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Hello, McFly! What? No!
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:15
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 Hello, McFly! (6)
 What? No! (9)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Are_big_fake_boobies_better_than_little_ real_ones

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Hello, McFly!

Side Score: 6

What? No!

Side Score: 9

Actually, real big boobies are best... I mean, big, real, boobies... Uh..., no, I was right the first time ;)

Side: Hello, McFly!
1 point

lol, depends who's asking.

But honestly, big fake boobies are absolutely beautiful now. Surgeons have gotten really good, and actually, if a woman is done having kids, if a woman has a history of breast cancer in the family, they're usually better off getting rid of the old and bringing in the new.

Side: Hello, McFly!

OK, so the silver lining to breast cancer is getting a new rack, right ;)

Side: Hello, McFly!
1 point

Shape is more important than size, so send me the pictures and I'll make the judgment call : P... I'm not being serious about that last part.

Side: depends
1 point

Most definately, nothing against small breasted chicks, but it is as peeps say the bigger the better, am I right?

Side: Hello, McFly!

The thing about the word "boobies" is that it sounds a lot like the word "booties." I got slapped once for complementing a girl on her "booties." I was really thinking about her booty though ;)

Side: Hello, McFly!
1 point

I've often wished I had bigger boobies, but what I love about smaller ones is that I'll never have to battle gravity. They'll always hang out where they belong.

Side: What? No!

You're right spoon. I'll have to deal with gravity for the rest of my life since I am rather well endowed in that area and always have been. From experience...south is not a good direction to go to.

Side: What? No!
1 point

I don't know, I guess I just don't want my woman to be 'fake.' You know they actually have fake butt surgeries in Brazil?

Side: What? No!

I may be bigoted since I myself am, in fact, female, but I can't imagine wanting to deceive someone about my endowment. Not that I need to. ;)

Side: What? No!
1 point

well... it's not really deception. They are what they are, no matter what.

Deception would be stuffing your bra.

Side: What? No!

Yes, I suppose that's true. It just doesn't feel right, somehow, but for each person it'd be different. I can't judge.

Side: What? No!
1 point

I like them just the same.

In general, I just really like boobs. Small, big, real, fake. As long as they look NORMAL, I don't really have a problem.

and i also don't mind pierced ones... in fact, they're quite amazing.

Side: What? No!
1 point

My personal preference is smaller boobs. I'm not saying that if I had bigger ones that I would despise them, but You can do a lot more with "ity bities". i guess it depends on the person because if the can handle all of the extra then go for it.

Side: What? No!
1 point

Doesn't really matter to me if a girl has big fake boobs or small boobs or big real boobs. To me boobs are boobs, so unless 1 points up and 1 points down or they look peculiar. It just doesn't matter to me boobs are boobs ; )

Side: What? No!