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Well I'm gay and I don't mind people calling me stuff on account of being gay as long as they are saying it in a lighthearted and jokey way. I actually like having a bit of banter with my fag stags. I only take offends if people mean it in an offensive way.

Hair on a man's body can be pretty sexy. That's definitely OK in my books ;)

In that case censor none of it. It is worth having to see gross people in order to look at hot hunks without tops on.

Definitely not hot guy abs though.

The truth is that this is a naturally aggressive place and if someone can't stand the forum then they should get off it.

I know that these past few weeks will not have been the first time that people have lost their temper with LibProlifer and Lord knows it will not be the last if she wants to stay in the world of debating.

They would start only buying essential things. You're not going to buy that new car, laptop, washing machine or mobile phone if they cost 1.5x the amount.

What happened to opposing the death penalty?

I'm pretty sure a 50% sales tax would destroy the economy. Most people would stop buying consumer goods.

I had more in mind the idea of taking money from the rich and directly giving to others as in like benefits money for unemployed people.

I absolutely agree. Wealth redistribution is stealing. Those who have money due to hard work and effort should not be expected to pay the lazy and/or unintelligent lower classes.

Over 60% of British Muslims want sharia-majority!

I can clearly remember you mentioning on another debate that Islamic extremists contributed to why the UK was a "shit hole". But of course that was when it was in your interest to say so, as you are a left-wing bigot who hates his own kind.

I am not suggesting violence. I am just suggesting that we eject them from the country.

Muslims clearly are a problem

Yes, a fear that is entirely logical to have.

TheEccentric(3381) Clarified
1 point

Buddhism is not homophobic. The Buddha had a gay follower. I fail to see how Buddhism has anything to do with homophobia and the intolerance of Muslims. I'm not even a Buuddhist anymore but I will always defend it to jihad enablers like you.

Because some skanky book says homosexuality is wrong.

Gays aren't threatening to take over the world, wanting to cut people's heads off and restrict the rights of women.

I don't see myself in the centre. I put myself on the far end of the right side of the spectrum and realize that not everyone who is not as extreme as me is left-wing.

However I'm talking about the proper loony left here, who prefer Muslim extremists who have invaded our country to their own kind.

I'd personally be more worried about the Liberals who open the door for the real fanatics to take over; the Muslims. I'd personally rather live under a society that has the criteria you probably believe are mandatory of a far-right dictatorship to have than in a country like Saudi Arabia, which is what the West will most likely turn into unless nothing is done.

But what?

You do realize that Hitler's antisemitic views and other bad views he had are not necessarily characteristics of the far-right? Stalin, like Hitler was against Jews and Gays and he was left-wing.

According to Hitler wasn't even very right-wing anyway, just Authoritarian which is not necessarily right-wing. axeswithnames.gif

There is no such things as too right-wing ;)

I have been far-right for quite a while now.

This was so me 1.5-2 years ago when I was a liberal.

Absolutely, taking away people's hard earned cash and giving it to fat, lazy bastards who can't even be bothered to get up and go to work in the morning is stupid.

Well, I thought that perhaps links would be provided that were perhaps a more valid support to his argument than that.

He is just adopting a pro-life persona. He rarely ever expresses anything that he seriously believes in on this website. He just loves attention and wants to get as many points as possible.

Just because plants respond to being destroyed doesn't mean they are aware of it. It could just be a reflex action that occurs without any conscious thought, like how the human body can react to a stimulus without any conscious thought e.g. releasing hormones.


Plants don't have a nervous system. They have no nerves to carry messages of pain, no a brain to process them. I can't see how a plant could feel pain. Even if plants can feel pain I doubt it would be the same kind of pain an animal feels.

It's still inside her body. Therefore she can remove it from her body if she wishes. A tapeworm is another living entity but a woman can still remove it from her body. Furthermore a fetus in the stage of pregnancy of which abortion is allowed, is alive in the same way a plant is alive. It is not alive as in sentient.

You're one to be questioning the sanity of others, when you have an imaginary friend who you feel the need to talk to every day. How sad? I actually feel really sorry for you.

Lice are still living on the host. Does a new born baby live on it's Mother?

Definition of parasite:

an organism which lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.

Hate it to break it you but that includes a fetus.

Well then that proves Joe's (or "Jolie's") argument that they are hypocrites, only targeting those who are a threat to them.

No, because I wasn't attached to or inside my Mother. I was breathing for myself. FYI: I wasn't breastfed.

Because a fetus is a type of parasite, not all parasites are fetuses but all fetuses are parasites.

You're argument is like if humans are mammals, then why have the term mammal? And how come they don'tn use the word human for mammals?

You're a massive bitch but I'm going to have to agree with you on this one. I have always been befuddled as to why liberals act so tolerant towards Muslims, always standing up for them, but always go on about conservative Christians, despite the latter being only a fraction as evil as the first.

If the definition does not mention it then it is not a necessary feature of a parasite for it to be of a different species. A parasite is just an organism than lives in or on another organism getting nutrients from the host.

I stopped being a parasite when I was born.

I never said it was part of the woman's body. The fact is it is inside her body, living off it, feeding off her bloodstream. Therefore the woman can kick it out and remove it if she wants. The fetus is a parasite.

The woman's body=her rules.

Furthermore the death penalty version of that statement is false as violent criminals should never be given a chance to rejoin society. If you've murdered somebody you've burn't your bridges, I'm afraid.

Yeah it's him. For some reason he thinks using this account is so hilarious.

I only occasionally read online the articles that Katie has written, I actually hate the rag and the whole Murdoch empire. The rag is aimed at dumb, heterosexual men.

Not necessarily, you are only behaving like you are.

Here contains a very well written on argument on the matter from the fabulous Katie Hopkins. Although ignore the part written by the dreadful Ulrika Johnson. whether-the-word-feminist-should-be-banned.html

I'm sure lots of people start that way. Also even still you will face being clumped together with people who you don't want to be clumped together with. For example most of people at my school who smoke are not pleasant and are not particularly intelligent and they are chavs.

It is still selfish of you to smoke when it probably causes worry for your loved ones and if it results in your premature death will certainly causes them much lamentation.

I post from the Sceptered Isle of Great Britain where tax money is wasted on the ailments people like you inflict on yourselves.

Do the risks associated with flooding your lungs with carcinogens excite you?

I could never touch a cancer stick. I believe it is more of a habit of the lower classes and the unintelligent.

Yoga is for frivolous middle-aged women with a phobia for ageing.

According to your profile you're a Protestant so your God would be the fairy tale one described in the bible.

But redshift shows that it the Universe is expanding, which means it must have originated from a single point.

Where did your imaginary friend God originate from then?

If it isn't for the big bang theory then how do you explain CMBR and how come red shift shows that the universe originated from a single point?

It's not about what they can or can't do it's attraction to the person. Also even then it's not just about the sex in a relationship, unless you're very shallow. Obviously a strap is not the same thing as a real penis. Also you can't give a woman a blowjob, only a suck her clit and stuff. Also the woman doesn't have substantial parts that you can rub off like with a man.Furthermore when I do become sexually active I will neither be the "man" (the one who penetrates), or the one who receives. I would be willing to do either role and ideally like to take turns.

I am a virgin but I would imagine that two guys in the same bed, like two girls, is better than heterosexual relations because in same-sex intercourse you understand how your partner's gear works.

I am Bisexual but am more inclined towards Homosexuality than Heterosexuality.

Well done. You have just cut through the bullshit of consecration.

I've just realized who it is. You're that joecavalry. Why are you on this account now?

You (at time of typing) have 289 points so I don't think that first thing counts.

Correct. We are sapping off the Earth so if the Earth were alive it would be the Earth's choice to get rid of us.

Her reasons don't matter. Even if it is her fault it is still her body so she can still get rid of it if she wishes.

I am really at a loss for words if you think someone deserves to burn in hell fire for an eternity just for not believing in your God. That's really intolerant and this is coming from me; a self-confessed fascist.

Because it's the woman's body. If she doesn't want something inside of her body, growing off it then it is up to her.

Why not? Having a different belief is not a crime worthy of eternal punishment.

It is different with Children who have been born because they are not attached to and inside a parent's body, being carried everywhere. Relying off something for food is different to being actually attached to it, feeding off its blood inside of it.

If the host wants to destroy its parasite it can. You have no right to live if you physically rely off the body of another living thing to survive.

Well you could be a really nice person but not believe in Jesus or the Abrahamic God and you could be a really horrible person who believes in Jesus as their savior so that it is hardly a fair way of judging who should and shouldn't go to Hell.

Do you not think it's horrible that someone should go to hell simply for being of the wrong religion, or not belonging to one at all?

You're colour blind.

You're wrong it turns out it blue

People who see white and gold are just freaks.

It isn't white and gold what idiot would say that?

If it is part of their culture then perhaps not for attention. However it is still repulsive either way and they should expect people to be disgusted by them. In the Western World it seems to be mostly for attention.

If you don't want people to look at you with disgust and then voice that disgust with a derogatory name then don't deliberately make yourself look disgusting. People who go mad with piercings are just attention seekers anyway.

Piercings (except from on ears) are gross.

If I must drop it I will say "All of the idealistic bull shit from the left wing".

I will never :P. I can't help but want to use the good old #PersuasiveTechniques. My English teacher would be proud of me.

I'm hardly in the wrong place because I have no time for yogurt-knitting from the left wing.

Most people seem to have no opinion either way as most people simply aren't interested in politics and are ambivalent towards gays.

Well the kind of liberal I am referring to is the bleeding heart liberal kind. Not the old fashioned definition of the word which means conservative/right wing.By hating the left wing I mean hating the left wing beliefs. Not the left wing people. You are good at twisting my ever word aren't you?

I am against many forms of immigration

Doesn't seem like it love

I am a SERIOUS fat shamer

One of the first sensible things you've said.

I also know liberals who .. support the death penalty

Well there hardly liberals then at all. Liberals are those who take the softer stance

oppose legalizing marijuana

Being liberal means letting people do whatever the heck they want to, so again they aren't liberal.

Your generalizations only further demonstrate your lack of knowledge regarding political ideologies

Well actually I think I've got you sados all figured out. All of your attempts to poke holes in my understanding are bollocks, darling. You'll have to try a little harder.

something you earlier claimed you didn't do, by the way

I stand by that claim. I hate the stupidity. Not the stupid person.

I know exactly what a liberal is, honey. I know that I have some common views with liberals but over all I'm anything but. A liberal would not be islamophobic or anit-immigration. A liberal would not agree with the death penalty. A liberal would not be against the legalization of marijuana. A liberal would not agree with letting unemployed people starve to death. A liberal would not disparage lower-class people. A liberal would not be a fat shamer.

I am a borderline fascist. I am anything but a liberal. I hate liberalism and I hate the


Like I said, that's all a bit knit-your-own birkenstocks for my liking.


I don't hate them just find them annoying and think they're dumb.

No you said I hated anyone with a different view. I hap proved you wrong by stating other views that I don't think stupid.

Lefties suck. They love lazy people and couldn't give a toss about the hard-workers of society. Liberals in particular love criminals and bad people.

No, not all points that differ from mine are stupid in my mind. For example I am

pro-choice yet I do not at all consider pro-life people to be stupid. I understand why some people would see abortion as wrong. Also while I think Marijuana should be illegal, apart from for medicinal purpose, I can understand why others wouldn't and don't think them stupid. I could mention many other view points and opinions which differ from my own which I don't consider stupid.

I don't necessarily have a problem with people with different ideas. It's just when those different ideas are stupid ones.

Unpatriotic Brits, liberals, left-wing people (yogurt knitting leftie liberals especially), people against gay rights, etc.

Hahaha pretty funny. Biology is the cool Science. Not like the tedium of Physics.

Yeah you're right. I need to learn to just get on with things when people slag me off because responding and bitching about them doesn't help things at all.

Because I'm not insulting them over pathetic bitchy things or using shallow, superficial and ignorant insults. I'm only insulting them because they insult me. I don't have to justify this to you as you don't understand the circumstances of why they deserve to be insulted. I'm not going to be sweet and lovely to them if they're rude to me am I? It's natural to insult those who insult you.

I would read it to have a giggle at how pathetic the insults of the chavs at my school are.

The only reason why I joined this site was because Srom, who I had known for a long time before on a different website recommended it to me.

What he said to you on that other debate really disgusted me. I have no respect for him.

No way are you intangible. I can remember him making sexual comments quite a lot.

Oh I normally let it cool but when I serve it heat it up in the microwave. Have you ever been to Dorset before? It is nice as is its food.

What is "said cake"?

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