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RSS Jupiter

Reward Points:116
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10 most recent arguments.
Jupiter(116) Clarified
1 point

I respect that


1 point

The political right is popularly associated with the following principles. Of course, it goes without saying that these are generalizations, and not every person on the far right believes in every principle, or disbelieves its opposite. Most people's political beliefs are complex, and cannot be neatly pigeonholed. This is as true of Hitler as anyone. But since the far right is trying peg Hitler as a leftist, it's worth reviewing the tenets popularly associated with the right. These include: •Individualism over collectivism.

•Racism or racial segregation over racial tolerance.

•Eugenics over freedom of reproduction.

•Merit over equality.

•Competition over cooperation.

•Power politics and militarism over pacifism.

•One-person rule or self-rule over democracy.

•Capitalism over Marxism.

•Realism over idealism.

•Nationalism over internationalism.

•Exclusiveness over inclusiveness.

•Meat-eating over vegetarianism.

•Gun ownership over gun control

•Common sense over theory or science.

•Pragmatism over principle.

•Religion over secularism.

0 points

Well Technically speaking to compare to hitler. Take your clothes and any items you have on you. in the sense of analogy of course.

He would go into your home, take everything you owned and your property (well his soldiers would) probably use your significant other as a breeder of the "super race" or if your not genetically would your looking for then your other would go to a labor camp and the children taken into the Hitler youth program (if some miraculous reason they already aren't in the program)

(BTW hitler also advocated for extreme nationalism which is definitely anti-liberal. Also he was extremely right wing with some progressive in his belief.)

And by that logic, RET.General/Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower, And former Col. and Pres. Theodore Roosevelt were liberal.

While they were in reality just a little progressive, and they were both republican. And I can bring examples as too why as well)

Jupiter(116) Clarified
0 points

And then you'll be killed. Cause that's how stuff like that happened (Don't agree? BLAM. Takes all your shit for the father land.)

0 points

By that logic all fascists are communist and all communists are fascist.

He was undisputed as a politician and his rule was basically a dictator ship. (most of the population was brainwashed in to believing in what the Nazis believed. The Nazis didn't have to pander. The guns and nationalism meant they didn't have to.)

If I have a gun to someone's head, its enough to convince someone to give me the money. I don't have to convince him to let me rob him if I have an army.

1 point

Why does Israel exist then


Jupiter(116) Clarified
0 points

While those might be liberal policy's (and hating Jews is a right wing idea. Actually an Extremist right wing view. Given the right wing believes Social inequality is evitable, he accelerated that idea by pushing social inequality)

And he was Pro-Choice depending on the race (which again is pushing social inequality, which is extremist right wing)

And Hitler had jewish blood, grew up catholic and fell in with occult for a time. But he claimed atheism. And in speechs he made he advocated Christianity

In an October 1928 speech Hitler said the Nazis “tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity… in fact our movement is Christian. We are filled with a desire for Catholics and Protestants to discover one another”.

And in another speech he claimed he was against liberal ideas:

the Nazi leader argued that:

“Today Christians … stand at the head of [Germany]. I pledge that I never will tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity … We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit … We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre and in the press. In short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture, as a result of liberal excess.”

He said he wants the burn the poison that was caused by "LIBERAL excess"

1 point

Well, I'm a part of the Hebrew (or what people call "Jew") race, which I believe you claimed to be Alien super beings.

Am I wrong?

Jupiter(116) Clarified
1 point

Heres the thing about the political system.

Theres Right and left.

Conservatives (American conservative) want the government out of finance and economics but in social and militaru stand points they want them in, pushing those family values and religious values. which is part left wing and part right wing which is what Hitler was.

While liberals don't want the government controlling a lot of military and social stuff. But have a regulation of economic stuff. (by social I mean issues like civil rights and abortion, and environment. I know they are separate but grouping them into one word helps me type this better)

Left wing wants social and economical progress. While Right wing wants a regression.

Progressive and traditionalist

both take on half left wing and half right wing.

Hitler did the same but took the bad side of both the left and right. The social inequality of the right wing and the economical control of the left wing.

Statist might be a good word for that. But most of what he did wrong was on the right wing side (the right wing see's classes and social inequality as inevitable) and he capitalized and furthered that ideology and funneled it into ethnically pride and that only the Aryans were the best, and the jews were the black to there white.

The spectrum is so complicated. Especially Conservative being considered right wing and liberal considered left wing. While in reality they are both mixes. They just take different parts.

You really made me think.

1 point

Last time I checked National socialism was Far-Right socially. Which means they actually were against abortion, For family, and at one point hated the communists just like America did in the 50s.

Fiscally they were left wing. But that has nothing to do with hitlers diplomatic and military views (both far right and not liberal at all)

But let me tell you this. Mussolini, Tojo and Hirohito, Were extremely Right wing and conservative. And they were allied with Hitler and committed atrocities and believed things as bad as Hitler. So if Hitler was truly leftist and liberal as you say why would he aly himself with those people.

AND if those conservative and right wing people believed those things. Then we shouldn't be conservative. Right?

(BTW Marxism is different from Leninism and Stalinism. Leninism and Stalinism were Far right ideologies while Marxism was pure leftist and is actual communism. What the Soviet union created was corrupted versions of marxism.) So I stand here and I say I am a communist

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