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Yup. Damn fire retarded material!
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yup. (2)
 Damn fire retarded material! (1)

Debate Creator

jolie(9809) pic

Should ALL flags be made from fire retardant materials.


Side Score: 2

Damn fire retarded material!

Side Score: 1
1 point

It'll piss off the flag burners.

Side: Yup.
1 point

Not at all, they'll just douse the flag in more fuel and create an even bigger burn.

Side: Yup.
1 point

If someone wanted to damage a symbol of the United States, they will damage a symbol of the United States. Fire retardation would do nothing except raise production costs. Also maybe prevent accidental flag fires, but I have a feeling those are more rare than shark attacks.

Side: Damn fire retarded material!