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Kite626(714) Clarified
1 point

There is a difference between warning someone on the product, and paying the expenses from the damage of the product. It wouldn't take billions for fast food to add some letters on the wrapper.

1 point

Kind of what i said in less words .

1 point

I'm disputing your preference lol... If i was to choose a way for the world to come to an end. It would have to be around what i stated. I'd like to be able to fight for my survival before i went.

1 point

You just proved in that statement that idiocy will be the doom of us .

1 point

It's a con in my opinion. It's a fear tactic that has way too many disadvantages. Shooting radiation particles into the stratosphere for a display of fear..? That shortens the life expectancy of the human race as a whole. We could have simply manipulated them. We could have engineered fake atom bombs, and give them to them as an act of peace. If they try to use them (knowing the intent,) then blow them up. It's a win, win, possibly fool them into trust, or see if they are truly volatile.

1 point

well wouldn't it just cause less privacy...? Now any gender can peep at the other......

1 point

That's like peeping tom heaven out the ass.... Also what would be the point...either way you get to do your business

1 point

You were right to quote that, but your following conclusion isn't concrete due to it. True, no compromise would end the conflict. Yes victory is a definitely an achievement to those who take initiative. That doesn't mean there was only one solution, it also doesn't indicate whether or not a greater victory was about. "When the predator corners the prey, sometimes the prey bites back." America's logic was to avoid that bite and bomb them in the corner. Why not get them into the corner, and maintain them within it.

1 point

Well sure you avoided blood shed, but just that one demonstration is enough to change the world. You would risk permanently damaging the stratosphere? Sure this move gained control through fear, but fear wont stop the world from entering an unnatural ice age.

1 point

Oh, good! But on a side note, keep up the new generation of education. Your students are lucky, this in my opinion is the best was to truly learn and grasp an idea. I'm impressed that you took a step beyond the text book. Keep up the good work!

Kite626(714) Clarified
1 point

Oh i'm sorry, i'm just use to you trolling my posts. Well honestly i agree with you but i think that's one of the many ways it could end. First to happen, my idea. I think my idea will be the first step, than the final to be many a thing such as an epidemic.

1 point

ooo okay !

2 points

Ouch.... caught red handed. On the two accounts of; 1. hypocrisy 2. Contradiction. Judged by, HELLNO. Penalty = DEATH

1 point

You're such a troll :3 !

Kite626(714) Clarified
1 point

That's coming from the account, named: "hitler..?" The irony lol, in all honesty i didn't think it was all that depressing just a hypothetical thought. It's kind of hard to debate, "happy" topics. Not everyone will feel all one emotion on a topic.

2 points

Oh... well dang, i thought this was going to point out all of the religions predating Christianity yet holds the same stories.

1 point

What will cause this virus, and why.. ?

Kite626(714) Clarified
1 point

I was curios about this before, seriously research it a bit. I wasn't stating something fully opinionated. The only thing that is my opinion is that exposure to porn does less harm than not to be exposed.

1 point

......? Isn't that just them giving people free food with a side of guide lines to better health..? That's like asking if tobacco companies should pay billions to help with cancer and dental care. Why should they suffer the consequences for supplying a consensual demand.

1 point

Most people who commit sexual acts typically tend to have a psychopathic mentality. I'm pretty sure 70% have it, those who commit this desire. Sense they don't have emotional cognition. It is very likely that those who were mentally stable before they delved in did become influenced. On the other hand the majority of those who have a likelihood to do such a thing (psychopaths.) would now have the means to feed that desire with porn. For your question, technically it does cause a higher likelihood. The big picture that should be looked at, which does more harm; not having for those who have the desire, or to have it to feed and tame most offenders cravings.

2 points

Anything is contemplatively possible. But it soon becomes implausible once putting those thoughts into act. There is always a possible way. Although that changes once you realize even if it was possible, the action that it requires could be impossible. Yes, i think time travel is possible. I just don't think it's possible for us to use, find, and or create what ever the method is.

1 point

Without imagination there is no knowledge. When human civilization began, so did knowledge along side it. I don't see how they could have procured knowledge then without imagining something than testing it. Imagination is the foundation, without it our knowledge would collapse.

1 point

Your statement is flawed, it's based on the premise on thinking it was in fact japan who attacked the harbor. (which is a completely irrelevant debate to the atomic bomb.) The atomic bomb is one of the worlds biggest mistake ever. It's just like when guns were introduced, those who had the mass quantity of artillery held more, "power." Well this new falsified "power," is the power that ends as a whole. I'd much rather appear weak, than to risk the outcome of, "M.A.D." I Agree with you though that it was the end of the beginning. The only thing now though, is that we will inevitably procure something more deadly and reincarnate the next ended beginning. The end in the world. It's a ripple affect, the pebble is power. The first ripple being Spears, bows, arrows, etc. Then to swords, then to guns, and so on. We need to slow our power hungry roll, before we reach that last ripple. (Leave them alone.)

-----SORRY IF I WASN'T SUPPOSE TO INPUT ON A CLASS DEBATE, i was interested-------

1 point

Yes.. Why the hell would you cage a beast, it's natural to put down a wild animal. So why not put down the beast who wastes money? I say bullet to the skull and end the misery.

1 point

The death note book, Death note box series with the two movies. Along with 20$

1 point

Wait i was suppose to write him letters back then.. ?! oopsie.

1 point

Anything is possible through time. For instance, the idea of a phone was crazy. I think anything could be accomplished eventually. No matter how incomprehensible it is.

1 point

That's a contradictory statement. If to save the life of a polar bear, and denying the natural cause of death is selfish. That also must indicate that eating animals for food is as selfish. They die from an unnatural death. I also don't understand how it can be selfish when we're not polar bears. It still makes no sense to say self-serving. It creates contradictory towards your statement yet again, isn't the eating of an animal self serving of ones self as well?

1 point

You ask a question to which has no answer.. .

Kite626(714) Clarified
2 points

... i'm young and get this -.- The second part is said during sex, stating she didn't notice it. Discouraging him.

1 point

Werewolves, human and wolf !

1 point

No.. not yet.. If it allows me to see naked chick on a cold wrecking ball, whilst licking a sledge hammer... i'm game MHM

1 point

You can reach that level through meditation. I meditate, the feeling is gone once you move. So that's why weed is better for thc.

1 point

Well it's not really a drug.... THC is a natural chemical already in the body. Also i answer all these debate questions with my friend the apple ;p

1 point

Ohhh that's how i like it, with risks attached XD .

1 point

You don't have to consume something while being at a party.

1 point

...................Party is for those who feel like letting go... .

1 point

It's probably caused by the obvious reason of population, and competitiveness. They grow up competing whether it's a gang war, or who makes more money. In return this makes them more out spoken. They want to benefit themselves because they desire too choose.

1 point

The greatest division in mankind, is economical slavery from debt. The puppeteer behind the whip towards society would be the major banking industries. Produced and originated by people such as Rockefeller, etc. Money, is in fact enslavement. Money is created through debt, for it is loaned. Once distributed it creates more promises on repayment. No debt = No value within money. Once this debt is created, a society will be created as well. We form industries, jobs and more, therefore economical enslavement is created. Once these foundations are in place society lives through it. "There is two ways to conquer the world. One by sword, the other debt."

1 point

I myself enjoy being deaf compared to ignorantly blind .

1 point

I'd much rather listen to my music 24/7 feeling the bass, rather than listening to how someones day was. F THE REALITY

1 point

Where were you during my jui jitzu classes!? .

Kite626(714) Clarified
1 point

God yes... not unless it's sped up.... I wouldn't be able to try to do that.

1 point

In a debate aspect i would say; what is randomness. All statements or ideals inquired and expressed to another is random. It may not seem that way in an individual mind set. Although any conversation is brought up through someones thought, to the other it's random. In an wtf aspect, it's highly impressive. He's not hitting is legs with one another, that takes a lot of coordination o.O!

Kite626(714) Clarified
1 point

I'll figure it out once i'm out of school. Preoccupied utilizing 3 hours of computer access.

1 point

Please enlighten me mis' amigo...? Sometimes one of my statements aren't the required length.

1 point

Please clarify how the two of you are able to make sentences with only four words...

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