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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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jolie's Reward Points: 9809

Points When What Where
5 Added Argument The first one to get angry loses.
5 Created Debate The first one to get angry loses.
1 Added Argument Blacks co-opted the "N" word and some whites don't like it.. Guess what the QUEERS did?
4 Added Argument What are your three favorite animals?
1 Added Argument Should we change from Facebook to MeWe?
5 Created Debate Should we change from Facebook to MeWe?
1 Added Argument What are your three favorite animals?
1 Added Argument What has Jesus been doing for 2000 Years?
1 Added Argument Should we let protesters dictate political policy?
5 Created Debate Should we let protesters dictate political policy?
1 Added Argument What if the rapture is nothing more than alien abductions on a massive scale?
5 Created Debate What if the rapture is nothing more than alien abductions on a massive scale?
1 Added Argument Veganism is the only morally defensible position. Change my mind.
1 Added Argument Bible says it ends in Syria and Northern Israel. What say you?
4 Added Argument Marriage should not be a legal institution.
2 Added Argument Marriage should not be a legal institution.
5 Created Debate Marriage should not be a legal institution.
2 Added Argument If marriage did not exist - would you invent it?
5 Created Debate If marriage did not exist - would you invent it?
2 Added Argument DNC Vice Chair suggests it's time Democrats push "To Repeal The Second Amendment"
0 Added Argument If you saw someone suiciding would you save him/her?
0 Added Argument If you saw someone suiciding would you save him/her?
3 Added Argument Why is the commemoration of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ referred to as Good Friday?
5 Created Debate Why is the commemoration of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ referred to as Good Friday?
2 Added Argument Liberals should delete their Facebook account.
2 Added Argument Liberals should delete their Facebook account.
5 Created Debate Liberals should delete their Facebook account.
2 Added Argument Is there a white privilege?
2 Added Argument What arguments are there in favor of citizens owning guns?
5 Added Argument Is there a white privilege?
1 Added Argument Who will win in a knock-down drag-out fight?
5 Created Debate Who will win in a knock-down drag-out fight?
1 Added Argument Would the world be a better place if Japan had won WWII?
3 Created Debate Would the world be a better place if Japan had won WWII?
0 Added Argument Trump has taught this country one valuable lesson
1 Added Argument If aliens tried to contact us & looked like this would it be a good thing?
10 Added Argument A fetus is just one phase of a human's life.
1 Added Argument Abortion sucks the life out of you.
8 Added Argument A fetus is just one phase of a human's life.
5 Created Debate A fetus is just one phase of a human's life.
2 Added Argument Abortion sucks the life out of you.
5 Created Debate Abortion sucks the life out of you.
1 Added Argument Should white people be allowed to watch the movie Black Panther?
4 Created Debate Should white people be allowed to watch the movie Black Panther?
1 Added Argument Is this site gonna make you lose your mind?
1 Added Argument Who do YOU think is the trolliest troll on this debate site?
1 Added Argument Are all these mass shootings fake/staged?
1 Added Argument Would you join the YouTubers Union?

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