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JatinNagpal's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of JatinNagpal's arguments, looking across every debate.

You're disgusting and a pathetic liar.

I don't consider you worth a link from my profile, especially on the allies list. It looks disgraceful there. We don't really have the feature right now, though, so you're acting more like a sticky parasite there. Luckily, I'm not in too much of a hurry about that.

Now fade away. You're dismissed.

With a grammar of comparable complexity?

I know many don't, but their syntax is much simpler. Many don't even have plural forms for most words.

Also, English is perhaps the only language that does not have gender for objects even with such a grammar.

You should not because I would never (which is actually your first 3 paragraphs combined)

Seriously, who let you on a computer that connects to the Internet?

same for someone with a physical disability like lets go on a walk, oh wait.

The joke's on you.

And for the race thing ofc I will deal with different races differently most races have different cultures so it would make little sense to behave the same way around every culture.

Great. You post definitions without reading them.

Yes, he's someone I'd rather not have at my side anyway, except as a little pawn. They make the positions derogatory.

I don't care about any other part you've said here...

I don't like to nit pick about grammar but the entire statement except the claim is off.

You're the one who doesn't seem to know the littlest things about syntax and structure (not to mention formatting). Try doing your nit picking (seriously?) and show where I was grammatically wrong.

It's just your opinion is not a universal refutation of freaking logic.

And that's even worse than just mindlessly crying that you refuted me, without any reason.

So, you are dismissed. I have already said that I am not replying to that there, if you couldn't comprehend that.

Now fade away.

My claim here didn't really need your demonstration, but whatever.

They did, in 2001.

I've heard that it didn't go well. You'd remember, you're old.

I don't care to know why. Structuralism is dead.

I'd say it depends on how much you want them to forgive you.

As a side note, it'd remind you of something if the website always had a weekly points leaderboard.

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