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She's human like everyone else That's just wrong
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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 She's human like everyone else (10)
 That's just wrong (3)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Dear CD, my 85 year old grandmother reads Cosmo. Should I be concerned? -jc

My grandfather passed away over 20 years ago.  She has Alzheimer's Disease.  Why is she reading about women who want to be manhandled and the men who love them? 

She's human like everyone else

Side Score: 15

That's just wrong

Side Score: 4
2 points

It's a free country. I read AARP magazine when I donate blood.

A healthy sexual appetite can increase your lifespan.

Side: She's human like everyone else

She's 85! What is she trying to do, beat Methuselah? ;)

Side: She's human like everyone else
2 points

Well the upside here is that every issue of Cosmo is essentially the same. So once she gets senile you can cancel her subscription and just start recycling old issues.

Side: She's human like everyone else

My God...we've turned this into Dear Abby...what next? '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Side: She's human like everyone else

You know me, I've got to be different and put a new spin on things. ;)

Side: She's human like everyone else

I don't think it's wrong. 85 year old woman probably can't have sex anyway, so who cares? Maybe you take after her and she reads it for kicks, giggles, and other "things". :P

Side: She's human like everyone else

Yeah, one of the articles was about how some women like to be manhandled every once in a while. Like, what are you supposed to do; smack them around a little on Friday nights? Maybe once a month when they're on their period or something?

Side: She's human like everyone else
1 point

maybe she just wants to read it theres nothing wrong with that i mean come on hasn't everyone read a dirty book/magazine at some point ? and at her age it might have been a bit hard to get want she wanted if she did want anything.

Side: She's human like everyone else
1 point

I see nothing wrong with it unless she was also the 85 year old lady who tried to wear a miniskirt and halter top... Besides that whats the issue?

Side: She's human like everyone else
2 points

Hahaha, granted, everyone has the right to read whatever they want, but an 85 yr old lady reading cosmo is pushing it. I mean, it's not even her generation, it's weird. Maybe she doesn't even realize what she's actually reading... she has Alzheimer's after all. Or, your granny likes to be manhandled... and that's still weird... she's 85! haha.

Side: That's just wrong

I think I'm traumatized. I can't get that image out of my head. I think I'm gonna become celibate ;)

Side: That's just wrong

She should be reading 'Poor Richard's Almanack'!

Side: That's just wrong