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 Mr. Sturr's Atomic Bomb Debate (274)

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Mr. Sturr's Atomic Bomb Debate

Mr. Sturr's Atomic Bomb Debate -- U.S. History

Option 1: Make this a time for peace. Japan is defeated. Don't use the bomb.

Option 2: Act responsibly. Demonstate the power of the bomb. If Japan doesn't surrender, they are the immoral ones. We must lead by example.

Option 3: Push ahead to final victory. Fascism must end. Too many American lives have been lost. The bomb will save American lives.


Grading Scale:

A: Student has clear claim and provides facts and evidence in counterclaims and rebuttals. Student speaks almost exclusively from fact than from opinion. Student is effective at creating more debate with their counterclaim and rebuttals. Student consistently speaks with outside independent research. Student tone and language is appropriate and respectful.

B: Student has clear claim and provides facts and evidence in counterclaims and rebuttals. Student speaks more from fact than from opinion. Student is effective at creating more debate with their counterclaim and rebuttals. Student tone and language is appropriate and respectful.

C: Student has clear claim and provides opinion in counterclaims and rebuttals. Student speaks more from opinion than from facts. Student tone and language is appropriate and respectful.

F: Student has clear claim and provides only opinion in counterclaims and rebuttals. Student tone and language is appropriate and respectful.


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10 points

i disagree with Blanca because if the USA bombs japan then you have other country's fearing there lives and wanting to have their own bomb for example the Soviets had their own bomb in 1949 and others were working on their own.

(source; Cold War Museum)

Supporting Evidence: coldwar (
JasonBorquez(6) Disputed
4 points

but other country's like the CCCP/USSR would have eventually came across weapon of mass destruction anyway so i think we helped them find a way to make one sooner than they would've have but the bomb was the only way to stop a war like this.

7 points

The Atomic bomb was necessary the whyis they killed alot of Americans and we awncered back out heat of the momment and didnt wanna show weakness!!!!

John_palfy(2) Disputed
5 points

why kill innocent people who had nothing to do with it? it like killin a baby because the parents are no good...

1 point

I agree with you john, because killing people that have done nothing don't deserve to be treated badly

1 point

I agree with him because they shouldn't kill the innocent people because they didn't do any type of harm to us Americans

according to combined British and American report , "although individual Japanese are willingly to sacrifice them selves in the nation as a whole is not predisposed toward national suicide."

4 points

the atomic bombing of japan was unnecessary because we could of had japan to surrender or worked something out with them to create peace.

JasonBorquez(6) Disputed
2 points

But the Japanese would never surrender as the code of Bushido says they would rather die than surrender.

1 point

I agree with Andres Beacuse we coud have worked something out not just to create peace but also to save lives.

Celia(9) Disputed
1 point

The Japanese said they wouldnt surrender and would go on a suicide mission.

1 point

Valid counter, Celia, but what evidence do you have to prove it?

ErinSasnhez(8) Disputed
1 point

they did and because of this we should just bomb the japanese.

1 point

I agree with this such as showing our power...............................

sergiovale97(1) Disputed
1 point

i dessagre because if we should of never bomb janpan they wouldnt have fear so they would take avantage and atack us.

vinnysegura(9) Disputed
1 point

many would have never surrendered due to there Bushido code and would have left America with slight war causalities when we could have just ended it with not one military personal getting harmed

LeAnna_S(8) Disputed
1 point

If Japan's militarist officials have not given up their insane war by now. A atomic bomb will not convince them to surrender. The Japanese are hard headed and will fight for what they believe is right! Peace don't always settle arguments, sometime is takes two country's to lose people to see the wrong and what they should of have done.

jesus440(3) Disputed
1 point

Americas already try to make peace with japan but they braked the peace cycle when they bombed peril harbor

Blanca16(10) Disputed
0 points

Why create peace if they would probably had done something in secret for example they would make a secret plan to fight back without us being prepared for whatever comes our way

1 point

Such as the Pearl Harbor bombing. I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 points

The atomic bomb was necessary because it was a waring to Japan because the U.S wanted Japan to surrender without any conidtions.

1 point

"... that the visual effect of an atomic bombing would be tremendous."

Jannet(3) Disputed
1 point

The atomic bomb was not necessary only a demonstration of what the atomic bomb could would of made Japan give up since they would know they had no chance to stop it. Memorandum from the Committee of Social and Political Implications states "In the past science has been able to provide also new methods of protection against new weapon's of aggression it made possible, but it cannot promise such promise such efficient protection against the destructive use of nuclear power."

3 points

Bombing Japan would be unnecessary and necessary at the same time because bombing them would scare them, but we should make peace afterward.

gollazana97(8) Clarified
2 points

So by this are you saying that we should bomb a desserted island or something so we could show our power off to the Japanese??

Celia(9) Clarified
2 points

I dont think that bombing the would make peace but bombing them will make them surrender and end the war.

JesusRincon(1) Disputed
2 points

using the atomic bomb on Japanese cities helps prevent further American causalities.

1 point

I agree, but killing is not always the best choice! Yes at the time its the only one we saw, but no body actually sat down and discussed this with one an other.

3 points

I say it was a great idea to bomb the Japanese because it makes them surrender without many deaths of Americans. Americans in Japan were being tortured in Japan by starvation and Americans wanted to end the war without alot of Americans dead, but the Japanese said they will fight to the death and do suicide mission to keep their emperor in the same position, it would be easier to bomb them.

Victoria-R(3) Disputed
3 points

you worry about the deaths of Americans but what about the Japanese that because of the bombing never even had a chance at life.

Celia(9) Clarified
1 point

The Japanese wouldnt hesitate to do something to us like Pearl Harbor or the many Americans they had tortured in Japan

1 point

I agree, we killed a lot of Japanese Citizen because we tried to prove a point!

3 points

The bombing of japan was unessescary because if the US was able to demonstrate the devastation of the atomic bomb, the power will make japan and the world know the strength of the bomb, making japan surrender due to the warning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Celia(9) Clarified
1 point

Why should we waist a bomb on a land that has no people? It gives them a reason to bomb us before we bomb them

CAMERONchave(7) Disputed
2 points

one bomb is all we need to show the world that we can use the bomb to scare the japanese.

1 point

i agree with you!!!!!! the visual effect would of scared them.

Celia(9) Clarified
2 points

But the Americans were hesitant about trusting the Soviet Union and if they see we have our gaurd down, they might bomb us instead.

1 point

any one would be scared if you were threatened with a bomb that is cpapble of destroying an entire city

vinnysegura(9) Disputed
1 point

i disagree with you due the the fact that scaring them leaves complications like the possibility of them striking us when were least expecting or the many casualties we might face sending our troops into an unpredictable country

3 points

The responsibility for a new ERA we should demonstrate a bomb near one of their island and say we have another one and you know the distraction now so you should surrender. " Ever since I have been in touch with this program I have had a feeling that before the bomb is actually use against Japan that Japan should have some preliminary warning for say 2 or 3 days in advance of use."

(source: Memorandum from Undersecretary of the Navy Ralph Brad, June 27,1945)

Celia(9) Clarified
1 point

We shouldnt waist a bomb on an island that has no people, it gives them or the Soviet Union a chance to bomb us.

3 points

Japanese would be intimidated by the bomb explosion on the deserted island and be forced to surrender.

vinnysegura(9) Disputed
1 point

why would they be intimidated ? dropping it on a deserted island is a sign of weakness ! it shows great hesitation in the power we as a military hold, it also prevents the great trouble we would go through having to sending millions in japan to assure there surrender because like it said in the option 3 packet, "using the atomic bomb on Japanese cities helps prevent further American causalities" and thats exactly what it did. not one more American had to die for the war they had started.

3 points

The atomic bomb was necessary, the reason whis is because they killed many americans.

LeAnna_S(8) Disputed
1 point

Just because they killed does not mean we need to scoop down to their level and do worse than we do! We are proving to them that we are monsters and you just gave them what they wanted

3 points

I am not in your class but i personally agree with option #3 because it is the most effective and concise way to win the war. Also it shows the world what we will do to fascism if we find it.

3 points

i failed

this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Sturr(30) Disputed
2 points

You haven't failed it yet! It's open until next Wednesday and you have the rest of the hour. Check your evidence sheet and counter claims. Commit!

1 point

Its ok, as long as you tried!!! If you give your all with the best you have, things can only get better from here on out!! lol

2 points

Americans should drop a bomb on a deserted island to demonstrate our power and capability 69.

eduardoortiz(12) Disputed
1 point

i dissagre with you, because the japanese could still keep fighting and they wouldnt give up because the bushido code states that they will not surrender and rather die

EduardoMarti(2) Disputed
2 points

America still had one other bomb and a third one coming. Also Japanese were about to surrender so the risk was minor.

2 points

Take responsibility for a new Era because in this case we wont hurt Innocent lives.

Jerry(4) Disputed
2 points

But if we just get it and nuke all, they will learn there lesson, and they would back off.

JesusRincon(1) Disputed
1 point

That would prevent further american deaths and they will be scared of the US and surrender.

2 points

The atomic bombing of Japan was necessary because that will take the us to a final victory because that will stop many other counties to continue war. Based on the article Historical Record, President Roosevel said "No compromise can end this conflict.... only total victory can reward the champions of tolerance and decency and freedom and faith."

1 point

What good will that do, there will be many people killed and they're not even involved with this situation of the conflict between the U.S and the Japanese

Mr. Sturr(30) Clarified
1 point

This is true, for example, thousands of Korean workers (who were taken from Korea to build the Japanese war machine) died in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Brandon12(7) Disputed
1 point

But how is killing innocents help the us there's no army value and how about if they attacked back or kept fighting because there armies are still up.

Perlaponce(4) Disputed
1 point

Where is your text based evidence? You can't prove that they will continue war after the bombing? Based on the Report of the Scientific Panel to the Interim Committee, "We can propose no technical demonstration likely to bring an end to the war; we see no acceptable alternative to direct military use".

2 points

The U.S. should have just scared them with the bombing. Only the atomic bomb could jolt Japans leadership to surrender.

Manny_Montoy(7) Disputed
1 point

i disagree its showing weakness they killed alot of Americans and were tring to be friends after they realize they are done for. Forexample its like tring to be friends with man who slept with ur wife.

vinnysegura(9) Disputed
1 point

why waste a perfectly good bomb on land no one is at ? thats not what it was built for, and the united states has won many wars without hesitation and have done what it takes to protect the many people in OUR country .... it also prevents anymore attacks such as pearl harbor.

2 points

but that isn't showing responsibility, since we had 4 atomic bombs, couldn't we test or demonstrated 1 to show our capability?

1 point

Great counter claim that is supported with evidence, Andres.

2 points

United states should desmostrate the power of the atomic bomb to the world by straging an explosion on a deserted island.

1 point

I agree with this as it says "The United States should demonstrate the power of the atomic bomb to the world by staging an explosion on a deserted island in the Pacific"

Manny_Montoy(7) Disputed
1 point

i disagree becasue we should show them same pain we went through they killed 7 to10 thousand soilders in batam death march

JoanGarcia(5) Disputed
1 point

yes but if we do that there will be even a bigger war instead of making it a time for peace

2 points

''halted the war quickly enough that the USSR did not demand.''

2 points

" Only the atomic bomb could jolt Japan's leadership to Surrender"

JoanGarcia(5) Disputed
1 point

yes but if the U.S. would have just thrown a bomb at a deserted island so they could see what the U.S. is capable of

2 points

For example, in the packet " Option 2: Responsibility For A New Era - From the Historical Record" in paragraph 7 its states, " The bomb is actually used against Japan that Japan should have some preliminary warning for say two or three days in advance of use" because the bomb should be a warning before it being actually bombed on a Japan and give them a certain amount of time to surrender with out killing lives or any type of conditions.

1 point

Holy counter claim with cited text-based evidence. I love it!

2 points

option 2: Doing a demonstration proving the damage we can do to get them to surrender because we don't want to actually kill people this way.

PaolaB(7) Disputed
1 point

option1: I disagree with you the reason is because by you guys showing the atomic bomb on the japanese its just not going to help them surrender its just going to start a war. "Japanese are willing to sacrifice themselves in the service of the nation, we dounbt that the nation as whole is prediposed toward national sucide".

2 points

No compromise can end [this] conflict... only total victory can reward the champions of tolorance and dencey and freedom and faith.

PaolaB(7) Disputed
1 point

I disagree with you jerry because if the u.s and the japanese get into an agreement with eachother there will be peace.

vinnysegura(9) Disputed
1 point

but through out history much peace has been brought, but does that peace ever last ? i have not heard one piece of history were to militias sub due to peace and it last very long, so to end this we did the right thing by bombing them because like it said in option 3 'victory over fascism and militarism has not been achieved through hesitation"

2 points

The atomic bombing of Japan was not necessary it may have helped but it killed innocent people and made more people homeless

Tragic bombing, which has already rendered million homeless and has destroyed from 25 to 50 percent of the built-up area of Japans important cities.

Teana(1) Disputed
2 points

It was necessary to bomb Japan because we ended up saving a lot of lives by just taking a few.

1 point

Excellent claim with solid data to prove it. (Cite your source.)

DavidLanford(2) Disputed
1 point

it was necessary because they bombed us without warning and killed many men many innocent men

keiladurant(5) Disputed
1 point

honestly no because scaring them and showing them what can happen would make them think twice before trying to fight the U.S.

2 points

Droping the atomic bomb on japan was the only effective way to end the war. The japanese are fearless diehards who will stop at nothing, they were crashing there fighter planes into our ships to try to sink us they only care to win the war no matter what the cost.

2 points

The quickest way to end the war was to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, which is what made it necessary. As President Roosevelt had stated, "No compromise can end [this] conflict... Only total victory can reward the champions of tolerance and decency and freedom and faith." Or like in the best selling book, Until They Eat Stones, said,

"[The Japanese] will continue the war until every man-perhaps every women and child- lies face downward on the battlefield..."

2 points

the atomic bomb shouldn't be necessary unless need for war!!!>.<

paula_loera(3) Disputed
1 point

i disagree with you because we shouldn't use the atomic bomb because many Innocent got killed.

2 points

I choose option 1 because there should just be peace with all people and just deactivate the atomic bomb to stop the disease from spreading to the people around them, which can cause life and birth defects for the long term of their life's.

1 point

I agree with your claim because if their is no need to use the atomic bomb then you shouldn't use it. Notes taken at a meeting of the Interim Committee state "The neutron effect of the explosion would be dangerous to life for a radius of at least two-thirds of a mile."

1 point

I choose option 1 because there should just be peace with all people and just deactivate the atomic bomb to stop the disease from spreading to the people around them, which can cause life and birth defects for the long term of their life's.

according to president Truman,(japan) "she has against her not only the Anglo Americans forces but the rising forces of china and the ominous threat of Russia."

LeAnna_S(8) Disputed
1 point

I disagree because not all the time will there be peace if both side can see eye to eye! How can peace come people that only see anger and try to fight? "Immediate use of the bomb convinced the world of its horror and prevented future use and nuclear stock plies were for larger." The danger the bombs brought scared a lot of citizens in both countries knowing the damage! People feared the greatly.

instead of telling the japanese about our atomic bomb we should just bomb them

7 points

if the US sends American soldiers to japan then 1.5 million people will die ,but if we bomb japan then those lives will be saved.americans wanted to end the war with minimal lossof american lives

Mr. Sturr(30) Clarified
0 points

This is an excellent point, Eduardo, and supported with data, but where did you get your statistic?

gollazana97(8) Disputed
5 points

Killing innocent people? That wouldn't be fair. Like I said we should warn them about our powers.

3 points

I agree with you Ana that's why in the article it says, "The atomic bomb must be used as a force to end the war and strengthen the peace."

2 points

i agree with you because we had 4 atomic bombs, so we could of demonstrated 1 to show the tremendous power we have.

AlyssaGood(3) Disputed
2 points

Okay let's say we test the Little Boy. Now we just wasted billions of dollars we spent to make it. & wha tif it doesn't stop the Japs? Even if we show what we are capable of doesn't mean it'll scare them. Maybe it could of caused them to try something bigger?

Mr. Sturr(30) Clarified
1 point

Great point, Ana. Do you have any text-based evidence to support it?

Perlaponce(4) Disputed
1 point

But how about all the innocent people they are killing in our country? Do we have to forget them? According to the Army Air Force publication in July 1945, "The entire population of Japan is a proper military target.... THERE ARE NO CIVILIANS IN JAPAN. We are making war and making making it in the all-out fashion which saves Americans lives, shortens the agony which War is, ans seeks to bring about an enduring peace.

1 point

that's why we warned them on how bad the bombing can effect their people and kill much more people than they have killed ours.

1 point

i agree because then this would scare them ! and we wouldnt spend all this money on making the bombs and killing soooo many people when they can just surrender.

Blanca16(10) Disputed
3 points

Why bomb them if their killing innocent people that had nothing to do with this

3 points

the innocent peole could later hate americans and make them want to kill us all and bomb us again just like pearl harbor.

Celia(9) Clarified
2 points

The Japanese wouldnt have hesitated to hurt the Americans so why should we worry about them? They had many Americans being tortchured in Japan, the war needed to end before the Soviet Union came after us.

Patricia_h(10) Disputed
1 point

but weren't the citizens started to learn how to fight with shard bamboo sticks

ErinSasnhez(8) Disputed
1 point

If the japanese are unwilling to give up there is no choise but to bomb them there just going to kill more and more people.

vinnysegura(9) Disputed
1 point

like it says in the option 3 packet "using atomic bomb against and enemy city is the only way to deliver the correct message" and it not only delivers the message to the Japanese but to the rest of the world that we will take no hesitation to do whatever it takes to bring a victorious outcome and win wars.

lexii(7) Disputed
3 points

i disagree of what you are saying because we would also be killing innocent people that had really nothing to do with the war .

2 points

I agree with Lexi because even though they might be killing our innocent people, we will kill twic as more with the atomic bomb that will be released if they don't surrender and they continue to try and fight.

1 point

i agree with you lets just bomb them with no questions asked

1 point

The atomic bombing was necessary because japan would never surender unless forced too and the atomic bomb did it's job by scaring japan into surrendering.

3 points

i agree because the Japanese military officials had vowed to fight to the death to preserve the emperors position.

2 points

I agree because they wanted to stop the war so inorder to do that they had to scare them away

2 points

japanese would rather die than surrender ,according to the code of bushido

gollazana97(8) Disputed
2 points

I disagree with this because in The Potsdam Declaration it states "[We] have conferred & agree that Japan shall be given an opportunity to end this war." I believe that by this they mean that we should give them a look of what we have & that will make them realize that we have much greater power & they will surrender & this will end the war.

JasonBorquez(6) Disputed
2 points

but in the article it said they would fight to the last soldier if it meant that there emperor was safe.

AngelicaC Disputed
1 point

japan could have surrendered if they would make an agreement

Celia(9) Disputed
2 points

Americans didnt want to make an argreement, they wanted their emperor to stay in his position but Americans didnt want that.

DonavonG(4) Disputed
2 points

Japanese fight to the death and America wanted a quick way to end the war with minimal loss of American lives.

JasonBorquez(6) Disputed
1 point

but it specifically said in the article "Japanese live by the code that suicide would overcome surrender.

CAMERONchave(7) Disputed
1 point

the japanese would not surrender because they are wiiling to die before making an agreement with the US

guillermo(1) Disputed
1 point

the atomic bomb could have done the job of scaring the Japanese in to surrendering even if we demonstrated the power on island in the pacific ocean

1 point

the radiotion of the bomb would spread multiple miles. this would cause the japanese to quit because of the long term affects happening to the civilians

1 point

The Atomic bombing was necessary because they gave chances to Japan and Japan didn't want to surrender so that's why they did what they had to do so Japan could surrender.

1 point

The atomic bomb was Necessary because it showed the Japanese that we are capable of doing what was Needed to be done. Also because it showed that we are Not afraid of anything.

1 point

Not only that we are not afraid,but we don't want to kill innocent people that had nothing to do with this that's why we are giving them the options to surrender or just bomb them

AndresGomez(8) Disputed
1 point

but how is that showing leadership or responsibility? the visual effect of an atomic bombing would be tremendous, stated in my article by Dr. Oppenheimer.

1 point

Before bombing the Japanese we should show them what we are capable of, then maybe they will back down & give up.

JasonBorquez(6) Disputed
1 point

But we could test the atomic bomb and also end the war at the same time.

gollazana97(8) Clarified
2 points

Why kill innocent people, when we could warn them before?

AngelicaC Disputed
1 point

your saying your point would be too "test" the atomic bomb ???

i agree ,because the bomb was the only option for ending the war with minimal loss of american soldiers and kills millions of people

1 point

Therfore we wouldn't kill the innocents. The weapon is used only for scaring the Japanese rather than killing but only if necessary

1 point

Bombing wasn't necessary ; peace should have been made to Make Allies. They knew Japan Was Weak and Hopeless from all the pain they been thorough.

Manny_Montoy(7) Disputed
2 points

i diagree they also put us through alot of pain. Forexample at Pearl Harbor they killed 2500 soldiers.

Brandon12(7) Disputed
2 points

Yes butt where bombing innocents not an army so there would be no revenge or pay back its not called war its called slaughter.

1 point

i agree with Manny due to the fact that it was a surprise attack that caused unexpected causalities. and for that specific reason the atomic bomb is justified because like it said in option 3 packet "it is far to late for negotiations"

AlyssaGood(3) Disputed
1 point

Nah It Was Necessary, Because Japan Was Gonna Keep Fighting So They Could Preserve The Emperors Position.

Brandon12(7) Disputed
2 points

but why they had no army value in the city or near the city.

1 point

to save Americans soldiers lives the atomic bombing was necessary

lexii(7) Disputed
2 points

i REALLY DISAGREE with YOU Patricia because everybody dies from a atomic bomb

Patricia_h(10) Disputed
2 points

then why aren't all the Japaneses dead so not every one dies from the atomic bomb

CAMERONchave(7) Disputed
2 points

thats why option 2 is the best. if we bomb a deserted place, it wont kill anybody

Patricia_h(10) Disputed
0 points

but what about the people hiding in or something all were still alive even after the atomic bomb

1 point

Using the nuck bomb was unnecessary because we could of scared there armies instead of killing innocents.

Patricia_h(10) Disputed
1 point

Scaring people sometimes doesn't get a chance to win a war you have to actually do what is need to be done

Brandon12(7) Disputed
1 point

but how is killing people that don't use guns help the U.s if there army will still have a chance.

JesusRincon(1) Disputed
1 point

how would we scare them? For example demonstrating the atomic bomb wont make Japan surrended but it will make them more angry and try to make atomic bombs too.

1 point

tokyo harbor would have convinced japan's leaders to quit without killing people

1 point

the atomic bombing was not nessasery because the bimb was used partly to justify the $2 billion spent on its development

Patricia_h(10) Disputed
1 point

so using the atomic bomb as an example would have wasted the money

1 point

They had no army weapons or value so why bomb innocents. also nuking them would wast more then a million dollars wee spent on the nuke.

1 point

'' our leadership in the war and in the development of this weapon has placed a certain moral responsibility upon us which we cannot shirk without very serious responsibility for any disaster to civilization which it would further.''

1 point

Claim:The Atomic bomb was necessary because we had to drop the bomb so Japan could surrender.

1 point

In all honesty there should be no reason for bombing, we need to find a way for there to be peace between countries without causing pain.This is because it has been said that had the united States allowed the Japanese to keep their emperor the Japanese would have surrendered much earlier, as early as June 1945 when the Japanese offered a conditional Russian and Italian intermediaries? Also that if the emperor kept this position the Japanese would surrender which no bomb needed.

1 point

the atomic bombing was not nessasery because the bimb was used partly to justify the $2 billion spent on its development

1 point

United states should desmostrate the power of the atomic bomb to the world by straging an explosion on a deserted island.

1 point

Japan Had No Allies So SOME Way they could have made an agreement with the Americans

1 point

For example, in the paragraph "Option 2: Take Responsibility for a New Era" it stated, "The atomic bomb must be used as a force to end war and strengthen the peace." because of this the bomb will end the war, yet create peace.

1 point

''American navy, and the soviet union entered the war by attacking Japanese troops.''

1 point

i desagree with this because no matter how much lives we save we still need to show them that we are serious about using the atomic bomb to end the war without killing the innocents

1 point

Another example would be from the paragraph "Option 2: Take Responsibility for a New Era" it says, "By demonstrating the atomic bomb, we can begin the process of constructing a post war based on peace and respect for human rights."

1 point

our leadership in the war and in the development of this weapon has placed a certain moral responsibility upon us which we cannot shrink without very serious responsibility for any disaster to civilization which it would further. - Henry Stimson to president Truman

1 point

bombing a deserted island would show the Japanese our power and would want to quit.

1 point

" Immediate use of the bomb convinced the world of horror and prevented future use when nuclear stockpiles were far larger."

1 point

this class is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & i love ana lexi & lulu

JacobPerezXD(4) Disputed
1 point

this is why you don't leave your computer anywhere you'll get hacked Mr.Sturr lol

1 point

the bombing was nessarey because if the japnese werent willing to give up then we had to end the war with a nuke .

CelesteA(3) Disputed
1 point

But if we nuke them then we would be killing innocent people.Instead of doing that we could find a better way to scare them into giving up.

GabeGallegos(3) Disputed
1 point

I disagree with you because that's just going to destroy Japan and cost them money to fix everything

1 point

Option 2 would be best because were proving to them that we can do damage and win but we dont actually want to kill people with an atomic bomb.

PaolaB(7) Disputed
1 point

option 1: Its better just to not scared the japenese and just try to make peace with them and try to get to an agreement with them, so that both countries will be satisfied with what they want.

1 point

I support this because nothing really good comes out of war. Yeah one team has the satisfaction of winning with what they want but it could affect other people "Tragic bombing has already rendered million homeless"

1 point

Option 1: Its better to make peace now and protect all the soldiers lifes from being destroyed by the atomic bomb.

CelesteA(3) Disputed
1 point

But if we dont do anything about the soilders then they are not going to give up and keep fighting.But if we scare them into surrendering we could win And save the innocent people.

PaolaB(7) Disputed
1 point

The only way Japanese are going to surrender is if they get what they want. TBE: This may include a constitutional monarch under the present dynasty if the eace loving nations can be convinced of the genuine determination of such a government to follow policys of peace".

keiladurant(5) Disputed
1 point

i disagree with that because the U.S didn't use it yet they only scared them but if it comes to the point where they aren't compromising with us then they will use it and it will be based off japans actions.

1 point

option 2 take responsibility for a new era is more responsibly to just scare them into giving up then to kill them.

keiladurant(5) Disputed
1 point

in my defiance we only warned them and it's based off there actions for the U.S to fight back and ricks life's when they could had just listen to the U.S

PaolaB(7) Disputed
1 point

Even though you only warned them they want to keep there country and if the u.s wants to bomb the japenese its just going to destroy some cities. So its going to cost the us money. TBE "Sea blokade and cumlative davestating wought by strategic bombing which has destroyed from 25 to 50 percent of the built up area."

1 point

The attomic bombing of Japan was unessesary because Japanese would've surrendered when they saw the didn't have a chance to win.

1 point

i agree rosa! were saving time and money. two valuable things!

DavidLanford(2) Disputed
1 point

how can you be so certain that they would have just surrendered right there they were latterly self sacrificing themselves

PaolaB(7) Disputed
1 point

I disagree Rosa because if the Japenese doesnt get what they want they will still fight against the u.s. TBE: "Japenese are willing to scarifice themselves in the service of the nation".

1 point

this time should be spent making peace because the Japanese are close to surrendering and it's wrong to cause harm on civilians who haven't done anything.

1 point

"japan has no allies. Her navy is nearly destroyed and she is vulnerable to a surface and underwater blockade which can deprive her of sufficient food and supplies for her population" -Henry Stimson

1 point

My Final Option On This Is Option 1, Make This A Time For Peace Because They're Killing Innocent People, And Surrending Thier People.

AngelicaSau(3) Disputed
1 point

I disagree with your claim because they shouldn't dis activate atomic bombs because if a country bombs another country with bombs they have nothing to protect them with.

According to the secretary of war Henry Stimson, he said, "It is extremely probable hat the future may see at time when such a weapon may be constructed in secret and used suddenly with devastating power by willful nation or group against an unsuspecting nation..."

1 point

the atomic bomb was unnecessary because if the Japanese would have saw that they didn't have a chance against the U.S. but the Japanese decided to keep on attacking the U.S.

1 point

"The occupying forces of the Allies shall be withdrawn from Japan as soon as our objectives have been accomplished there has been established a peacefully inclined, responsible government of a character representative of the Japanese people."(from assistant secretary of state Joseph)

1 point

Bombing Japan would be unnecessary and necessary at the same time because bombing them would scare them, but we should make peace afterward

1 point

Americans should drop a bomb on a deserted island to demonstrate our power and capability

1 point

The bombs killed as many as 140,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki by the end of 1945, roughly half on the days of the bombings.

1 point

the attomic bombing wouldn't have been nessesary because the Japanese would probably prefer national survival, even through surrender, to virtual extinction.

1 point

the attomic bombing wouldn't have been nessesary because the Japanese would probably prefer national survival, even through surrender, to virtual extinction

1 point

The Japanese said they wouldnt surrender and would go on a suicide mission.

1 point

Millions Oh People Are Homeless That Had Been Destroyed. 25 To 50 &#xOf; The Built-up Area Of Japan's Most Important Cities. (Option 1 , Report From Combined British-Americans)

1 point

japan does not show fear so nether will there solders and they will not give up so nuke them.

1 point

The United States should bomb the Japanese so they could just get it over with and win the war. " No compromise can end conflict.... only total victory can reward the champions of tolerance and decency and freedom and faith."

1 point

Paola and David the Japanese would've surrendered if you try to do something to their Emperor. TBE: "To avoid these conditions, if possible, and, in any event ,to ensure the survival of the institution of the Emperor, the Japanese might well be willing to withdraw from all the territory they have seized."

1 point

Japanese As A Nation Have A Strong Concept Of National Survival Regardless Of The fate Of Individuals. (Option 1, Report From Combined British-Americans)

1 point

my final opinion is option 1:Make this a time for peace because if we throw a bomb at the Japanese they will get mad and the war will still continue to go on but if we talk it out with the Japanese then their will be no more war.

1 point

The bombing shouldn't be necessary because of all or the innocent civilian casualties and the collateral damage of the Japanese & American forces. The damage an and destruction would be tremendous to the target and the surrounding area;Therefore it should be used as safety per-caution/last resort for war.

1 point

I Disagree With Option 2 Because It's To Risky For Them To Try To Chance Anything And For It To Turn Out Bad.

1 point

Japanese As A Nation Have A Strong Concept Of National Survival Regardless Of The Fate Of Individuals.

1 point

The united states should demonstrate the power of the atomic bomb to the world by staging an explosion on a deserted island

1 point

i believe that the atomic bombs use was justified in the fact that we ended the war as well as stating our dominance as a country to the rest of the world.

1 point

The Atomic Bomb was necessary on the attack of Japan because their attack of Pearl Harbor and also because they refused to surrender.

For example, "This Atomic Bomb attack upon Japan will be used as a force to strengthen peace " secondary source. Also another example 'It is probable that the future may see a time when such a weapon may be constructed in secret and used suddenly...with devastating power by a willful nation or a group against an unsuspected nation."

1 point

If the U.S. drops the atomic bomb we will kill innocent people that caused no crime and instead we can make a deal with Japanese people.

2 points

Japan's leader need to to be jolted into accepting their utter defeat. (secondary source of Ending the war against Japan)

1 point

we can always make the Japanese back down with a demonstration of an atomic bomb in a deserted place to prove all the damages that can be caused. "The atomic bomb must be used as a force to end the war and strengthen the peace" (Ending the war against Japan). The U.S wants to end war!!

1 point

Dropping the atomic bomb was necessary because other countries would get afraid of the us and not want to attack the US.

1 point

The United States should push ahead to final victory because the Japanese started the war by bombing pearl harbor and we should end it bye scaring them with the weapons that we have

james-sween(2) Disputed
1 point

i disagree with you because many innocent lives will be lost any many people in japan will have nowhere to live except the streets

0 points

"We can propose no technical demonstration likely to bring an end to the war;we see no acceptable alternative to direct military use"(Report of the Scientific panel to the Interim Committe,June 1945)

"As the defenders of democracy and freedom,we must remain strong and confident in our convictions."(Ending the war Aginst Japan Science,Morality,and the Atomic Bomb)

1 point

Not only are we taking responsibility for the wrong that we have done. Are are not judging the Japanese, we are looking at the wrongs on both sides! "Bring the war to an end through a demonstration of the atomic bomb will save the lives of thousands of American troops without lowering our international stature." We may not of have started the was but because we fought back it started the war!


1 point

If the U.S drops the atomic bomb on the Japanese, the U.S will damage and kill all innocent people that caused no crime. Instead the U.S can make a treaty with the Japanese in order for them to surrender. "The neutron effect of the explosion would be dangerous to life for a radius of at least two- thirds of a mile" (notes taken at a meeting of the Interim committee, May 31,1945).

1 point

My opinion on this debate is that it's better to show what the atomic bomb is capable to do than kill Innocent people who haven't done anything to America when it's also wrong to destroy their homeland and everything they've worked for. Mamorandum from Undersecretary of the Navy Ralph Bard states "Before the bomb is actually used against Japan, Japan should have some premilimary warning."

1 point

Take responsibility for a new era because both option 1 and option 2 are not suitable to put a stop to the war.The atomic bomb must be used as a force to end the war and strengthen the peace.

lizfigueroa(2) Disputed
2 points

I disagree because when dropping the atomic bomb there can be consequences against the innocent Japan people that have committed no crime, and all children that have no blame for what other Japan people have caused!!

1 point

i agree with Liz because there will be many grudge that japan will hold against the U.S

1 point

Only demonstrating the atomic bomb will truly make japan surrender. for example bringing the war to an end through a demonstration of the atomic bomb will save thousands of American troops without lowering our international structure.

savannamendo(1) Disputed
1 point

I disagree because the Japanese wouldn't stop fighting if we didn't put a stop to the war for example "Any other method to secure peace will likely result in huge number of Americans casualties,as the Japanese army and even its citizens will continue to fight barbarically,with the aim of killing as many Americans as possible before they themselves are killed"(Ending the War,Against Japan:Science,Morality,and the Atomic Bomb)So their for killing them before they can get to us would save more Americans

james-sween(2) Disputed
1 point

i disagree with you because japan was ready to call it quits anyway. more then 60 of its cities had been destroyed by conventional bombing

pedro9820(4) Disputed
0 points

I disagree with james because why would you want war when you can peace and not hurt and affect the people around while you are at war.

james-sween(2) Disputed
1 point

talking thing out wont make things clear it will just make thing worse because many people hold grudges and will plot revenge

JesusRincon(1) Disputed
-1 points

Demonstrating the atomic bomb will make them angry, and they will want to make atomic bombs too.

james-sween(2) Disputed
1 point

i disagree with you because demonstrating the sheer power will not only shock them but will also make them surrender

1 point

Opinion: it is better to show what the atomic bomb can do than kill innocent people who haven't done anything to america and destroy their homeland when it isn't fair.

"Before the bomb is actually used against Japan that should have some preliminary warning."

1 point

I say that no matter how much lives we save we still need to show that we are serious about using the atomic bomb to end the war without killing the innocents

0 points

Dropping the atomic bomb was necessary because other countries would get afraid of the us and not want to attack the US.

-1 points

united states shouldn't bomb japan instead they should talk about the consequences they will have if they go to war .

-1 points

i choice option 1 because there should there just be peace with all people and just deactivate Atomic bombs to stop the disease from spreading to the people around where the bomb landed. I personally think that if we do not exclude a constitutional monarch under her[Japan] present dynasty, it would substantially add to the chance of acceptance. (President Truman)

james-sween(2) Disputed
1 point

i disagree with you Pedro because japan will not want to "talk this out" they just wanted to see what you want and hold that against you

pedro9820(4) Disputed
1 point

i disagree with you James because why would they hold something against you when you have peace with each other and there will not be wars.

Alyssia_R(4) Disputed
1 point

The performance of the Atomic Bomb will cause the world to be a better place because it'll cause countries to want to stay to themselves causing countries not to go to war because the fear of the Atomic bomb will cause other countries not want to fight back .

For example, "Japan has no allies .Her navy is nearly destroyed and she is vulnerable to a surface and underwater blockage which can deprive her of sufficient and supplies for her population

-2 points
3 points

I agree and to add the japanese held americans prisoners of war in Japan starving them to death. Some had even been tortured and others exectued publicaly.

2 points

i agree the japaneswe kept americans and did many horrible things to us like the battan death march.

Lulu_Herrera(1) Disputed
3 points

We Could Have Did It In A different Way, So the Atomic Bomb Was Not Necessary.

Patricia_h(10) Disputed
1 point

yes but that other way would have resulted in thousands of soldiers dieing giving the Japanese a chance to win

Alyssia_R(4) Disputed
0 points

I disagree with your claim because were defending our country and citizens , because if the Japanese think its justified to bomb Pearl Harbor they'll think its okay to invade the U.S. So the U.S needs to fight back so the Japanese will know what they did wasn't moral and because protecting our country.

For example, "Our leadership in the war and in the development of this weapon has placed a certain moral responsibility which we can no shrink." (Henry stimson)

Lulu_Herrera(1) Disputed
2 points

We Could Have Did It In A different Way, So the Atomic Bomb Was Not Necessary.

Blanca16(10) Disputed
3 points

What way could we have done it if the atomic bomb was the only way to scare them off.

Lulu_Herrera(1) Disputed
0 points

We Could Have Did It In A different Way, So the Atomic Bomb Was Not Necessary.

eduardoortiz(12) Clarified
0 points

what other way could we have done this ?the japanese already had bombed us so it was our turn to bomb them...

JacobPerezXD(4) Clarified
0 points

i was neccessary because they klled 2,500 soldiers in Pearl Harbor

JesusRincon(1) Disputed
0 points

The Japanese will admit defeat only in face of overwhelming military force.

Alyssia_R(4) Disputed
2 points

i disagree with you because if they were willing to start Pearl Harbor for no reason knowing that our military is most advance than the Japanese were ignorant enough to start a war with the U.S.

For example, "The occupying forces of the allies shall be withdrawn from Japan..."

(James Brynes ,July 1945)

james-sween(2) Disputed
0 points

i disagree with you because japan will only get mad and want to fight even more