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2 points

I prefer ritz.

3 points

Maslow's triangle rates shelter and protection as the second most important need, after sustenance. I'd say guns are a variation of a need that we have in a world now that they exist. What that falls under though is protection, or more specifically weapons. We need weapons to protect ourselves from those who are normally stronger than us, in nature it's the animal kingdom, in society, ir's criminals, and internationally it's every other country.

1 point

It takes a lot to leave me speechless, this video came the closest. NSFW.

Chimp rapes frog
1 point

That was nifty.

1 point

I don't now if it was because of the chords, or just because of their delivery, but this was not that great it did not make it sound as upbeat as I recall the song to be, it sounded more ominous and dramatic.

It sounded a lot like "mad world" by Gary Jules, in the beginning.

1 point

Kind of the defeats the purpose of it being a road wouldn't you say? Maybe just make it 'SolaSidewalk".

Also roads are destroyed by a number of things, vehicles being only the major issue. Weather, and temperature changes also being a pretty significant part.

1 point

So they ditched the idea of them being octagonal, or is this another group, separate from the "solar freakin' roadways" people?

Either way, that's pretty cool. I remember while proposing this idea, one of the arguments against it, was the fact that roads often get wrecked, and need to be retouched every few years or so. So one of the biggest problems with these roads, that our current roads didn't so much of, was being a pretty expensive fix. That said, I hope they worked he kinks out of the cost and fix issue, and I want to see how this turns out. Maybe the rest of the world will get on board pretty soon.

DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

Your hypothetical relies heavily on an A.I., something that we have yet to create, making it only slightly less valid, but I ask this since you seen content on A.I. not being alive.

When we get to that point, with A.I. and robots, and a robot can look you in the face and say something from their own collection of chemical influxes that they were not programmed to say but just felt like saying, something that was beautiful and or poetic, maybe tragic and or deeply philosophical, when and if this happens you wouldn't consider that being to have a life of it's own. Even if not a life-form in physical sense, the term alive has a vast amount of meaning, more so than just a beating heart, and the ability to reproduce.

1 point

This video makes me sick. Do they not have anything better to do than to find some false message, validated only by their crazy heads, then campaign around getting it known?

And for what I ask? Specifically of this video, isn't Satan a metaphor, or is he suddenly real now that it suits your purpose? This is part of the reason why Christianity is dying, along with most religions. They are getting more and more outlandish, and people are starting to see it, the desperation to stay relevant.

1 point

A girl gamer/designer, Zoe Quinn, made a game about depression, and she wanted to get it known, so she talked to some gaming journalists to make it more known.

She at the time, was dating, or sleeping with a gaming journalist, who she either cheated on, or broke up with, it's not important.

He, as a pissed off ex, outed pics of her nude, and alleged scandals within the gaming journalism industry, and how she was apparently sleeping with journalists to get herself more popular or something.

1 point

I swear I've heard this joke before... and I didn't even watch Cheers.

DrawFour(2662) Clarified
2 points

Eminem took it back, and made it better.

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