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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:15
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joecavalry(40163) pic

What percentage of the population of India are nothing but horny fuckers?

A Swiss woman camping with her husband in India was gang raped, and CNN reports that five men have confessed to the crime. The incident comes about three months after the deadly gang rape of a 23-year-old woman on a moving bus through Delhi, which led to public outrage, weeks of protest and global media attention.

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Not everyone in India is a rapist. In fact, most Indians are not rapists. But India has a large population (second only to China). So even if it's a small percentage, that's a lot of rapists.

2 points

100%, all humans have the chemical hormone that produces the feeling of being horny.

1 point

I heard that Spanish guys were horny fuckers. I would love to find out. ;)

2 points

I'm puerto rican, black, and white ever been curios about that? ;p

Sitara(11080) Clarified
2 points

You better be legal. I have to ask how old you are. I do not want to go to jail for flirting with you. Blushes. ;)

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

You are neither puerto rican, black nor white, you are in fact merely a mixed race child that is neither (rather than 'all').

If I take hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O2) and make water I say that I have water, I don't say that I have oxygen and hydrogen.

Although you could consider yourself Puerto Rican if you got the passport.

I found this statistic online:

NEW DELHI: The number of India's horny fell to 29.8% of its population in 2009-10 from 37.2% in 2004-05, one of the sharpest falls ever. This suggests India has not only grown faster than the world's horny, but that this growth has lifted millions out of humping.

In absolute terms, the number of lusty and busty in the country declined by around 13% to 354 million during the fiveyear period with rural hot n' ready rubbing falling faster than urban sexual-activity. During the period, rural humping declined by 8 percentage points to 33.8%, almost double the decline of urban humping by 4.8 percentage points to 20.9%.