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RSS Pessimist

Reward Points:182
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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10 most recent arguments.
3 points

A class room, now a days, tends to go as fast as the slowest kid in an effort to be "fair."

As someone who can destroy the school system given the chance, this infuriates me.

4 points

Yeah, but Machiavelli was right. People as a whole are lazy. Socialism would only work in reverse, per say. The lazyiness of some would cause others to be lazy, which would cause others to be lazy, and so on until everyone does nothing.

1 point

Forget torching it. A much better way to do things would be to buy a Cessna, load it with TNT and then fly it into the mosque

1 point

No. We're pretty powerful as is. It's testament to our power that we need not worry about petty things such as actively spreading our ideals. No, we don't need to spend 2 billion a year to achieve the same spreading of Westernism as the fundamentalist Islams.

1 point comment.........................................................................

1 point

Absurd. Darwinism is still presnt in society, only that it does not involved actual death.

2 points

Not true. The only reason China can't take over the world right now is because of nuclear weapons. The people of China are so brainwashed and afraid of their government that every single on of them, given a weapon, would be willing to take up arms. They actually have the strongest military force on Earth, if we dont count nukes.

2 points

Thermonuclear weapons. Noone's gonna take over the world anytime soon.

1 point

Realize that turtles are vegetarian yet live long because their digestive tract is specialized for plants. On the other hand, our digestive system is fairly balanced, but is better at dealing with meat, and CANNOT digest cellulose, which is the main source of energy in plants.

2 points

Meh, I dont see how its different from an abortion. Id be okay with it.

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Biographical Information
Name: Freddy Lu
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States

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