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I think they changed MJ's funeral again so that he's not buried on his birthday! Ted's is on Saturday.

What sources are you talking about? In all these months I've never seen anyone in the newpapers or online say he was dead. When a Kennedy dies, especially the last of the brothers you're going to see it and hear about it big time. I don't think half of you realize who he was and what type of family he came from. Even his mother made headlines when she died several years ago. The coverage on this will be a large as he was, you can bet that.

That's as funny as saying they answered Allach, Allach, Allach!

Yep, and if the neighborhood gasoline station had no money in the register a robber couldn't go in, point a gun and rob them of their dare they make money for you to rob!

Yep, mine didn't come with the crap warranty either, lol!

I do support this view and actually said OMG when I heard it this morning! A bulwark in the Senate for 47 years he concentrated on the needs of the least among us and suceeded many times in passing bills with his name on them. He will be sorely missed and most especially now with health care reform coming to the fore. Of the nine only one sister survives...Jean Kennedy Smith. Hyannis Port, Washington and the world shall miss his wit, humor and intelligence. May God bless the surviving members of this loving, but tragic, family.

I'll stay with my supercharged Dell XPS!!! ```````````````````````````````

I would have never even thought to do something like that to my mother and most especially not when she was resting. She ran her own business and cared for a 6 member household so rest didn't come frequently for her. My brothers never did things like this either. It must be the generation gap or something like that, lol!

That is true and it's probably how many people see it but she's quite the spoofer...I think she's hilarious.

What does money have to do with reading? ``````````````````````````````````

Yes, but Glozell is a satirist. She's as funny as hell too. She's not your every day person who is actually looking or not looking for change or jobs. She's spoofing her own race here...this isn't to be taken seriously.

I think that was funny but I'm not quite sold on the inspirational side of it, lol!

It doesn't change my mind at all...I'm for it. I'd like to see the truth come out before the vote is on the table and take all the naysayers accustions out and debunk them.

I just finished watching "Marley & Me" and must tell you that dogs are a better judge of character than their owners are!

Do you mean I could have sold my filthy eucalyptus over these last 30 years to these dunderheads and made a buck for waste disposal and ethanol futures? Well I'm with you Joe...not in our country!

If this isn't a Joe Cavalry debate then nothing is. You saw two women embracing with obviously something wrong and yet all you could focus on were two sets of breats pressing against each other as though it were something sexual. Are men dogs? You bet they are when they have that type of tunnel vision!

At my supermarket they used to have a few spaces reserved for mothers with children only plus the usual handicapped spaces. I can park in the handicapped spots but would never take up a spot for mothers with or expectant of a child. I can still walk a bit farther than a more handicapped person than myself but I hate it when I see a teenager parking in one of those spots just because they have the right credentials from a parent.

While it may be true that every Tom, Dick and Harry can try to sign up, two-bits that none of them will qualify to collect. I think you have the idea that anyone can get onto the Welfare rolls but that is certainly not true at all. You have to be well past destitute in order to qualify for any of those programs.

He simply returned the unwarranted tax money to those who were too poor to afford giving it in the first place. In those days one was lucky not to pay more taxes on their already illegal and jacked up taxes!

As far as I'm concerned both people make the 'rules' in any relationship. Both have needs and wants that should be respected by their partner. That's what a relationship's a partnership not a job where you must abide by the rules set forth by your employer. I wouldn't be in any relationship where my partner set down the rules of it. Life is a two way street and sometimes you have to yield the right of way so that things go a bit more smoothly but for the most part, both are traveling in the same direction, albeit at different speeds.

I'd be interested to know which services you'd like cut so you don't have to pay for them with your tax dollars.

Joe, I think I understand what you mean but look at my situation for a moment. I collect Worker's Compensation, Social Security and a very small pension from my job with TWA. I cannot make ends meet and nothing I get comes out of your pocket or anyone else's. Even though I make so little I make too much to even qualify for food stamps! I wish I could be eligible for one of those programs but I'm not and I bring in only $2,000.00 a month and cannot work. Now honestly, could you live on that?

Darn, I've never looked at anyone like that Joe. If you're successful I think it's great. Maybe because so many people struggle to make ends meet and they see it as easy when a person has all the things they wish they had but don't. I don't know...that's a tough call for me because even though I don't have it I would never begrudge someone who does.

Do you think it's only the unskilled labor force that are out of jobs...well think again. Out of the people I know who have recently been unemployed over 75% are college grads. That's a lot of people Jake.

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