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 Should math teachers give you an 'A' on you homework just because you tried? (30)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Should math teachers give you an 'A' on you homework just because you tried?

The teacher does not want kids to give up on math.  Anything less than an 'A' for any number of wrong anwers is too traumatic for a 7th grader and they'll give up on math and never learn it.  Is this right?

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5 points

No. They shouldn't.


I had a summer course last year, and that math teacher had one of the best systems for grading I've ever seen:

You do the homework the first time around. You go up to her desk and show it to her, and she would grade it in front of you, marking off the mistakes and grading you based on your answers. If you got them all right, you got an A. If they were all wrong, you got an F. But then, after she graded it the first time, you could go back and redo the problems you got wrong an unlimited amount of times that day until you finally went back up and got an A on the work. Each time, she would go into the records and change the grade. Once you hit a grade you were comfortable with, you could stop.

This method truly holds both effort and achievement high, and if a student wants to work harder to get an A, the student will understand the subject better. If it's a kid who doesn't care, he or she will just go up once and not take the time to keep fixing the work.

That is seriously the best method I have ever seen.

Side: There is a Better Way
khOOl(2) Disputed
1 point

I like the system , but i disagree with the part where she changes your grade constantly . I believe that you can't get an A on every piece of work you do . There are going to be children that take that extra step , those children should get the A . Put yourself in the child that goes over and beyond trying to make the grade position . Tell me how would you feel if your doing your best and studying harder than ever could to make the grade only to know that a different child that doesn't do his/her best doesn't , study etc.can get the same grade as you or even higher . I would feel as if there is no point in studying and doing my best , because i can get the same grade or even higher on my work .

Side: There is a Better Way

This way of thinking does a disservice to children and the country as a whole. It lets everyone down because it doesn't prepare the future generation for the real world.

Side: There is a Better Way
2 points

No, of course not. They need to learn what failure feels like. They also need to learn what true success is. A free A is not true success.

But I'm not going to lie, I sometimes wish I could get a free A. It was hard being a 7th grader.

Don't give up kids.

Side: True success
2 points

NO it is wrong even though that it is awesome it would make your scores wrong

Side: True success

do we really need math? i'm going to be a cop, but i don't think i'm going to have to pull out a pencil and paper to calculate the distance and trajectory of my bullet!

Side: True success
3 points

You would be surprised how much math would help you. Remember that math rests much in logic and reasoning. Being able to figure out a problem and create a solution is a much needed skill, plus if you decide to be in the FBI, CIA, etc they look highly and almost always to individuals with high scores in logic and reasoning. A police officer should be rigorously tested in logic in reasoning because of the high need to apply it in the real world.

Side: True success
frenchieak(1132) Disputed
3 points

So you say you're going to be a cop. I think that's pretty cool, but you really can't ever know for sure.

What if you don't pass the test? What if it's a psychological thing that you really just can't change?

What then?

Are you going to specialize your early life so much that you only have two options: police officer or ditch digger?

You need to diversify your options, as always, just in case.

Side: do not be naive
1 point

i have other plans too. if i do not get to be a cop, then i would like to be a S.W.A.T. officer, and if i dont get to be either, then i will spend my life in the armed forces, perhaps as a commander of some sort.

Side: True success
1 point

That's exactly right, have a back-up plan! Never rely on just one!Even the best laid plans go awry!

Side: True success
2 points

You may not need that much math to be a cop, but to get an education you sure do. And the more education you have as a cop, the further you will move up.

Just the way it is.

Look at it this way, you wont need to take out a pencil because you probably learned (in school) to estimate and do quick math in your head. You do it all the time, you just don't realize it.

Side: True success

Beautiful, beautiful and well put! ```````````````````````````````````

Side: True success
1 point

And if you go further? Into forensics perhaps? Then what...will you stunt your career for a mathematical block?

Side: Trying is good success is an A
Ledfoot(135) Disputed
1 point

What if you become a police sniper? eh? then you will need to calculate how many inches above the target you need to shoot due to distance. Also if the targets moving you would need to calculate how long it will take the bullet to reach the target and where they will be in that time, so you can aim so far infront. EH? do your math man, or you will be SCREWED.

Side: True success
1 point

not in a quick situation! if the perp is running, then i'm not going to go to my brain and say "hey! remember the distance formula and calculate how many centimeters ahead of the criminal i need to shoot!" i just pick up the gun and shoot it. if i miss, thats what the extra bullets in my rifle are for!

Side: NOPE
1 point

Yes because teachers want to give kids A's to make them happy and think their smart.

Side: True success
1 point

Well I hope they don't...brush up on English too while you're at it. The word was they're!

Side: True success
1 point

Why let somebody paid only 50,000$ a year be the judge for your future?

Why still have homework in the first place?

If a person is a failure, then let nature fail him. Simple.

Side: True success

You absolutely NEED math...every day in every way. "A" doesn't come easy, nor does math for some. Don't give up, ask for help and you'll likely to get it. There are NO automatic "A's" in life. We must work for what we achieve.

Side: Trying is good success is an A
1 point

Should there be Math homework in the first place?

Obviously not.

Side: Trying is good success is an A
1 point

That is teaching the wrong way. How does that teacher know I didn't just put in a bunch of random numbers?

Side: NOPE
2 points

There are schools which will give a minimum grade of, as I recall, about 65%. You don't have to do any work - leave everything empty and get, what is that now, a D?!

Side: NOPE
1 point

Home work should not be graded. To grade home work is to grade the process of learning and not what has been learned. Grade quizzes and tests only.

Side: Homework should not be graded
1 point

No! You need to do well! Yes, if your best is amazing and deserves a A!

Side: do not be naive

They should do it depending on if it looks like you tried or if you just wrote down a random answer. If you actually tried, then yes you should get an A because you tried the best that you could.

Side: do not be naive

So, if you can't do a job properly, like fly a plane or drive a taxi or a truck, you should still get paid because, dammit..., you tried!!! ;)

Side: do not be naive

No, it is your own fault if you do terrible or not, you should check over your work and make sure you did it properly!

Side: do not be naive

What? If you do terrible, who's fault is it if not your own? I don't understand? ;)

Side: do not be naive
1 point

Homework is not just bad because it counts as a grade, but it causes stress and exaustion to kids and makes them want to lose interest in learning.

Side: do not be naive

Exactly! It prepares for the real world : )

Side: do not be naive