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True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 True. (7)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (8)

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jolie(9809) pic

The terrorists have effectively won - again.


The pilot could not get back into the cockpit to control the plane because of the jihadi-proof door blocking him.


Side Score: 8

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 8

Unfortunately, this appears to be a trend. Step 1: Hurt America. Step 2: Watch America destroy itself and its values as it tries to get you, your family, your country, and some other random country just to make sure you know we are serious.

Side: True.
1 point

America now has deployed special forces several times and is continuing airstrikes. The terrorists want instability in the region, and interventions in 14 middle eastern countries since 1980 has proven that America is exceptionally good at destabilizing countries. The terrorists now have gotten what they wanted, a weakened Iraqi government and a United States intervention. Al Qaeda wanted a US intervention, and has thrived with the instability of the region after our response to 9/11.

Side: True.
1 point

Is it too soon? I fear it might be too soon. It's too soon... isn't it?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

The human race has the propensity to go from zero to 100mph in the split of a second in its decision making and problem solving chaos.

Where is the KISS principle to risk management

Do decision makers sit back and work out the most rational solution that meets most if not all contingencies in problem resolution......?.

It would appear that they mostly over react, putting in knee jerk, ill thought out strategies that can cause more problems than they solve and then have to go backwards to make a poor decision workable.

Perhaps the next step will be that they will put toilet seats in the cockpit so the pilots do have to leave at all....?.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

The terrorists have not won. The terrorists will not win.

Pointing to changes we have made in order to combat them, from hardened cockpit doors, to torture, to dropping he Atomic bomb, we employ the means necessary to the threat. Our Morals, our Principles and our ideals are how we want to live. The things we must do to defend ourselves ARE and should remain what is required by the nature and strength of the threat we are facing.

Someone once said "All Is Fair In Love and War", it is true.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
2 points

Theoretically I would be tempted to agree, but then I remember Osama Bin Laden's stated goals for 9/11, which were to get the United States to become embroiled in a military occupation and a heightened state of fear, causing us to spend untold billions and generally damage the country. He was right, we did exactly that, and it had an overwhelmingly negative impact on our society. The goal of terrorists is to incite terror, and we do very little to combat that effect. We overreact, we overspend, we over employ our military, and we simply continue the cycle.

Side: True.
1 point

No. All industries, even wee Mrs. Mc Dookey's sweetie shop is required by law to have have a clearly displayed ''Health & Safety Statement'' which includes documented evidence that a proper risk assessment was carried out by a qualified health & safety expert as well as verifiable proof that all/or any recommendations were implemented. In addition to this all procedures must have a ''method statement'' list produced showing the correct manner in which all tasks are to be completed. Surely, with all the tremendous risks involved in the airline industry the ''brains of the industry'' supplemented with millions of pounds of state of the art computers, such a scenario should have been predicted and provision made for the risk to be eliminated. Another, unmentioned hazard is the existence of a lethal fire axe in the cockpit. What point is there in carrying out body searches and scans of the flight crew when they're going to have access to a deadly weapon once they board the aircraft? Express availability to such a piece of safety equipment is vital but it requires some safety features built in to it's accessibility.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

If everyone on the plane had a gun, the terrorists wouldn't have a chance.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

I strongly disagree. If the goal of terrorists is to incite terror, then what is more dangerous than a fully armed populace overwhelmed by fear and paranoia?

And I say that as a strong proponent of the 2nd amendment.

Side: True.

Well just drawing a couple of incidents especially the recent one in "Germanwings" ,one can't prove terrorists have won ;Well the Osama-Bin guy who obliterated the Trade Center met his own doom in Pakistan and that also in his safe-house;Terrorists are getting gunned down everywhere whether it be Bangkok or Brussels,everywhere ;Few incidents may have caused the arousal of these views but certainly nobody can deny that terrorists are basically hiding under cover in fear of getting captured.You see ever since the ISIS leader's actual info got spread,he's not been seen in any more video footages ,that's exactly what happens.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!