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Sitar's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Sitar's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I would rather shove a stick up a porcupine's ass than support Trump.

1 point

It is not my job to answer religious questions. I am here to debate incest.........................................

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

My bad, I thought you were a doctor. .

1 point

Itt is not my job to answer religious queations which are way off toipic on a debate about incest.

1 point

Youy betcha...........................................................................................

1 point

To debate. Why are you here?................................................................

1 point

I am not a pastor or teacher. It is not my problem to preach or teeeach.

1 point

Incest should be banned because of the risk of genetic disorders in resulting children. You as a doctor should know this.

1 point

Ask a pastor or teacher. :) ......................................................................................................

1 point

Incest is disgusting. It should bee banned..................................................

1 point

If Hillary were a man, you would not give her so much trouble...............................

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

I don't support Hillary or Obama, but I doubt they would take guns from mentally stable people. To say otherwise is conservative fear mongering.

1 point

All gun control means iss preventing crazy people from having guns. If you are mentally healthy, no one will take your guns away.

1 point

Leave me alone...........................................................................

1 point

You will either stay on topic, or be banned...............................................................................

1 point

This debate is about abortion. Stay on topic.............................................................

1 point

No it doesn't. Women do not have the right to murder babies. If a woman does not want a baby, she needs to use contraception.

1 point

This debate is about abortion. Stay on topic..................................................

1 point

That is so true. I am prolife. I think unborn children have the right to live.

0 points

The fuck?................................................................................

0 points

I am already a minority, so meh. .

0 points

No true Scotsman fallacy. I have done nothing wrong. .

1 point

Strawman. I never said that. The media has people of all view points. One more strawman, and I will ignor you.

1 point

Strawman. I do not support the main streem media. Not all liberals do.

1 point

I never said that other people don't have the right to vote however they want.

1 point

Freedom of speech. I have the right to support a liberal candidate. My vote, my right, my choice.

Sitar(3680) Clarified
0 points

I vote for liberals because I am a liberal. /

-1 points

I have my eye on Bernie Sanders because he is a liberal. .

1 point

Sikhism is from India, and Islam is from Arabia. .

-1 points

The media is bought and paid for by corporations from both parties.

1 point

I will never vote Republican again. I am a liberal. .

1 point

Pun intended: I have no damned idea. My relationship with God is complicated.

1 point

;) .

1 point

G spots are fictional. LOL. .

1 point

Yes, yes, oh my God, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

No you don't. Slander is not a right. .

1 point

You don't have the right to slander me. .

1 point

I am going to report you to the authorities if the slander continues.

1 point

I am not a rapist. I hateyou for being a liar. I hope you suffer. .

1 point

Slander and libel are not rights., Freedom of speech is a partial right, not an absolute right. You do not have the right to lie about me.

1 point

Go fuck yourself. You are wrong to lie about me. .

1 point

Leave me alone. Stop lying about me. .

1 point

No it isn't. Slander and libel are not rights. .

1 point

You are more of a rapist than I will ever be. Rape culture is when people make fun of rape. If you can call me a rapist,m I can return the favor. You are a rapist.

1 point

That's the way it is. You can't go around lying about people because that would violate the rights of the accused.

1 point

You are wrong. Slander and libel are not rights. Legality does not equal morality.

1 point

Fact: Slander and libel are not rights. .

1 point

Slander and libel are not rights. They can ruin lives. .

1 point

Free speech is a partial right, not an absolute right. .

1 point

No they don't. Slander and libel are not rights. This violates my rights.

1 point

No one has the right to lie about someone else. All of this lying and FALSELY calling me a rapist violates my rights. They do not have the right to lie about me.

0 points

Fact: It is wrong to lie about people. .

1 point

No it doesn't. Slander and libel are not rights because they violate the rights of the accused. You shall not bear false witness.

1 point

No it isn't. You don't have the right to lie about people. .

1 point

Feminists are hypocrites. They claim to love equality, but they bash men. Egalitarianism is different than feminism. I am an egalitarian, not a feminist. I had to block a feminist on Facebook because she made fun of men and said that men are rapists. Not all men are rapists, and men can can be raped by women. Rape is not gender specific.

1 point

Freedom of speech is not the right to lie about people. .

1 point

You don't have the right to lie about me. .

1 point

I could never be a hypocritically sexist feminist because I hate women. Feminists are just as bad as men. That is why I am an egalitarian.

1 point

You don't have the right to lie about me. If you don't stop, I will call the police.

1 point

Go fuck yourself, liar. .

1 point

Femism is just as sexist as the patriarchy. That is why I am an egalitarian, not a feminist.

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

It is not bigoted to oppose pedophiles. Rape culture is when people defend raspists.

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

You said that it is bigoted to hate pedophiles. .

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

He said that it is bigoted to be against pedos. .

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

It is not bigoted to oppose the rape of children. You are fucking sick for defending them.

1 point

You misunderstood my original intent. .

1 point

I do not want to have sex with you. .

1 point

You misunderstood my original statement. Not my problem, sweety.

1 point

I don't want to have sex with you. .

1 point

I love it when you talk dirty. Ya wanna play doctor? ;)

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

Pedophiles choose to be that way because they want to rape children.

1 point

I have answered your question. No one is born a pedophile. They choose to be that way later in life.

1 point

So you believe that sick pedos should get away with raping children? .

1 point

Pedophiles are not born that way. They choose to be that way later.

1 point

There is no such thing as an innocent pedophile. You are sick for defending them.

2 points

When you say that pedophiles are born that way, you asre defending them. They deserve to die for choosing to be pedophiles. If I saw someone run over a pedophile with their car, I would thank the person driving. The only good pedophile is a dead one. They deserve to die for wanting to rape children. Pedophiles are worthless pieces of trash that shoul,d be destroyed. Pedophiles rape children. For this, they should die. Slowly. I was raped by my pedophile father when I was 13, so I give not one single fuck about pedophiles.

1 point

You are very clearly defending pedophile when you say that they don't choose to be that way.

1 point

Only a pedophile would defend a pedophile. .

1 point

All pedophiles should be killed because they will rape if given a chance. The only good pedophile is a dead one.

1 point

I did not ignore the God damn post. You are the one ignoring what I say.

1 point

No they are not. Stop feeling sorry for pedophiles. A pedophile should be killed because pedphiles rape children. Rape culture is when people feel sorry for pedophiles.

1 point

Anyone who is sexually attracted to children should be killed. Pedophiles rape children.

1 point

Pedophiles choose to be that way. They think it's okay to rape children. Pedophiles have one right: The right to die humanely. I am a liberal but I fucking hate how Democrats feel sorry for pedophiles. You were never raped by a pedophile, so you have no idea what it is like. My father raped me when I was 13, so excuse me for not giving a fuck about sicko pedophiles.

1 point

Pedophiles should be euthanized. .

0 points

I'm flattered that you copied my poll. I see nothing wrong with everyone paying their fair share of taxes. I support a 50% sales tax, but oppose all other forms of taxation.

1 point

It will not hurt you but you might fart bubbles. ;)

1 point

No, I am watching the whole thing. Egypt is so interesting. You want the link?

1 point

I am wattching a documentary on ancient Egyptian religion. I don't have time to fight with you. I am sure that you are a good person.

-1 points

You have the right to your opinion. .

0 points

{rove it. . .

0 points

You have the right to your opinion. .

0 points

Yes I do. I have been reading what people say. .

Sitar(3680) Clarified
0 points

I do read what people write. .

1 point

I disagreee. .

1 point

You are wrong. If the unborn child is a person, he or she has the right to live. Saying that the personhood of the child is irrelavant is like saying the humanity of the blacks is irrelavant to the issue of slavery.

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

The child has the same genetic code at conception as it does at birth. This is a scientific fact.

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