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Pretty much, yeah. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:110
Total Votes:110
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 Pretty much, yeah. (53)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (52)

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jolie(9809) pic

Is God a megalomaniac?

He preaches love but if you decide to just roam the universe and explore when you die, instead of going straight to heaven, He will hunt your ass down and kill you!!!

Pretty much, yeah.

Side Score: 56

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 54
2 points

No shit Sherlock. It's why Trump supporters fell for his personality; it reminded them of the deity they have so long spent idolising.

Side: Pretty much, yeah.
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

HOORAY! The Trifecta! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Pretty much, yeah.
2 points

The God of the old testament certainly was a megalomaniac. Worse, even.

He was a petty, cruel, murderous, jealous, baby killing, loathsome, capricious, jealous douche nozzle.

On a good day.



Side: Pretty much, yeah.
JatinNagpal(2678) Clarified
1 point

And, of course, you would have died by now if he were real. (Or perhaps he, devoid of space and time, got too bored of the killings 'in the past'.)

Side: Pretty much, yeah.
1 point

It is His way or to Hell with you. ;)

Side: Pretty much, yeah.
1 point

I think you meant to ask us if God is a megalomaniac.

What is a melanomaniac? Somebody who is obsessed with tanning? LOL.

The God of the old testament certainly was a megalomaniac. Worse, even.

He was a petty, cruel, murderous, jealous, baby killing, loathsome, capricious, jealous douche nozzle.

On a good day.



Side: Pretty much, yeah.
1 point

This happens every time I use the tablet to post. That stupid keyboard they display on the screen sucks.

Side: Pretty much, yeah.
jeffreyone(1383) Disputed
1 point

"He was a petty, cruel, murderous, jealous, baby killing, loathsome, capricious, jealous douche nozzle.On a good day."


Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

He is the King. And He is good. Obey the King, or be exiled.

Why? Because He is the King and He is fair and good to those who are fair and good!

The law of His Kingdom are the ways of peace.

Romans 13:10

Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

And even if He were not fair and good. He is King!

Side: Pretty much, yeah.
2 points

A good king doesn't have to force you to obey Him ;)

Side: Pretty much, yeah.
KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

And what land do you live in without laws? Comeon....


Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

A very good king just died in Tyland

He reined over 50 years and did great things.

They mourned him!

Do you think there were no laws because he was a good king?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

So should lawlessness reign and abuse the others in the Kingdom because the King is good.

Wouldnt a king be evil if he did not rule the kingdom for benefit of all?

So if a king was fair to some yet unfair to others would that be good.

Should a king excuse murderers and treasonous dogs and those who cheat and lie and spew curruption, would he be a good king?

Side: Pretty much, yeah.
1 point

What a dumb post. Simplistic questions get simplistic answers

Side: Pretty much, yeah.
2 points

Do you mean megalomaniac?

If you do my answer would be, I don't think so. I think that would set a person up for failure what with free will and all. A true megalomaniac wouldn't send His own Son to die for our sins, wouldn't have given us free will, and wouldn't judge us at the end or our lives.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

This happens every time I use the tablet to post. That stupid keyboard they display on the screen sucks.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Free will? So I can chose to be a good person and when I die, instead of going up to heaven or down to hell, I can just explore the universe for adventure? ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
tonton(15) Clarified
1 point

freewill and freedom are different.. i think what you are referring to is suited with the term freedom not freewill.

Side: Pretty much, yeah.
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Free will and freedom are slightly different. Once your body is dead, you are judged on your actions and punished or rewarded. (This is all of course according to what ever belief you prescribe to). If you don't believe in God or judgement then.....sure, you can explore the universe. Now. Which ship are you going to use?

Side: Pretty much, yeah.
KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

Free will existed in the garden. We have choice of will tainted by weak will. When the dust is returned your choice to do good expires when the flesh expires.

Side: Pretty much, yeah.
1 point

He's not. As it was mentioned before, a megalomaniac wouldn't send His son to die for us. It also sounds like you're assuming that God has no morally sufficient reason for anything that He does or allows to happen

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

he is not.....obsession with power is just for the insecure and weak. a true attribution for a god is something who is powerful and need not to compete with other for what reason would he be so magalomaniac about?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

obsession with power is just for the insecure and weak

One of the 10 commandments is:

Though shall have no other God before me.

Also, notice that "Though shall not rape" is not a commandment. Apparently you can rape all you want ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
tonton(15) Clarified
1 point

where did you get that commandment? "THOUGH shall have no other God before me".its inaccurate. again, thou not though. lol

by having other gods man is inclined to sin... his first commandment which is "THOU shall not have other gods but me" is not a form of obsession but love;

i think if god would mention all the sins that must not be done by man, then, it would have consumed a lot of pages...the prohibition of raping somebody is just a part of the whole commandment ;)

Side: Pretty much, yeah.
KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

What part of the 10 commandments are not good or unjust.

To become American should we not require allegience and loyalty?

Or are the flag burning treasonous Americans and the cared for illegal imigrants in the right?

And sonce Americans are so tolerant has America become good and greatee than ever? Lol with SADDNESS!

Side: Pretty much, yeah.
KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

In the book of Judges a city became a rape culture and they were killed in battle because of it!

Side: Pretty much, yeah.
1 point

A megalomaniac is a pathological egotist, that is, someone with a psychological disorder with symptoms like delusions of grandeur and an obsession with power. We also use the word megalomaniac more informally for people who behave as if they're convinced of their absolute power and greatness. Your garden-variety egomaniac might be self-centered and overconfident but he's a little softy compared with the megalomaniac who wants to control the world.

Perfect description of Barack Obama !!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
AlofRI(3294) Disputed
1 point

Not ONE word you stated describes Barack Obama, it simply states the alt-right-wing picture that they painted of him, and the one that sticks in the moldable, weak minds of their hatriots.

Side: Pretty much, yeah.
1 point

The fictional character god is indeed a megalomaniac a power crazed psychotic who demands eternal ass kissing from his bleating sheep who are all only too willing to oblige .

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!