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RSS Vinnysegura

Reward Points:9
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

true, but what happened to the many people in Hawaii that were caught in the middle of pearl harbor that didn't deserve to be treated badly ? they had no conscience when they provided an act of war that was completely unexpected. so due to that the bomb was justified because like it said in page 1 of option 3 packet "this is not a time for guilty conscience"

1 point

but through out history much peace has been brought, but does that peace ever last ? i have not heard one piece of history were to militias sub due to peace and it last very long, so to end this we did the right thing by bombing them because like it said in option 3 'victory over fascism and militarism has not been achieved through hesitation"

1 point

exactly us bombing them not only ended the war but took away there source of military production !! this isnt a argument through text based evidence but through common sense, those workers were apart of the weapons that helped killed many americans. although they were forced to work for them it was a loose end that got tooken care of

1 point

why would they be intimidated ? dropping it on a deserted island is a sign of weakness ! it shows great hesitation in the power we as a military hold, it also prevents the great trouble we would go through having to sending millions in japan to assure there surrender because like it said in the option 3 packet, "using the atomic bomb on Japanese cities helps prevent further American causalities" and thats exactly what it did. not one more American had to die for the war they had started.

1 point

i agree with Manny due to the fact that it was a surprise attack that caused unexpected causalities. and for that specific reason the atomic bomb is justified because like it said in option 3 packet "it is far to late for negotiations"

1 point

like it says in the option 3 packet "using atomic bomb against and enemy city is the only way to deliver the correct message" and it not only delivers the message to the Japanese but to the rest of the world that we will take no hesitation to do whatever it takes to bring a victorious outcome and win wars.

1 point

why waste a perfectly good bomb on land no one is at ? thats not what it was built for, and the united states has won many wars without hesitation and have done what it takes to protect the many people in OUR country .... it also prevents anymore attacks such as pearl harbor.

1 point

many would have never surrendered due to there Bushido code and would have left America with slight war causalities when we could have just ended it with not one military personal getting harmed

1 point

i disagree with you due the the fact that scaring them leaves complications like the possibility of them striking us when were least expecting or the many casualties we might face sending our troops into an unpredictable country

1 point

i believe that the atomic bombs use was justified in the fact that we ended the war as well as stating our dominance as a country to the rest of the world.

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