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RSS Blanca16

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

that's why we warned them on how bad the bombing can effect their people and kill much more people than they have killed ours.

1 point

But we have the best sciensists that descovered the secret in using the atomic bomb therefore we're the only ones who know the secret behing the pwerful weapon. "In the past science has been able to provide also new methods of protection against new weapons of aggresion it made possible."

2 points

I agree with Lexi because even though they might be killing our innocent people, we will kill twic as more with the atomic bomb that will be released if they don't surrender and they continue to try and fight.

1 point

We learned how to fight because we have to do what we had to do to protect ourselfs

3 points

What way could we have done it if the atomic bomb was the only way to scare them off.

1 point

I agree because that's why we took the bomb on a desserted Island so that the Japan can know how bad the bomb is and how serioous we are about ending the war.

1 point

Thats'w why we can scare them so Japan can stop doing what their doing to our Country because they know that we are serious about the use of the atomic bomb and how bad it can effect their Country. From the historical Record in the Memorandum, also know as the Franck Report, "The Neutron effect of the explosion would be dangerous to life for a radius of at least two-thirds of a mile."

3 points

I agree with you Ana that's why in the article it says, "The atomic bomb must be used as a force to end the war and strengthen the peace."

0 points

Why create peace if they would probably had done something in secret for example they would make a secret plan to fight back without us being prepared for whatever comes our way

1 point

What good will that do, there will be many people killed and they're not even involved with this situation of the conflict between the U.S and the Japanese

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