write in Jill Stein. And if youre in a swing state that could go red or blue then i would have to say stomach it and vote for hillary.

Side: True.

I have already had to flip the fuck out at way too many of my fellow Sanders supporters over this. The fact that any of them would think even for a second that Trump would make a better president than Hillary seems to indicate that they truly had no idea what policies or ideology they were supporting, and instead were enacting a petulant form of rebellion devoid of any and all effective purpose.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
2 points

It is impossible to know what policies you support when you vote for Trump, he doesn't even know yet.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
dadman(1703) Clarified
1 point

well shoot ..... Hillary "evolves" lol ... just as Obama does

I believe that marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman
Side: True.
dadman(1703) Disputed
1 point

lol .......... Sanders nor Clinton will save the planet .... neither will Trump .... Our world is the Titanic after hitting the Ice burg .. sitting in still water ... oh yes it all seems calm for a while ... for a very little while indeed .... at this point it really doesn't matter who the elected Captain is ........... Sanders / Clinton and Trump supporters should look to Jesus Christ for their salvation ... the only REAL Salvation there is ...... a petulant form of rebellion .. lol indeed .. such is the heart and mind of man


Jeremiah 17:9 ... The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?


The Sinfulness of sin .... “Am I really all that bad?” .... If you haven’t said those words, you’ve probably at least thought them, and with reason. You can always find a worse offender, someone who has violated God’s standards to a degree you’ve never approached. Fact is, there is probably a long list of sins you have never committed, never will, would never think to commit .... But does God measure sin on a sliding scale? What are His expectations, His requirements--not just for your behavior but also your thoughts, whether or not you ever act on them? .... In The Sinfulness of Sin, John MacArthur moves you beyond a shallow view of sin to expose the heart attitudes where sin takes root. These six messages will help reveal whether you have a genuine desire to please God, or a sham faith. Either way, you need to know the truth.

Side: True.
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

So are you going to write in Jesus on your ballot?

Side: True.