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This personal waterfall shows you all of AlofRI's arguments, looking across every debate.
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
3 points

Funny, I don't recognize this America. I've lived here over 80 years and I say he HAS destroyed America. No free country trusts whatever "this" is, old friends are enemies, enemies tell us what they want and get it .... or we "save their asses!" People who never went to a food line before are waiting hours for food. Thousands are about to be evicted! 200,000 are dead from a mishandled pandemic. Thousands are about to lose their health insurance if Dear Leader can convince the courts .... that they stacked! People honor a man who LIES everytime he speaks. He sends "secret armies" after our people! The racism is the worst it has been in many years, Countries don't want Americans in THEIR country, Children are in "concentration camps", unemployment is as bad or WORSE than after the LAST conservative "president" and Putin is smiling in every video we see!

HE HAS destroyed America in 4 years! The LAND is still here, burning.The water is getting dirtier, and Trump wants 4 more years .... after that, it's "negotiable"! No, this is NOT America. :-(

1 point

HI. My name is AlofRI. I like cats. I don't like Trump. I detest woman abusers (grabbers, adulterers, child abusers, un-democratic holders of office, men who would be kings, liars, traitors). If you need more information you can reach me at 1-800- ooops ... battery went dead on my keyboard, sorry.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

If he gets over 50% of the vote, "LIKE OBAMA DID" I'll resign myself to the death of democracy. I'll be ready for a dirt nap. All reasons for living will be gone anyway.

If he can not get 50% He should move to the grey house. (For at least 20 years;-).

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Yep. And I hope he gets 20 years! (In the GRAY house, not the White one ;-) That will, at least, let the li'l kitties of America breathe easier!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

With all due respect, you have NO IDEA what I've "done to protect those things"! (And you won't find out).

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
3 points

I would remind your hi-falutin idiocy that they wouldn't ALLOW the last Democrat to fill the vacancy, with a judge of HIS choosing! The court should be filled with members that vote FOR THE PEOPLE, NOT for the FEW! NOT for a single religion, NOT for any political agenda but FOR THE PEOPLE and the good of the country! (The MAJORITY of the country!)

Rump (and Moscow Mitch), will put a puppet in place just like his buddy Putin would! He will finish tearing up the Constitution before he (hopefully ) leaves! It would please me greatly if "America" would bring back the firing squad for this bunch of traitors who greatly deserve to observe the Second Amendment up close and personal!

1 point

Trump can do about anything he wants. That's what dictators do, and as long as he has Moscow Mitch, Babushka Barr, and Comrade Graham, he IS Dictator Trump! All he needs is to control the COTUS and we have our PPOTUS. Goodbye Constitution, goodbye democracy.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Yeah, I know. But some women like purple. I know this from experience ... long ago ... but that's beside the nipple. Still, I'll take a cool, smooth butt over a purple nipple any day.

My first wife's Great Grandmother (@ 97) told the story of her third husband (out of 5 that she outlived), being up in Crawford Knotch, NH, and knowing that he was up in some meadow with a name ......... "sawin' off a butt cut" (her words) with a local .... um .... lady. (That was the end of no. 3. Actually a man after my own heart), but, that was her choice.

Purple nipples have their place. As long as the lady (or ape) likes purple ........ to each his/her own.

1 point

I'm a leg and fannie man, myself. I probably evolved from the more intelligent Chimps. Orangutans like li'l kitties but only for abuse. If apes like nipples they'll at least be gentle and respectful of them, I think. ;-)

1 point

It's much better than learning "The Art of the Deal". Even the co-author quit THAT course. ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
3 points

Well, let me say this ...... 83 isn't just an age, it's a condition. What used to be "8" seems to be stuck at "3" ..... my vice has been versa'd, so to speak. ;-(

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

If I were to answer that, I'd have to do it Donald Trump-style. ;-)

Why, when I was trying to stir up an attack of li'l kitties, do I feel like this is going to the dogs??

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

No. I need someone to help ME stand UP .... if ya know what I mean. :-(

2 points

Hmmm ..... I think I'm getting sick .... !

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Yes. I DID!

I was hoping that I would provoke a mass vagina attack! Since I'm too old to do any more chasing on my own I was hoping they'd come at ME! I mean, if YOU had your choice ..... covid19 .....or vagina - 19 .... which would YOU choose??

For ME, it's a FromWithin I could live with .... 'til I die, (happily ;-)!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

You sound like a liberal! ALL vaginas matter! ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

Oh, sorry, you're right ... I was looking for that plastic vagina ............ ;-)

1 point

Well ......... plastic isn't very tasty, to begin with. The other thing is, how do you know what they do?? I had a friend once, (a distant one), HE got in trouble looking in windows where he shouldn't! You might think about that. ;-)

1 point

"For fools admire and love those things they find hidden in verses turned all upside down, and take for truth what sweetly strokes the ears and comes with sound of phrases fine imbued."

-Titus Lucretius Carus- ;-)

2 points

It's obvious that the only reason some people are alive is because it's illegal to kill them. The fact that we, in a democracy, do not allow the killing of "useless people" should be considered, as Rump[sic] would say .... "a beautiful thing" .... since HE HAS "been identified" and is "alive" and .... well, .... "living" in the White House. (no pun unintentional .... ;-)

2 points

Oh ..... how careless of me ....... I didn't read the fine print. ;-)

2 points

I KNEW IT!! We on the left are right again! :-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
3 points

But his SON was a liberal! OBVIOUSLY! He wanted to help the poor, feed them, give them Social Security … (the Biblical version, of course ;-), free them from slavery, give them a living wage …… he even had long hair like a hippie! (allegedly ;-)! He cured those with the current virus, the Lepers, …. whatever … without a THOUGHT at what it would cost the Capitalists …. (that he hated! :-) You know, the eye of the camel thingy … something like that!

His Old Man was a Trumplican! Didn't give a crap about anyone who wouldn't kiss his butt! HE was the disease! Even Trump had bad kids! The Old Man was lucky! He got a virgin that gave him a son devoid of his "bad habits"! As Archie Bunker, the consumate conservative once sang "Those were the daaaaaaays!" (You can have'em! ;-( ) …..I'll take the Liberalism disease over this Trumpvirus any day!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

No. Obviously not. I'm 83 and someone named "God" hasn't yet judged me. I guess "somebody up there likes me" …………….. ;-)

1 point

I totally agree! I'm not really 100% atheist, I'm mostly water! ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

I had the same experience. I found they were much more likely to sleep with a little devil like me. ;-)

1 point

Right now I'm more interested in the "particles of inleechment" that are being found in Washington. ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Come, come now! ;-)

1 point

We should prepare for BOTH! There is NO DOUBT that Trump is DOUBLE TROUBLE!

The way to prevent WW111 is to remove Trump from office. That done, we will have to worry about the Civil thingy, better named "The Weirdo War". There will be a lot of casualties in the weirdo war on the American-democratic side, but, on the weirdo side …. none. A dead weirdo is not a casualty.

"I know not with what weapons WW3 will be fought, but, WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones."

Albert Einstein

1 point

Ther is strength in numbers, and the protests are growing …. with each lie (15,000+) and each bone head move against our allies, and each bone head move that …. as the Speaker said, lead directly to Putin! The "frightened or mocked are getting PISSED! Time for another "golden shower" for the IMPOTUS! ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

If that happens, we WOULD be freaks. The rest of the world would think U.S. mentally ill "freaks". Many think so NOW! :-(

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

"Back then" most people believed in a god for the sun, the sea, the agriculture, the wars, etc., etc. They were FAR more "mythical". Today there are MANY who believe in no gods at all. I agree about people at the top in charge of reality. Do we leave it that way?? There is as much or more realization about this today than ever! (Well, there was quite a lot when Europeans fled the Kings and churches to come and start THIS country). We need that again! They got out of it then, maybe we can again. We can't just QUIT! :-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Yes it did back then. People were SO INTO mythology back then. Today Trump can shoot somebody on Broadway …. nobody'd care, nobody'd freak out. They think HE's a "god" too. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Four years ago we'd have freaked out. Today …. meh ... ;-)

1 point

Worse yet is when Arnold Schwarzenegger did his Jesus imitation and just said: "I'll be back!"

After that the fecal matter hit the rotary air mover! ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Sorry, I didn't mean for you to get that idea. I apologize to the anti-Christ also. It wouldn't be good to ruin HIS reputation. ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Many evangelicals are telling U.S. what WE want to hear! ;-) They're finally coming to Jesus after a 4 year hiatus. ;-)

I mean the devil in blond hair's son now has his huge ram horns, his daughter and son-in-law's number is 666, his Christian followers are cracking, God has taken over Nancy's mind, his Jewish leader has fallen, the Christian Times has spoken, the Earth is heating up ….. the battle is joined! We either beat this scourge, or, to hell with all of us, and "the chosen one" will lead U.S. there. :-(

A Merry Christmas to All! :-) ???

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

The only "show" is the conservative auctioneers, the motormouths that try to fast talk what they make up as "truth". They try to match Trumps 15,400+ lies in their 5 minutes! Mr. Jordan, Mr. Collins are competing for "Fastest Liar in the East"!

It's also not an impeachment unless it gets past Moscow Mitch's Kangaroo Court, not one that will carry much weight …. until, and IF Trumps political termination comes about! THEN history will legitimize it ….. if we still have a legitimate history …. not the kind taught in authoritarian countries! Putin would LOVE to put his spin on HIS historical involvement in the rise of the new motherland! :-(

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

It would do no good to start ANYTHING all over if the IMPOTUS got re-elected. It would BE all over! Neither the Dems NOR the Republicans would exist in that case! The Republicans are gone already, our only hope IS that the Dems. GET rabid! :-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I know this …. Trump has never read it. (Smart of me, isn't it??? ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I would hope they would have that level of determination, of course! After all, it IS our democracy at stake! Today, Putin is sticking up for his …. buddy (puppet). I haven't heard one of our allies, not ONE, say he was "mistreated" or "abused"! Just ol' Put saying it was all "trumped up ;-)" against him! Maybe he'll send a few of HIS "most trusted" FSB (read KGB) agents to speak in his defense. Or maybe his highly welcomed, recent visitor to the Oval Office, you know, the place more enemies get access to than allies??

Yep! I would be for starting all over again …. it's our democracy at stake, we CAN'T QUIT!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
0 points

That's funny! :-) LOLLOLOL … the Democrats are obstructing Moscow Mitch from having necessary witnesses from appearing in a trial to, possibly, CLEAR Trump! :-) ;-) ;-) He's just gonna protect him "judiciously" (if not democratically :-), any way he can! (Such a nice, honorable, RIGHTeous, ... man(?;-)

"There is absolutely 100% no way the Senate would impeach Trump." And that is "Dmocrat" obstruction!??

If Trump is reelected the feminists WILL, likely, be screaming, … because he GRABBED THEIR PUSSY! ("FromWithin" Evangelical / Christian rules, OF COURSE! ;-) (Again, LOL ;-) …. Hypocrisy at its most hypocritical!

1 point

I hope the very important rule in the United States that: NO ONE is above the law! … survives the Trump administration. If it doesn't, we are no longer the "Shining city on the hill", we are NO better than Nazi Germany. In THIS Senate the current occupier of the White House would be able to "shoot someone on 5th Avenue and nobody would care." He can fornicate with porn stars while his wife is having a baby … and that is "forgivable" …. even when he pays for their (plural) silence in order to assure that the White House is HIS. Paying for silence is covering up LIES (again, plural). The single BJ Clinton had was fodder for HIS impeachment, but then, HE isn't "The Chosen One" ;-) ! HE didn't steal from CHARITIES! HE didn't separate (and LOSE), children from their parents. HE didn't insult and denigrate our allies, or, deservedly get "laughed at" by the United Nations and those allies. HE didn't rip off hundreds with a false "University" scheme. HE didn't deny (until he got caught :-), tax money allocated to an ally for "favors". HE didn't look to our enemies for praise, he stood up against them. HE showed his IRS records … (he had nothing to hide ;-). HE didn't push the Emoluments Clause to its limits … and beyond. HE didn't require an NDA from all those he placed in his "administration". HE didn't have 5-6-7-8(?) associates imprisoned or indicted. HE apologized for the things we found he did wrong, BUT still, HE got impeached! SUCK IT UP, Donald! (Hmmmm, maybe that's not a good, um, expression to use here!? ;-) Oh well, I wont let him near ME anyway, you guys are on your own! Some of you, I'm sure, would return the favor …. after all, HE is the CHOSEN ONE! :-(

1 point

Joe, you have a way with words ! ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

I have a different theory. I think we'd all fall off if the Earth didn't suck! ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

To be TAUGHT, you have to LEARN. The "Don" seems incapable of "learning", so, what's HIS excuse?? He can't even learn to spell and has to make up words …. like … covfeff … whatever … ;-)

Can't "learn" ………. still hates.

(Sorry, I AM one of those "Never Trumpers". It didn't take me long to learn that :-)

1 point

Well, I thought so.

Then, along came Trump, and ………… now I KNOW SO! :-(

1 point

Joe, I can usually put my tongue in my cheek and "seem" to agree with you, but, here, I can't. This is all seriously wrong (In my learned opinion ;-).

Signed; Liberal with open mind ;-)

2 points

I disagree on both counts! If a cop does it, he(she) is a professional, it should be looked at, and, if they weren't professional, hang'em!

If it's a criminal, it's not the guns fault in ANY case! It's the NRA's and Moscow Mitch's fault BECAUSE we have crazy gun laws! :-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

"Peach bruddah?" Is that anything like cobbler??

"Being able to judge is a gift that "god" gave us ….. " That is YOUR belief, not mine, so, I am NOT contradicting my own belief, just yours.

Your argument big dumb

3 points

"The Christian God is a being of terrific character ….. cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust." Thomas Jefferson.

"Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man." Thomas Paine

The Old Testament and The New Testament, somehow, seem to be written by totally different authors with totally different outlooks. Certainly NOT by the same "God"! One is "vindictive, cruel and unjust", the other wants to beat swords (today's assault weapons ;-) into plowshares ………. and encourage everyone to become liberals. (feed the poor, care for the sick, treat children and mothers with kindness, etc. …. ;-). Some say THEY are all one "god" …. must have multiple personalities??? Apparently, there's a third (fourth?) personality named Allah ….. that's a whole 'nuther story.

If we leave the judging up to "these guys", are they going to punish the pussy-grabbers too?? Or is that an accepted, god-like indulgence? How 'bout lying? Maybe destroying "His Creation" with pollution? NOT even TRYING to protect "His Creations" from the new "swords"? Is ALLOWING "His Creations" to be slaughtered … Christian?? Is "Gods Job" actually, what human judges do? Which god is "Da Judge"? The cruel, vindictive and unjust" one? The liberal one? Maybe the other guy from back east?? I dunno what to believe in those cases, so, I'll just go by our Constitution, and if the very conservative SCOTUS tears that down, well, we'll have to leave that up to the survivors. If there is no "liberal judge", we'll just have to go with the cruel, vindictive judge(s). What a mess! :-(

I'm feeling more atheistic by the week. ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

"He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good." Confucius ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

No. She buys me Duluth's so I'll have more "ballroom" …..(You should "get a pair" ;-)

1 point

But, I only take milk for heartburn. I'm a leg and fanny man, basically (and everything in between ;-)!

1 point

Yeah, but, this time it's SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I'm getting pretty good at speaking "outlaw" ;-)

2 points

Sorry, I don't have to wait for 2020 to know we made a mistake! Actually WE didn't. 3,000,000 more voted for "the other side". It was Gerrymandering, along with a massive injection of "crap" that some people sucked up as truth that put U.S. in the mess we are in! We have a media "group" that steers the government, supports the government, and enemies from the outside that manipulates our government! These United States are DOOMED if this keeps up. FACT! WE NEED A LEADER! What we have now is an egotistical crackpot that will destroy U.S. …. and the free world with another 4 years! (If we make it that far)!:-(

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Hey! (That's how you spell that 3 letter word, by the way …. not HAY! ;-)

I HAVE to agree with you here! (Amazing, huh??????????????? ;-) If the leftists lose their bid for the White House this time, well, the winner WILL be a Nazi Racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT bullshit WONT be boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (It'll be NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

"Why can't you dummies recognize the facts and accept the truth when it is presented?"

(Simply because WE are not the dummies! :-)

"It's Pr*sident Trumps fault …." That is correct, as far as it goes!

"There are none so blind as those who do not want to see." I totally agree with this statement ….. time to open YOUR eyes! :-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I can see why you like Trump. You make up phony stories about imaginary problems that don't have any relationship to anything realistic or true. "Birds of a feather …." ya'know. Not even a nice try. ;-)

1 point

Oh, Joe! The American Dream isn't "buying shit we don't need", it's being ABLE to MAKE something of yourself. To EARN the right (and ability) to "buy that shit". Millions have used that freedom to help "Make America Great", since long before Reagan even said that (and even longer before Trump pillaged the phrase ;-).

Your question makes me wonder …. are you saying AMERICA "isn't worth the struggle"?? There's a lot of that going around, today, (being helped along by this kind of thought …. and Russian internet divisiveness being sucked up by those who never SAW America when it WAS great! (Not perfect, but MUCH greater than now)! We need more positives right now, there is enough negative coming from the newly populated "swamp"! Getting rid of the stench from THAT is "worth the struggle"! ;-)


0 points

Sure. AFTER they are vetted … which could be done a lot quicker if Trump WANTED to DO it. If he filled the vacancies for Judges with REAL ones, not just those he can find that think the way HE does. THAT'S how it's always been done. We wouldn't NEED sanctuary cities if he would do Immigration Reform on a bi-partisan basis and act like a REAL Christian is "reputed to act".

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Again., OUTHOUSE, A problem with the reading. Try THIS. W-E-'-l-l S-E-E W-H-A-T H-A-P-P-E-N-S ;-) Did your lack of reading skills, at least, understand THAT??????????

As in, "She MIGHT BE RIGHT, We'll SEE what happens." Does YOUR dumb ass comprehend ????

Why don't you try out for Special Olympics??? It may help you with concentration.

1 point

Yes, it would. But then, My mother died a couple years ago at 99, Her mother at 93 and father at 92. I have an uncle at 90 a few days ago, an aunt at 88. None very "God fearing".

(Only the good die young??;-), I guess. Since I'm likely, religiously, the worst … I could, maybe, go well beyond that. To quote Trump: "We'll see what happens." (Holding my nose). ;-)

1 point

I could go along with that, the "PG" would cover the "Putin Guys", the "R" would cover the Racists, then we could have the "X" rated … like outlaw, maybe a "PGG" rating for "Progressive Good Guys" and "NFL" for "No F*ckin Liars" …. could work …………. ;-)

1 point

We got PORKED in the 2016 election, we have a BIG STEAK in the next one and if we CHICKEN out like a bunch of LAMBS, we'll get our just deserts!

I WILL take watercress salad over another serving of Orangutan stew, with a side of swamp creatures!

1 point

Even a CHILD can see that, given new, factual evidence, one should change their minds if it points to that.

A mind that refuses to change when facts, tapes, videoed speeches and lies are revealed is actually the mind of a non-functioning adult (i.e. brainwashed). Conservatively speaking, I think that MANY non-functioning minds will begin to stir again, shortly. A BUNCH of them did in the LAST election …. may the force be with U.S.!

1 point

True that! I kind of wonder, if that kind of thing bothers people, why SO MANY put their life story, habits and beliefs ON social media so readily. There used to be a TV show called "You Asked For It", and, well ………………. ;-)

1 point

Could be, but, for ME it was Bourbon...……………..;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Have fun. Stupid is as stupid does … as some person smarter than you once said.

Again, you are imagining things you think I have said, or not said. The answer to your question … let me make it simple so you understand, I DO NOT DISLIKE 1/3rd OF THE POPULATION. I may disagree with them, but, unlike YOU, I don't dislike people because they are, or think, differently. Keep at it, I'm still hoping you'll grow up to be a man … someday. (If the climate change don't getcha!) ;-)

1 point

That's exactly the problem I have with Outlaw! He comes up with stuff I haven't even written! But, then, those one room redneck schoolhouses leave a bit to be desired. I've worked with some pretty smart rednecks, now and then, but THEY went to what Outlaw calls "Gummint schools". Still, I feel sorry for the poor guy ……… ;-)

4 points

Steven Miller, Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump (2), outlaw, …… ALL great arguments AGAINST "intelligent design". ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I wouldn't dispute you Joe ;-), I'm like you, I just like to start trouble ………;-D

2 points

I'm considered "short" too. I told my believing daughter, (when she was singing that "Short People" song to me), that "GOD only lets things grow until they reach perfection. Some of us just reach it sooner than others." ;-)

2 points

"I am a deeply religious non-believer …. this is a somewhat new kind of religion." (Albert Einstein)

"To take those fools in spiritual garb seriously is to show them too much honor." (Albert Einstein)

"Two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." (A. E.)

(That last one is not relative to the first two... unless he was referring to those who thought he was a believer? …. Maybe?? ) ;-)

1 point

I have to look at it this way. We WANT gay rights, so, why shouldn't gays have the same rights as, say, a conservative outlaw, to protect THEIR plants!??

Then again, we'd rather let the law do the protecting on BOTH sides, rather than taking things into one's own hands …. that's the way it USED to be. Like Berretta used to say: "Don't do da crime if you can't do da time!" ;-)

1 point

I've never been a hair puller. I was taught in school NOT to be! Besides, it feels too god to run your fingers through to pull! UNCOUTH RUFFIANS! ;-)

1 point

True. That's exactly why I would worry more about my next door, alpha male, NRA member, than I would about , say …. a "caravan member"! ;-)

1 point

There are some, …. outlaw comes to mind, …….. that would be "tongue tied" if they couldn't use their pet names. Then again, we would REALLY get tired of HIS crap, if he would do nothing but talk intelligently and get his "crap" across. His names are the more "entertaining" words IN his crap! ;-)

1 point

Words of wisdom … oh wise one …………… tragically. Our best hope is that the college educated among U.S. will turn out in large numbers, and the black, brown, red, yellow and genuine Jewish also, with 20/20 vision.

I think Trump is "The Shadow" … with the ability to cloud men's minds. (He learned that in the orient … probably N. Korea). ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

No. I'm saying that the only way a Democrat can win is if we keep our ACTUAL, "invisable leader" out of American politics. Otherwise the balloon puppet will be reappointed …. unless he wants someone smarter and MORE devious in that OOR office.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

We DO. But then, if Trump should remain as "appointed leader" under our new white, red and blue flag … (or is it white, blue and red?), he'll always win by 70-80%, the way the boss does in the Motherland.

1 point

YES! Aliens can leap tall walls in a single bound! Look, up in the sky! (Oh, it's just the Trump Baby balloon....) ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

If he's NOT, it will make little difference, the voting will be "rigged" by then. ;-(

1 point

We REALLY love babies. In a few years the hundreds of babies separated from their parents will grow up as citizens. Guess who they'll NOT vote for???

1 point

Whoever does, Trump will SAY it was Pelosi, and he will come up with some alternate reality that "proves" it …. to his base! WTH, what's one more "falsehood" …. among the gullible??!

6000+ and counting! (MUST be over 7000, now?, after the last week or so). As Goering said, Tell a lie long enough, and loud enough, it becomes truth. ( To the gullible).

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Right back atcha! I don't like that "radical left" any more than I like the "radical right". I hope ALL the left and right Scrooges get a visit from a centrist ghost! ;-)

1 point

Two things. I lived about 50+ years before due dates came out. We ate what looked good, felt good, "smelt good". No problems. I don't believe in "due dates" very much. Second, my daddy, many times said, "Shut up and eat your greens"! So, if it's green, if it looks good, if it feels good and if it smells good …. mangia!, mangia! (Not sure about my Italian spelling but, you understand.....) ;-0

Oh, the good ol' days! I know you'd be green with envy! (Doesn't make you a bad person …. ;-)

1 point

Wait...., What? NO! Where would Popeye be without SPINACH! I never saw any "pink" spinach! Do like a kid would do, hold your nose and EAT!!!!! MAN-UP! ;-0

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Since you and I are out of the "production business" … what are the chances??

I fear the next generations will be born with muscular, pointy, thumbs, vision that only goes as far as a selfie stick and ears with ingrown ear- buds. Time to explore space and hopefully find new blood. ;-(

1 point

Yeah. The quality of produced goods has been going down the last few years. So sad. ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I have enough trouble just "going forth", producing is out of the question. If YOU are still in the producing business …. produce one for ME! Hopefully not another …. well, I'll leave that up to you.

On second thought, we have about enough of everything ….except South Beach Dieters, maybe. ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

1) There are MANY Christian liberals. African Americans are FAR more Christian than most white RWers!

2) Most Libs do NOT complain about con' stances on God, They complain about them trying to tell us we must swear our allegiance to "God", fuck the Constitution! That's the ONLY side of the fence I play!

Your last line is so ridiculous, it doesn't deserve an answer, Crotch!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

This is NOT the GOP we are working with, these are the religious right and an unbeliever named Trump!

STOP wasting our time with RW rhetoric! It changes to fit the situation, daily!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I think there ARE to many, and we ARE in trouble! More of them than US? (Idiots I mean). That remains to be seen. It will take about a month, but, we'll find out just how MUCH trouble we're in! USA! USA! VOTE! (Whether you are Gerrymandered or NOT!)

1 point

I wonder if FromWithin even knows what a coat hanger is used for … other than hanging coats! If he HAS heard, he probably thinks it was "made up" by an extreme liberal! :-(

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

No, I would (as opposed to wouldn't ;-), hope that IF THERE WAS a respected progeny of mine, she/he would become a President that would make EVERYONE proud. Got it?? ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
-1 points

A "true, honest judge" … that LIED through his teeth UNDER OATH, will be reading the Constitution. You are correct AGAIN! "where it says, we ALL have a right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness"! THAT includes WOMEN not just "viable babies"! That includes the "Democrat party" AND the Republican Party, as extreme as it is! We ALL also have another "right"! The right to VOTE, WITHOUT it being gerrymandered to the advantage OF those "extreme" conservatives that have TAKEN OVER the Republican Party! THEY are truly "godless" (except when in public) AND leading U.S. toward a dictatorship, whatever political view you want to call it!

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