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True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:55
Total Votes:60
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 True. (22)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (18)

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jolie(9809) pic

Liberalism leads to political conformity.

political conformity = you're doing what others are doing, you have no personality or ideas of your own you're not a leader, you're a follower, you're a conformist, you conform.

Think about political correctness.  You have to conform and use political correct terms in order to not offend someone.

Compare that to Capitalism, which protects your freedom to dissent.


Side Score: 27

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 28
2 points

Liberalism leads to people becoming Sheeple.

Baa Baa Black Sheeple, have you any Individuality?



Side: True.
1 point

Liberals are a bunch of political conformists.

Side: True.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Conservatives don't want anything to change. How is that not conformity?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
2 points

Yes, conservatives have their own set of rules you have to conform to. But, Donald appears to conform less than Hillary. I wonder if that is his appeal. And, since our system lends itself better to a two party system, the nonconformists had to hijack one of the parties. It is interesting to point out that Bernie is trying to hijack the Democrat party with his version of nonconformity but apparently most Americans do not like socialism.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

So you are saying there are Conservatives in the GOP Elite Class ? I would like to see that list if you can produce it for me. Now remember we are talking the Elite Class !

Side: True.
0 points

Wrong. And how!!! See my post #516 to see why!

Liberals have historically been the non conformist and even radical party. Well, ideology I should say since there is no Liberal Party per se. The Civil Rights movements of the Sixties was a good example.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

But today's liberals are nothing like the liberals of the 60's.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

Everyone hates a rich liberal who tells other people what to do based on their own personal guilt.

Side: True.
1 point

Political correctness is in place to ensure conformity to the prescribed expressions and lifestyles dictated by the elites.

There are rewards of acceptance and praise for members of the "in crowd" as they attempt to silence or destroy any who dare think for themselves or express opposing views.

Those who want to fundamentally change America would much rather demonize someone who is exposing this agenda than engage in a conversation that they cannot win.

Political correctness is antithetical to our founding principles of freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Its most powerful tool is intimidation.

Side: True.
1 point

True there are no Liberals left in the Demorat Party ! They have lifted the veil to expose themselves as nothing more than "Brown Shirt Progressives" who want to shut down all that oppose them. But they are going to have a real problem in the months to come when their tactics totally back fire on them and then it will be very enjoyable to watch them SPIN OUT OF CONTROL !

Side: True.
1 point

Like I said before, you gotta step up your weak game with me around. I aim to prove you wrong when you have us Progressives.

Here is a list of liberal Senators!!

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

Dude, he just called all the Democrats Nazis. Do you really think he is the type that reads links?

Side: True.
1 point

Here is the most famous liberal.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

I think so. Political correctness is a tool the left uses to coerce toeing the line and silencing those who would dare to think, say, or do differently. It's core to liberalism.

Side: True.

You are right on with your argument. Liberalism has proven not to work.

Those on the Left actually believe their bleeding heart no fault, no accountability social programing experiment is working. To them spending other's money to coddle people from cradle to grave, no matter their work ethic, is working! It is bankrupting our nation to the tune of 19 TRILLION in debt.

It's a ponzi scheme to getting elected and will end in total default. God help our children's futures.

Tell me how intelligent it is to keep debt spending under the guise of helping the poor when we all know money does not grow on trees and it will soon collapse. How will the millions of people be doing when it all collapses?

A truly intelligent compassionate person understands we must always live within our means so that we will be able to provide a safety net for the truly needy, for all times.

Side: True.
4 points

No, political parties lead to conformity. Political conformity exists when you know the answer before you even have the issue. That's political parties.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

But if you live in a Capitalist society and conform than you a a political conformist and a capitalist. Right?

One can conform to ANY ideology, it does not have to be liberalism. In fact, I think liberals are usually more NON conformist. A good example would be the civil rights and the hippie movements of the 1960s. Those guys were as liberal--even radical--as you can get!

Yeah..the more I think about it you got it totally back-asswards here. Liberals are more usually the non-conformists. I think of the word "conformist" and I am thinking of right wing conservative dudes who love Reagan like my Dad.

Sorry to shoot the Holy Shit outta your argument, but I had to do it. It's a lame-o debate anyway. Something like outlaw would do.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Yes, Capitalism has its own set of rules you have to conform to. But, Donald appears to conform less than Hillary. I wonder if that is his appeal. And, since our system lends itself better to a two party system, the nonconformists had to hijack one of the parties. It is interesting to point out that Bernie is trying to hijack the Democrat party with his version of nonconformity but apparently most Americans do not like socialism.

As far as the modern day liberal, they have betrayed the liberals of the 60's by coming up with political correctness. And now they are trying to make up for that betrayal by fighting for gay marriage and transgender bathrooms. But it doesn't really amount to much. I mean, where are the water canons? What are the risks? It's like Monday night quarterbacking from the couch.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

This argument is based off of the assumption that Liberalism breeds political correctness which absolutely isnt true. There is NOTHING liberal about safe spaces, trigger warnings, and political correctness. They are psuedoliberal values that SJWs use and theyre unfairly attributed to liberalism. A real liberal doesnt care what is politically correct or not because a real liberal values the first amendment right to free speech above all else. So a real liberal is going to value someones right to say whatever harmful ignorant shit they want over someones "right" to not be offended.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

Seems you and I are the only ones who know what we are talking about on this thread, as well as on others where we disprove outlaw and his straw man liberal and progressive bashing. I'm beginning to wonder if any I f these boys can even define a Liberal.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
1 point

Literally, I major in Law and Political science and it baffles me how people think theyre politics experts because they read one article or watched Fox News for an hour

Side: True.

Conservatives have become essentially Hipsters in this counter-PC nonsense. They adhere so strictly to their concept of counter-conformity, that they are conforming to it themselves.

That said, Joe, can you attract some people from the Right to this website that aren't so reliant on attacking made up caricatures and straw men?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Liberalism actually allows you to think independently and also gives you the freedom to act on those beliefs. It is a known fact that human nature is to "follow the trend". But there exist a few people who possess a unique way of looking at things. Liberalism promotes the creation of a fearless atmosphere that enables us to buck the trend. Hence in many democratic countries we have several political parties each having a different way of solving issues. In a liberal atmosphere we have the freedom to choose - among the existing ideologues or propagating your own ideology.

Hence I believe that liberalism does not lead to political conformity rather gives us the freedom to have political dissent.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Ideologies lead to political conformity.

You can be white washed to liberalism or white washed to conservatism and in either case you end up conforming to a set of beliefs instead of thinking for yourself.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!