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True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:31
Total Votes:33
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 True. (17)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (7)

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jolie(9810) pic

Our war with Japan was all a big misunderstanding.

The bombing of Pearl Harbor was a mistake.  They did not see where they were going nor where they were.  They got lost and dropped the bombs on the wrong place.  I mean, have you seen these people on our roads?  It's not that they can't drive, they can't see!  And the kamikaze?  You guessed it, they did not see that they were heading into a collision course with our ships.  I mean, who would do that?  I'll tell you who, some one who can't see, that's who.


Side Score: 23

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 8

I heard it wasn't over until the Fat Man sang.


Side: True.
1 point

Think there was 2 Fat Man's that sang then the Japs came out waving the White Flag.

Side: True.
HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
2 points

Little Boy was the first; Hiroshima was its target. Fat Man was second and hit Nagasaki.

Side: True.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Ha ha, you are a fucking retard. Good job, dumbass

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

I feel sorry that we dropped the atom bomb on them. I mean, they never even saw it coming.

Side: True.
wisegrip(132) Clarified
1 point

I agree with you and the dropping of the two atomic bombs. It was a historical program talking about this incident and that the scientists who created these atomic bombs wrote up a petition where all the other scientist signed requesting that the president, United States demonstrate this bomb before dropping it on people but they were not listened to and the bombs were dropped anyway. The program also stated that before the bombs were dropped United States was aware that Japan was nearly ready to fall. The historical program I was watching indicated they had young people flying those kamikaze airplane and it was clear from the historical video that these kids didn't want to die they were however instructed by their Samurai leader to kill themselves in an effort to fight back against America.

Fighting a war is bad enough with the death and injuries sustained by people in war is horrible but when we removed all restraints and we begin to kill mothers, fathers, babies then what kind of people have we become?

Side: True.
jolie(9810) Clarified
1 point

Americans must have been shell shocked when they first learned of the kamikazes. For all intended purposes, they were suicide bombers. If every Japanese person took that tactic, the U.S. would have been losing X number of men for every one of theirs. The bomb proved that we had the technology to stop almost every one of their people before inflicting damage on any one of ours.

I don't know how you schedule a show and tell with the enemy during war. Especially when you do not want them to develop a counter strategy.

Side: True.
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

The first bomb was a sharper demonstration than any non-aggressive use could have been and it still took a second bomb before Japan surrendered. What blame is on Japan for the second bomb? A bomb whose strength was known by the enemy who still didn't surrender.

Side: True.
1 point

So America's hands are always clean when it comes to savage behavior? And if you kiss off Americans it's not only okay to kill the offender we can justified in our minds it's okay to try and wipe out one's race.. Kinda reminds you of The American Indians Doesn't?

Supporting Evidence: Slave Testimonies (
Side: True.
1 point

I wouldn't say, "clean." Obviously America has committed many atrocities. And there's been a price to pay.

Having said that, there are people out there that need killing ;)

Side: True.
wisegrip(132) Clarified
1 point

No doubt their are people who need killing but the idea that if you harm me it's okay for me to murder your entire family means the offender isn't only one with a problem.

Side: True.
1 point

Half true. Yes it was a misunderstanding. But it's really because they were chasing Godzilla across the Pacific and Hawaii just happened to get in the way.

Side: True.
1 point

They just got lost. The should have made a left at Albuquerque. ;)
Side: True.
0 points

What happened was America was attacked and we bombed them Japs into submission. Something the Democrats of today like Barack Insane Obama could never do. Democrats cannot identify the known enemy.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
SlapShot(2608) Disputed
2 points

Of course, we never needed to drop an atomic bomb on Japan to end the war. Much less two bombs.

Japan was already on its knees. They were close to surrendering. It was only a matter of time. All they really wanted was to be allowed to leave their Emperor in place.

We have already been fire bombing Tokyo and other Japanese cities for months. We had already killed more innocent civilians with this incendiary bombing that we did with Fat Man. obviously drank the Kool Aid on the whole thing about, "ohh. we had to nuke the Japs to prevent losing a hundred thousand men in a land invasion."


Like I said, we had already island-hopped into the door step of their mainland, after Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Japan's surrender was on the way. Probably only days away.

So why did we nuke them?

Two main reasons...................

We had already spent so much time and money on the Manhattan Project, we HAD to see if the bombs worked.

And also..........Having just sacked Berlin and beaten the Nazis, Russia was on the way over to "help out" with Japan. But see, Truman's advisers had told him that the Cold War was on the way! That if Russia cam over to Japan and beat them, they would try and probably succeed in claiming Japan for their Sphere of Influence. Japan could very well become part of the USSR.

So..obviously we could not abide this. So as a sort of "hands off!" message to the Russkies we dropped a couple nukes on Japan needlessly and killed a couple hundred thousand innocent civilians, including women and children.

See...Fat Man and Little Boy were basically the first two shots fired in the Cold War.

Glad I could educate you on this.

We remain the only nation to ever drop an atomic bomb on another.

Never forget that.

And put down that glass of Uncle Sam flavored Kool-Aid!



Side: True.
2 points

You miss the point of why the atomic bomb was dropped. Yes we could have won the war without it. However, Japan had vowed to fight until there was no one left to fight. Loss estimates for our military was upwards of 500,000 troops would be killed taking Japan. It was NOT a hundred thousand men.

Secondly, Japan deserved it because of the war atrocities they performed. Such as the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, the Bataan Death march. On the Island of Guam, they tied american soldiers upside down while still alive and had contests to see who could split the guy in half with a machete...

Others were tied to poles and had gas poured on them while they were alive and set fire... Japan got precisely what they deserved... And by the way, they STILL haven;t apologized for the war.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!