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RSS Ilovetodebat

Reward Points:13
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10 most recent arguments.

I never said that? There are just a lot more things that he hasn't done very well and that needs to be brought up and discussed. :)

2 points

What the f are you talking about? A lot of people choose their media based on their bias. If your conservative you go to fox news and if your liberal you go to CNN. I however try to get my information from unbiased news sources. Claiming fake news to cover up the shitty job Trump has done is getting old and no one is buying it.

I don't agree with calling Trump a nazi. So are you calling liberals nazis because your immature and thing two wrongs make a right or what?

Don't get angry that I linked liberal news outlets then try to send me to the most conservative news outlet there is. If you give me a middleman news outlet then that's different.

what are you even saying? I don't care what people call you. Don't call liberals Nazis there are no similarities extremists call liberals that to get a rise out of them. It's so transparent and old move on.

What is this logic? Maybe we should look into why the majority of women who get abortions are minorities. Probably because a big percentage of people living in poverty or lower-income areas are people of color. Why? Because of systematic racism that continues to oppress them and hold them back. This then makes it hard for them to support themselves and definitely not a child. Don't make general statements like that, you come across as uneducated. Also very disrespectful to call liberals nazis. Name one similarity between the two. Also, some of Trump's supporters are literal neo-nazis so....

I don't like using links because it comes across like you can't think for yourself so you just send other people's thoughts but fine here are all the links:

Multiple news articles saying there could be a WW3. Not exaggerating I can explain since you obviously don't know the history. If Iran did end up attacking us which for a while it looked like they would then our allies would get involved to help us which could start a third world war. That's how WW2 started. Once details got cleared up in Iran and certain things were figured out anger moved more towards their own government, but the US and Iranian governments still have a strained relationship.

The link above shows data on prisoners in the UK and shows that a very small percentage of people in prison come from another country and that percentage is declining. Citizens are a big issue too why is no one discussing that?

You're not a doctor either so how do you know they didn't die from corona? Are you working at a hospital right now? How do you know doctors didn't know what was going on so they just randomly put down corona? us/presidential-debate-trump-biden

He has NOT condemned it every time look at my link above <3

When did I say all Mexicans were brown? I said he generalized an entire population with racist remarks. Then I went onto say that he never generalizes white people when they commit horrible crimes as well. I never once said all Mexicans were brown that's you jumping to a conclusion so you can say something nasty to get under my skin. It's a bad arguing technique. It's childish and immature.

2 points

Yeah, it almost started a world war there could have been a better way of carrying that out. Even though a war didn't start out relationship is severely strained.

What do you mean? I don't understand this point are you saying people are dead in Europe because of Muslims? That's just incorrect and we shouldn't ban people from coming to America because of a religion they practice that is blatantly xenophobic.

Maybe some of the people who died because of corona had pre-existing conditions but if they hadn't contracted corona they wouldn't have died. Maybe they would have died because of their conditions years and years later but the corona is what caused them to die. You can't fight on speculation though and I am not gonna fight your absurd conspiracy theories that hospitals are trying to make corona seem worse than it is.

He has to denounce every single time it's brought up. Every single time no exceptions. During a presidential debate, he didn't denounce it when millions were watching! No excuses I don't care if he denounces it 99 times and doesn't 1 time. When asked 100% of the time he should say white supremacy groups are horrible and filled with disgusting people. Know why he isn't? Because all those people are his voters.

He still generalizes an entire race and was racist. White people do those things too and he has never said that about them. There are white immigrants yet they are never talked about. Also, immigration isn't a simple solution but we are so lucky to be born in America and not live in a worn torn country. What are they supposed to do when they want to raise their children in a safe place? Also, your last point is stupid, do you think what is going on now is good? Separating families and putting them in cages?

Ruin International Relationships: Relationship with Iran and wanting to pull out of NATO which would help Russia (Putin)

Implement xenophobic legislation: Implementing a Muslim ban

COVID-19: By doing this he let 200,000 + people die what's more important money or human lives? Also if we sounded the alarms earlier their might not been the need to do a huge economic shutdown

Not wearing a mask: Not sure what your point is here? No matter what he should wear a mask he didn't and look who got COVID-19. Biden wore a mask look who still hasn't gotten the disease.

Racist things: Said Mexicans were rapists and brought drugs, doesn't condemn white supremacy. Those things are blatantly racist I don't care what happened to you were not talking about you were talking about our corrupt president.

2 points

Ruin international relationships, implement xenophobic legislation, didn't let the American people know how dangerous COVID-19 truly was, and didn't promote using a mask. He has said so many racist things, doesn't condemn white supremacy! I can continue if you want.

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