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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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 Why is it so hard for women on the internet to keep their clothes on? (16)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Why is it so hard for women on the internet to keep their clothes on?

If you came here looking for links to photos of naked women..., I'm sorry to disappoint but I am not joe_pimp.

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1 point

<.< Joe..... I told you to keep that a secret. lol ;)

1 point

Oh, and to answer your question, because there's men like you on the internet ;)

Oh..., I don't mind you being naked on the internet ;)

Just direct me those photos ;)

1 point

Lol, why would you?

And it'll cost you $20 a month to access the website ;)

Create debate is one of the last sites to go if naked woman are your fancy.

1 point

If you came here looking for links to photos of naked women..., I'm sorry to disappoint but I am not joe_pimp.

I'm still waiting for the pictures of soldiers on horseback.....

Wanna join this division ?

BTW, just look at the picture. Don't visit the site proper. My virus protection detected a threat.

1 point

That is a sexist thing to say. Men are just as bad .

Yeah..., but it's mostly gay men..., so..., I guess that's being gayist ;)

Saurbaby(5502) Disputed
1 point

Lol, it's not sexist, it's Joe. He's joking around.

Not to mention girls are much more popular online than men, just how it is.

Well it's simple really. The internet uses electricity, and this electricity has an attractive force that rips the clothes off of those too close to it. It's harder for women because this force somehow loves oestrogen.

1 point

I have no words for this, except it made me bust out laughing and get a weird look from my cat X)

1 point

Because the ones's who have the least sense of privacy know enough not to upload it to where ANYONE can get it for any time.

1 point

Because SKAGS don't wear clothes duh... pfshh haven't yall played Borderlands