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Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Yes which is exactly what is going on in today's society. To add on, even after all of these terrorist attacks, what is the main focus of Obama? He barely lifts a finger or raises his voice to talk about how we are going to handle ISIS as if he doesn't want to offend them, it's ridiculous. One of his representitives just announced that we should handle them by showing them LOVE! What the hell is that going to do. He builds mosques for them in Iran for millions of dollars to try to make peace when you cannot make peace with these savages. They are all laughing saying thank you now we have more mosques to grow our religion. Why are we as tax payers letting this happen? Why is he beating around the bush when it comes to ISIS? In my eyes I see a Muslim running our country, letting fugitives in with barely any scanning? This is our country, we should be on our A game to keep it safe and he calls us hateful for not wanting all of these refugees in. Yes it's good to help people but we need to think of our own safety and do something about it. If I were a terrorist there would be no doubt in my mind that the easiest way to get in is to act as a refugee, DUH?? It's so easy to understand and nobody does. There needs to be a change or nothing will happen, especially if Hillary wins I don't know what we are going to do. TRUMP

1 point

That's what would be nice but Hillary and Obama would rather us good Americans be unarmed when shit hits the fan. Obama is a low key Muslim himself! Communist, look at what Hitler did in his day of reign. He took the guns away from all the people and said "We will be safer than ever". Before he did that he took away smoking cigarettes in public places like restaurants. Who does this remind you of? It's all about controlling the people, once you take away their rights little by little soon enough you can take over the country just like Hitler did. History repeats itself! Only this time Obama let's in thousands of refugees because we are the bad guys and we aren't being "sensitive" to these people when God knows how many of them are ISIS flooding in to America. Taking away guns is only going to leave the good people unprotected, the bad people armed (because if I want a gun I don't need to get it legally it's that easy) and opens a gap for a whole other storm to come with terrorism. If I were a terrorist and I had two options to choose from of neighborhoods, ether to attack a neighborhood with a sign that says "We are protected and armed" or the other that says "We hate guns, guns are not allowed" which neighborhood would I go shoot up? Let that sink in

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